Autumn is here and with it comes the last of our harvesting season. So this time Ive been wandering collecting Corn stalks. This time of year the sweet corn is long gone but the stalks can be harvested and used for many things. Corn has been held sacred to many cultures since the beginning of recorded time. It has…
Added by Harobed on September 7, 2015 at 21:00 — 3 Comments
As a HedgeWitch this is the season that Im at my busiest.It's both time to process what I harvested in the spring and had curing,plus there is a ton to reap ,dry and process now.Above is a basket of some of my recent work; braides ,smudges and a Wheat spiral .Wheat is a wonderful time honoured reagent to use in spells .Wheat contains the spirit of the earth and harvest .It is used in spells asking Gaia's blessings,or for growth and fertility.The braids are quite easy to make and…
Added by Harobed on June 29, 2015 at 13:30 — 4 Comments
Im back again after being out of touch while creating.This time I delved into the world of sacred
instruments. I came back with a lot more knowledge and a profound respect for their makers
It seems that we with all our technology have lost most of the ancient science of…
ContinueYule is the time of year where you give your best to other people.In my world that means I craft their gifts rather than give out Wallyworld gift cards.So while the bulk of the population are racing around going into debt.Im in the middle of finishing the many Yule presents that I make.I have to tell you this is not just a labor of love…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on December 17, 2014 at 17:35 — 3 Comments
Tis the season for fellowship ,warmth and giving ,having said that , its also the season to worry about making ends meet.I've noticed an alarming holiday trend that involves throwing out the old and buying a "new look" each holiday.This is across the board Pagan and Christian alike have fallen prey to this…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on December 7, 2014 at 16:00 — No Comments
So its the time of year that all of us put that extra witchy energy into our efforts.As I have said in the past everything a witch makes should be infused with their magical purpose.Every wreath a witch makes should be prepared with a wise eye towards the materials she uses ,and the intent she…
weather is frigid and I'm now using a wood stove again for heat.So I
thought I'd post about the magical properties of the woods we
burn.before I wrote this I scooted around online for info pertaining to
this subject and was appalled to find that the infinitesimal bit of info
that was out there was expounding on burning Cedar! People never burn
Everyday lovely day in my gardening realm,but today serendipity and the universe graced me.Since today dawned warm and clear finally I headed off to work the last thing I grabbed leaving the house was my camera thinking I might happen upon a stray blossom to show you.I was at a clients house picking up wind debris in the shade garden when I felt someone watching me ...thinking it was my son I stopped . As I straightened up I noticed what "at a distance"appeared to be a cluster of dead leaves…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on January 29, 2013 at 20:00 — 5 Comments
So often Ive had people comment on a basket by my door ,wreath tucked into my garden ,that I decided to give you some real insight into my Hedge Witch ways.Spells aren't always burned or tucked into jars and hidden away most of my outdoor creations are spells.I'm not talking gardens now ,I'm talking about all that…
Added by Harobed on November 17, 2012 at 12:14 — 4 Comments
As some of you already know for the last 5 weeks I have been in a fever of creating because I was headed to my first ever pagan festival and as a vendor.So I wanted you all to see I didn't forsake your fellowship weeks in vain .It was a beautiful day for my first ever Pagan festival ,the Northern Va. morning was cool…
Added by Harobed on October 6, 2012 at 17:11 — No Comments
Every project has its beginnings and mine for the most part come to me dirt covered and humble.during the spring my buddy Kendal had to pull a few invading 5-6 foot Mulberry trees from his property.Armed with his spade he popped them out of the ground to discover that 3 seasons of drought…
ContinueThe Wild Hunt Lodge is now open to serve your need
just a shady spot for a nap and some meade
ContinueBeing a country girl and a Pagan gives me the opportunity to aquire bones easily.
Since Im not a dainty or squeamish witch I welcome all bones
and put them to good use!
So lets talk about this a bit......
There is a great deal of misconception around about the use of bones in witchcraft.
Due mostly to Christianity and misinformation that comes from Morons !
Contrary to what they would have you believe bones are not exclusively used by
necromancers,nor are…
The definition of scry is "to make out dimly" or "to reveal."
Scrying is a time honored means of divination used by the ancient Celts, probably acquired knowledge via early Germanic invasions.Legend holds that Druids scryed using water as did the Egyptians.
A lot of people will tell you that…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on August 18, 2012 at 15:45 — No Comments
I love my Dragons and this time of year they are flitting and dancing all over my yard.Why do I have so many?I have them because I cater to their needs.All species of dragonfly need access to water.I have two water gardens, one set up just for them.All species of dragonfly need access to…
Added by Harobed on August 4, 2012 at 11:44 — No Comments
As some of you already know Ive had my camera
chasing butterflies for weeks now.Why? Well inspiration
started with a tiny egg ! lol Earlier this summer
I popped outside to pluck a bit of fennel for salad.
As I reached out to start snipping ,something stilled my hand.
I bent…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on July 24, 2012 at 8:30 — 3 Comments
A few days ago a life long friend approached me with a major problem.her husband of many years now well into his seventies was going to under go a procedure to unblock arteries.Mere minuets before he was sedated for the procedure his bi-polar crack addict of a son turned up and caused a huge…
To many, the solstice means a culmination of something.Around the world, the sun is now rising and setting as far north as it ever does. After today, the sun will begin its subtle shift southward on the sky’s dome again. Thus even in summer’s beginning, we find the seeds of…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on June 20, 2012 at 14:15 — 3 Comments
A lot of people that view my many photos ask me where I get the cool bottles on my potions table.As I have confessed to you all Im an old hippy and practice my own brand of recycling.Recycling or "Upcycling" is a wonderful tribute to our Mother Earth and it dosnt have to be tedious or boring.I…
ContinueSo the clock is ticking down and I thought maybe some of you would be looking for a nice last minute project. Being a Hedgewitch and a gardener the soltice means the Sun is returning and soon enough winter will yeild to spring. To honor that I always have the freshest greenery my yard and garden will…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on December 20, 2011 at 22:06 — No Comments
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