This group is intended to be a forum for discussing Conjure, Rootwork and Hoodoo, a system of low magic that relies extensively on animal, vegetable and mineral curios, as well as a handful of other materials and techniques.
Hoodoo - not to be confused with Vodou - is not a religious system, though it does borrow elements of religious systems for use in its techniques. There is no pre-assumption of spiritual affiliation with Hoodoo, which borrows from a wealth of African, Native American (particularly those tribes found where the slave trade thrived) and European folk magic techniques.
General Concepts & Techniques
Some basic concepts and techniques employed in hoodoo practices.
Conjure Formulary
A variety of posts containing recipes for some of the various oils, powders and other substances used in hoodoo work.
Mojo Bags
Making mojo bags in the hoodoo traditions, small bags filled with specific ingredients intended to be carried and tended in order to cultivate certain magical effects.
Setting Lights & Candle Magic
The tradition of using candles to accomplish magic is very old and prevalent in conjure traditions. Here are some of the techniques and methods involved.
Marie Laveau's Words
A series of folkloric testaments attributed to Marie Laveau, containing excellent hoodoo lore and advice. Very practical, and charming to boot.
Hoodoo Blogs
Blogs written by members of this site detailing some of their hoodoo and conjure work.
Basic Needs Series
A great series in which people post their top three needs in their lives, to allow the others in this group to "practice" their conjure-style evaluation and prescription of hoodoo remedies for those needs.
Other Useful Links
Started by Oakthorne. Last reply by Miss Nel (Spacious Feline) Oct 4. 8 Replies 4 Likes
This was originally a response to Sangraal, looking to aid a friend of his in the process of losing weight. But, I figured I'd preserve it here, for posterity's sake. :) This is, I should note, also…Continue
Started by Oakthorne. Last reply by SullenGirl Sep 20. 31 Replies 1 Like
In hoodoo, the crossroads are a place of power. Hoodoo uses the four-way crossroads most often, those at (generally) right angles to one another. Another appropriate crossroads is a bridge that…Continue
Started by Oakthorne. Last reply by SullenGirl Sep 20. 2 Replies 3 Likes
O Good Mother, I come to you with tears in my eyes and a heart as heavy as steel. My whole life is full of regret for the many years that I have wasted and all of the sorrows I have undergone because…Continue
Started by Seren Haf. Last reply by Seren Haf Sep 16. 10 Replies 0 Likes
I've thought long and hard before writing this,my problems are slight when compaired to others I've read I appologise if they appear trival 1] FinancialLike millions of others money is…Continue
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Something i do, is when a charm or amulet dies i give it a proper burial like oak said. But i offer it some Tobbaco and a splash of whiskey i would do with any other beloved dead. but like i said thats just me.
hey lucy,
Ive honestly never heard of that happening. But i guess it is possible since it is a sort of charm of sorts. IMHO i think the best thing to do would be to bury it with an offering and a thank you for its service. Kinda like you would do with other charms and the like. i hope this helped.
Hello grayson,
I know im a noob here but thought i would throw my two cents in cause i know of these two authors. Stephanie Rose Bired IMHO isnt very good when it comes too hoodoo. I have read her book sticks stones roots and bones and its very white washed and Wicca based. The reason i say this is because well not only is it plain if read she also references scott cunningham often. Not saying she is a bad author just saying if your lookin for true to form hoodoo Not exactly the way to go.
Denise Alvarado from what i can tell from checking out her hooodoo ning site and her blogs i can tell she truly has a decent hold on to it. She was porportedly raised in new orleans and her style of hoodoo deffinetly shows it. It has a very Vodoun Flair. I personly havent gotten around to ordering her books (not enough in the rainy day fund yet) but i would say go with her.
Since we are on the subject another author you may want to look into if you havent already is Mama Starr Casas(sp?) She is very good She puts it plain and has 30 years as a rootworker under her belt her website is (hope im not breaking any rules..if i am sorry)
Hope this helps
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