I think the only thing I know about curses is that the basics of curses is that someone needs something of yours in order to curse you with. This can be something as simple as hair, depending on how elaborate as the curse. I too would be curious to know more about the, symptoms, how to protect yourself, etc etc.
The mentor I had lost contact with, told me that most of the time, standing barefoot or even completely naked out in the rain can wash away most hexes and curses. It purifies us of most negative energies. That's about all I know about Hexes and Curses.
The first thing to understand is that true curses are very, very rare. What happens is that unfortunate things happen or one has a run of bad luck. They seek reasons for this other than seeing that most times things happen just because they happen. And bad luck runs are most often linked to something the supposedly "cursed" person is or is not doing.
Rather than looking at curses and trying to remove them as it is likely there is no curse to be removed. Think about using a protection spell and perhaps some luck spells instead. If someone is aiming a curse at this family then the protection spell should take care of it.
I agree with Lark that curses are very rare, and there really could be a mirage of things going on here that is contributing to all the mayhem. So the last thing I would be looking for is a curse.
There's also other things, such as jinxes, hexes and being 'crossed up', aside from a curse. These words are generally used interchangeably to describe the same thing/condition, and usually have the similar effects in various degrees. However a curse is certainly the strongest and most destructive of them all.
A jinx; a specific term from African American culture, is usually the mildest. They are little incantations that are meant to bring a person bad luck, and usually only takes effect once. As soon as they are cast the jinx does it's thing and then it is over. It can be spoken or unspoken word. People may in fact actually do jinks all the time without realizing it. It can also be self inflicted.
A hex; is a German American term, literally meaning using witchcraft, is any kind of coercive magical work, and are a little bit stronger than jinxes. They work by creating an energy signature that attaches to their victims aura. This attracts to that person whatever the intent of the hex was. They are very short lived and only last until the intent has been fulfilled.
Curses, are the strongest of these three, and can cause severe illness and even death. They, like hexes, create an energy signature that attaches itself to the aura of the victim. They can be short lived or last quite a while and are designed to bring people bad luck for a specified amount of time.
Crossed up, is another term from the African American culture, and is also very severe. I'm including it here because the symptoms are equivalent to that of a curse, but the thing is, it can be self inflicted like a jinx. However being crossed up can last for a long time.
These terms are often mixed up, and that's understandable, as the symptoms for each are very similar; which in summary, they all appear like having a run of bad luck, in one area of life or all - like nothing seems to go right. Some are short lived and mild. While other's go on for a duration and can be quite severe.
Then there's being casted the evil eye which can bring a bout of bad luck. As well as negative parasitical energies that attach to a person, persons or families. Or just plain negative thinking. You can also be an innocent bystander, caught in a crossfire, picking up some crap - hex, jinx etc. meant for someone else. You can also be performing magickal work and not know what are you doing or what your messing with. All again with near similar effects. Point is; it could be a mirage of things, and yet none of these things, and we shouldn't rule out that it could be self inflicted. Divination is usually the method used to really get down to the root of the problem, in order to remedy it.
Now without knowing full details of your acquaintance circumstances. I am more inclined to feel/say, that he is crossed up, by no one other than himself. After all if you think you're cursed, than why should you expect anything more? Having a run of bad luck, no matter how sever, usually can start in the subconscious mind and thus make an event a self fulfilling prophecy.
Also, I would strongly encourage that you ask this acquaintance, what has he been doing himself to remedy his situation. If he has been involved any magickal rites/rituals; whether he did them himself, or had someone else do them. If he has participated in any seances/contacting the dead, paranormal investigations/ghost hunts and or visiting grave-sites. How is he as a person? Is he negative, or depressed? Just to rule these things out. Also when did he begin to notice all this starting to happen, and for how long? Gather as much info as you can. There could be a possibility that there has been some dabbling in things over his head. It's just a feeling I'm picking up. I could be wrong. But you may not be getting the whole story here, and you need to know, in order to help if you choose to. Please protect yourself before offering your assistance, and if it does come to something being beyond your capabilities to help, there is nothing wrong in being honest about it, declining and recommending someone else who can.
Again, Lark is right on. With the string of bad luck, doing protection spells and good luck spells. I would take it up a notch, and pair all that up with some serious cleansing first.
But yea, I don't think he's cursed.
Let us know how it goes.
- Flammeous
Flammeous, thank you for this insight. I feel that I have a better understanding of what's going on in my life currently. I'm a Freelance Writer and I try to find work here and there. Though its harder to find work nowadays than I realize, even in the Writing industry. You have lots of different people to compete with. Especially those in a foreign country who speak English as a second language and can afford to write for less money.
I have a strong feeling that someone or something rather...is causing me to have a string of "bad luck" if you want to call it that, in my chosen career path. The reason I think this, is that if I'm honest with myself...I'm not 100% happy with writing for others, especially just to make a few bucks here and there. It's quite frustrating really.
I feel that someone or something, more likely something that I'm not aware of...is likely pushing me...influencing me...trying to push me into a more positive career choice. This is why I now have strong interest in Archaeology, Astronomy Fishing, Nature, and UFO phenomena. I feel they're all connected and ever since I was a baby...I've had a strong interest in the stars. Perhaps I'm meant to create a Warp Drive or something. I have a strong interest in Crystals and Magnets as well. I don't know what I'm meant to do just yet, but I know I have always had some interest in these areas and it's just now coming to light that...hey...maybe I should do that instead.
It could even be my Dragon Familiar that is doing this. I don't know how powerful Dragons are. It might be telling me that...hey...you'd be happier over here, doing this instead of that mundane tasks sucking work you're doing now.
I believe that there is always something else to look at...a possible third angle..There is always a right way...a wrong way...and a better way.
Flammeous {De Empress} said:
I agree with Lark that curses are very rare, and there really could be a mirage of things going on here that is contributing to all the mayhem. So the last thing I would be looking for is a curse.
There's also other things, such as jinxes, hexes and being 'crossed up', aside from a curse. These words are generally used interchangeably to describe the same thing/condition, and usually have the similar effects in various degrees. However a curse is certainly the strongest and most destructive of them all.
A jinx; a specific term from African American culture, is usually the mildest. They are little incantations that are meant to bring a person bad luck, and usually only takes effect once. As soon as they are cast the jinx does it's thing and then it is over. It can be spoken or unspoken word. People may in fact actually do jinks all the time without realizing it. It can also be self inflicted.
A hex; is a German American term, literally meaning using witchcraft, is any kind of coercive magical work, and are a little bit stronger than jinxes. They work by creating an energy signature that attaches to their victims aura. This attracts to that person whatever the intent of the hex was. They are very short lived and only last until the intent has been fulfilled.
Curses, are the strongest of these three, and can cause severe illness and even death. They, like hexes, create an energy signature that attaches itself to the aura of the victim. They can be short lived or last quite a while and are designed to bring people bad luck for a specified amount of time.
Crossed up, is another term from the African American culture, and is also very severe. I'm including it here because the symptoms are equivalent to that of a curse, but the thing is, it can be self inflicted like a jinx. However being crossed up can last for a long time.
These terms are often mixed up, and that's understandable, as the symptoms for each are very similar; which in summary, they all appear like having a run of bad luck, in one area of life or all - like nothing seems to go right. Some are short lived and mild. While other's go on for a duration and can be quite severe.
Then there's being casted the evil eye which can bring a bout of bad luck. As well as negative parasitical energies that attach to a person, persons or families. Or just plain negative thinking. You can also be an innocent bystander, caught in a crossfire, picking up some crap - hex, jinx etc. meant for someone else. You can also be performing magickal work and not know what are you doing or what your messing with. All again with near similar effects. Point is; it could be a mirage of things, and yet none of these things, and we shouldn't rule out that it could be self inflicted. Divination is usually the method used to really get down to the root of the problem, in order to remedy it.
Now without knowing full details of your acquaintance circumstances. I am more inclined to feel/say, that he is crossed up, by no one other than himself. After all if you think you're cursed, than why should you expect anything more? Having a run of bad luck, no matter how sever, usually can start in the subconscious mind and thus make an event a self fulfilling prophecy.
Also, I would strongly encourage that you ask this acquaintance, what has he been doing himself to remedy his situation. If he has been involved any magickal rites/rituals; whether he did them himself, or had someone else do them. If he has participated in any seances/contacting the dead, paranormal investigations/ghost hunts and or visiting grave-sites. How is he as a person? Is he negative, or depressed? Just to rule these things out. Also when did he begin to notice all this starting to happen, and for how long? Gather as much info as you can. There could be a possibility that there has been some dabbling in things over his head. It's just a feeling I'm picking up. I could be wrong. But you may not be getting the whole story here, and you need to know, in order to help if you choose to. Please protect yourself before offering your assistance, and if it does come to something being beyond your capabilities to help, there is nothing wrong in being honest about it, declining and recommending someone else who can.
Again, Lark is right on. With the string of bad luck, doing protection spells and good luck spells. I would take it up a notch, and pair all that up with some serious cleansing first.
But yea, I don't think he's cursed.
Let us know how it goes.
- Flammeous
Black Tourmaline is great for protection. I have been recommended to use this, but have not obtained a piece for myself to work with. It absorbs negative energy and grounds/neutralizes it. Just make sure that you're frequently cleansing it after using; as with any protective stone.
- Flammeous
Charity said:
Firstly, thank you all for the information on curses.
My initial thought was to try protection magic, but I wasn't sure if it's something I should mess with or not. He doesn't practice anything magical, but he said he met another person other than me who does.. Well to be more specific, she's a Satanist. To me, that was a big red flag, but I also probably need to ask for more information before I take any action. (I don't want anything negative attached to me.)
Also, I have a Black Tourmaline amulet that I have just received. Would this assist in protecting myself better? I've read that Black Tourmaline is for Psychic protection, and that it blocks negative energy and can even turn it positive. Have you experienced this?
What's the best way to clean a Black Tourmaline stone? I've been told that running water over stones damages them. Is there really a better method? I think I've heard letting it soak in Salt works too.
The reason I ask is because I was given a piece of Black Tourmaline when I went to a local store. By local, I mean it was like a 30 - 45 minute drive from me. By given...I mean she didn't charge me for it. She told me to pick one out for myself, rather than giving me one.
I'm also told by my previous mentor that Stones choose you. I've been taking my Black Tourmaline everywhere with me. I probably need to cleanse it with a good cleanse. She had an Herbal Spray too that worked for Cleansing. I might get one of those next time we go back. Just not sure what to use right now.
Baccara Moon,
I have recently held Black Toumaline and I thought it was a bit on the soft side. That I personally would not clean it using water or salt. As far as the salt; I think it's harsh and abrasive for a lot of stones.
If you are concerned about any crystal or stone being damaged with water. Then you can always smudge the stone with sage. Or some kind of cleansing incense. Other good cleansing herb/resins that come to mind are lavendar, frankincense or copal.
You can also leave it in a windowsill for 24 hrs and let the sun and moon cleanse the stone. Or wrap the stone in a cloth and bury it in the earth for 24 hrs.
Also citrine crystals are known good for cleansing a lot of things and don't absorb negative energy, so they don't have to be cleanse. You can place the desire stone you would like cleanse alongside a citrine crystal in a bag, or a bowl of full citrine.
Your right. Stones do choose you. They even call to you. At the moment, I think Black Tourmaline is calling me. It's not a mere coincidence that it has came up in this conversation, when just a week or so ago I specifically went out of my way to purchase some Black Tourmaline. But instead I was strongly drawn to a piece of Jet. It could be that the few pieces of Black Tourmaline that were at hand (only 3), weren't meant for me. As I really didn't seem to like any of them. I'm starting to think that the place I went to, may now have the Black Tourmaline that is meant for me.
- Flammeous
Baccara Moon said:
What's the best way to clean a Black Tourmaline stone? I've been told that running water over stones damages them. Is there really a better method? I think I've heard letting it soak in Salt works too.
The reason I ask is because I was given a piece of Black Tourmaline when I went to a local store. By local, I mean it was like a 30 - 45 minute drive from me. By given...I mean she didn't charge me for it. She told me to pick one out for myself, rather than giving me one.
I'm also told by my previous mentor that Stones choose you. I've been taking my Black Tourmaline everywhere with me. I probably need to cleanse it with a good cleanse. She had an Herbal Spray too that worked for Cleansing. I might get one of those next time we go back. Just not sure what to use right now.
Go with your instincts. Every person is different. Everyone's environment is different. For those who are more sensitive to energies, and or dealing with low emotions themselves may want think about cleansing their stones a lot more often. As well as for those people who are often in a negative/low vibration environment or do energy, healing or any kind of spiritual work. Should cleanse their protective amulets/stones more frequently. Some do it every day. Other's do it once a month, like during the full moon. It really depends. Know thyself, and be aware of your surroundings. I would say would be a good rule of thumb to determine how often.
- Flammeous
Charity said:
I've been wearing it since it came in yesterday, and I feel that it's working. I've been a lot more at peace, and feel a lot less overwhelmed emotionally.
How frequently should it be cleansed? Should I go with my gut, or do it on a schedule?
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