MJ's Latest Activity on RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World http://realpagan.net/profile/MarileeJeanKushinsky Mon, 30 Dec 2013 10:47:56 +0000 Mon, 30 Dec 2013 10:47:56 +0000 MJ's Latest Activity on RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World http://realpagan.net/profile/MarileeJeanKushinsky http://api.ning.com:80/files/PITcqz*43Rm-UKp2j-tidvJluXVDeZNXrQ504i03Yc9IpC6WUH6Bl5LXB1ip0BACpDF6I-Tap8nYIJG70AGdKcSEvMa7LF3O/1041801002.jpeg?xgip=0%3A71%3A564%3A564%3B%3B&width=50&height=50&crop=1%3A1 50 00000000006099570000000005278da69347cdf1d2cc3277 MJ replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Comment:213049?xg_source=activity MJ replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Sun, 29 Dec 2013 18:41:44 +0000
00000000006099570000000005278da67af108253c93de2e MJ replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Comment:213046?xg_source=activity MJ replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Sun, 29 Dec 2013 18:37:59 +0000
00000000006099570000000005278da61aacc82b94cb035a MJ and Michelle Harris are now friends http://realpagan.net/profile/MarileeJeanKushinsky?xg_source=activity MJ and Michelle Harris are now friends
Sun, 29 Dec 2013 18:29:17 +0000
0000000000609957000000000ff77cb8f50e09470e961582 Holly Dittfurth replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Comment:212834?xg_source=activity Holly Dittfurth replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Sun, 29 Dec 2013 18:28:32 +0000
000000000060995700000000002c50c098b52a617d6f8a85 Lark replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Comment:213043?xg_source=activity Lark replied to MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Sun, 29 Dec 2013 15:17:22 +0000
0000000000609957000000000ff77cb8d49643707ec5b07e Holly Dittfurth liked MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Topic:212942?xg_source=activity Holly Dittfurth liked MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Fri, 27 Dec 2013 18:24:54 +0000
00000000006099570000000009e573f49eabb5661a00334b MoonCrone liked MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Topic:212942?xg_source=activity MoonCrone liked MJ's discussion Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?
Thu, 26 Dec 2013 15:32:52 +0000
00000000006099570000000005278da64b90d7a7bcc3ad76 MJ posted a discussion http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Topic:212942?xg_source=activity MJ posted a discussion

Do you call it hidden in the Broom Closet or do you call it Respect for others?

Recently one night, I found myself in a discussion, that focused on being able to practice ones beliefs openly, yet, not causing fear in others. I wondered if many would have walked away feeling as I did.....A witch, who lives her life within an environment that includes, a Christian and an individual who hold true to many of the Old Tribal Ways. We have been blessed, with living in the same space, for numerous years, and found that respect is a key to this successful blend.We are lucky enough to live in an environment that allows us each our own space(bedroom)and we keep our respective religious items within the same. The main house, is decorated with odd bits and pieces of everyone, yet none of these items are of a religious tone.As a unit, we share when questioned about our own practices/paths, yet , do so in a way  that yields a level of respect for each other as individuals. We have learned to joke about the differences, and relish the knowledge gained from one another.  The influences that bind us are many, and yet, the differences, are equally, as varied and important.We live in a society that is quick to make judgements and assumptions based on fear of the unknown. Yet, at the same time,when information is provided, we often are unwilling to hear what is said, disguising it by saying," I listened to you".It would be wonderful if the world was filled with only rainbows and unicorns, however, reality, has a way of rearing it face. Judgement of someone, due to a difference, based on religious practices/journeys, always leads to anger and hurt. It is, in effect, no different than, using skin color, heritage, sexual preference, or a disability, to ostracize a person from the community, in which we expect them to function.But it is important to remember one fact, above all, the level of respect you wish to receive for being true to yourself, you must also be willing to give to others. Thus, it is possible, to remain true to one's own beliefs, while living in an atmosphere that is not filled with fear and hatred, nor are you hidden within the Broom Closet.See More
Thu, 26 Dec 2013 15:13:04 +0000
00000000006099570000000007582c34b624d289639a2752 Jay Sunwyse liked MJ's discussion AM I LESS THAN WHAT I CALL MYSELF? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Topic:207220?xg_source=activity Jay Sunwyse liked MJ's discussion AM I LESS THAN WHAT I CALL MYSELF?
Thu, 19 Dec 2013 00:33:40 +0000
00000000006099570000000005278da645f03cf7e9e8e7ca MJ replied to MJ's discussion AM I LESS THAN WHAT I CALL MYSELF? http://realpagan.net/xn/detail/6330711:Comment:211869?xg_source=activity MJ replied to MJ's discussion AM I LESS THAN WHAT I CALL MYSELF?
Sat, 07 Dec 2013 14:30:32 +0000