I love my Dragons and this time of year they are flitting and dancing all over my yard.Why do I have so many?I have them because I cater to their needs.All species of dragonfly need access to water.I have two water gardens, one set up just for them.All species of dragonfly need access to…
Added by Harobed on August 4, 2012 at 11:44 — No Comments
As some of you already know Ive had my camera
chasing butterflies for weeks now.Why? Well inspiration
started with a tiny egg ! lol Earlier this summer
I popped outside to pluck a bit of fennel for salad.
As I reached out to start snipping ,something stilled my hand.
I bent…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on July 24, 2012 at 8:30 — 3 Comments
A lot of people that view my many photos ask me where I get the cool bottles on my potions table.As I have confessed to you all Im an old hippy and practice my own brand of recycling.Recycling or "Upcycling" is a wonderful tribute to our Mother Earth and it dosnt have to be tedious or boring.I…
Continue Verbena is better known by witches as Vervain herb.
Vervain was considered a "lightning plant" and was sacred to Thor. It was also sacred to the Druids, "and was only gathered by them, 'when the dog-star arose, from unsunned spots'"
For Italian witches, vervain was…
Added by Harobed on July 8, 2011 at 17:30 — 5 Comments
This evening as I slipped out my door to harvest, I was on a mission.My friend Reen'e had requested Magnolia for her use since it dosnt grow where she lives.After a prolonged and chilly spring my buddy was yearning for a bit of summer and is planning on making bath oil.
Here in Virginia…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on May 22, 2011 at 21:46 — 9 Comments
One of my favorite things to do is to slip quietly into my garden as dark falls to harvest.A hush has fallen over things ,the rowdy song birds have settled for their rest,even the wipporwill is quiet.As dusk arrives the pale blue new growth of blue spruce forms a substantial back drop for varigated miscanthus and oakleak hydrangea .These light up a rough and tumble corner of my yard ,turning it into something else intirely.…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on May 22, 2011 at 8:26 — 2 Comments
Paeonia officinallis Also known as Peony has its roots firmly planted in our past.
It came as no surprize to me that there’s so much lore concerning this well loved garden heirloom. Whether you want to cast a spell, bring good fortune into your life or
just enjoy their beauty,peonies have a long…
Added by Harobed on May 12, 2011 at 19:51 — 3 Comments
Added by Harobed on April 27, 2011 at 14:46 — 2 Comments
Welcome my lovlies after my blog on spell pots I had soo many questions and comments about my gardens.Hopefully this will answer some of your questions and lend you some inspiration:)
I love my Witchs garden it is my pride ,my joy ,my lifesblood!
From it I make my spells,amulets, teas,tictures,scented candles and bath oils.
There are bundles of herbs in all my spell baskets ,they grace my wreaths and add
wonderful smells to my smudges.Magical gardens…
Added by Harobed on March 30, 2011 at 22:28 — 9 Comments
Greetings My Dears!
Being a Hedge Witch means I use everything in nature to further my spells, naturally this includes the potted plants.
Growing spells is an easy and satisfying way to bring your craft into your life on a daily basis ,nothing pleases me more than to step outside and see my spells growing and thriving right before my eyes :)
There are 5 important things to keep in mind when creating a spellpot ; who ,what ,when ,why and where .
(LOL Thats…
ContinueAdded by Harobed on March 27, 2011 at 10:47 — 12 Comments
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