RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World


This is the activity group for the Humboldt Pagan Circle. Well met!!

Location: Arcata, CA
Members: 13
Latest Activity: Jan 26

Discussion Forum

Happy Trails

Started by Leigh (Kira Avani). Last reply by Megs (Raven Nightmare) May 7, 2012. 1 Reply

So, I'm moving back to the Bay Area. This decision was not made easily. However, I do believe that it will be the healthiest move for me. I wish this group all the best in the world. I hope that it…Continue


Started by Darkcryst. Last reply by Darkcryst May 4, 2012. 3 Replies

Does this group still meet? Is it open to members of the community, or only HSU Students? Continue

Handfasting - Need help!

Started by Deanna Midgley. Last reply by Megs (Raven Nightmare) Apr 26, 2012. 3 Replies

Does anyone know anyone who can perform legal handfastings? We just lost our officiant and are frantically trying to find someone who can perform the ceremony for us. Our hand fasting will be on June…Continue

Third Wednesday of the month meet-up

Started by Leigh (Kira Avani). Last reply by Deanna Midgley Feb 13, 2012. 9 Replies

Did we want to start that this month?Continue

Comment Wall

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Comment by Auntie M on January 26, 2013 at 15:29

Coffee, anyone?  Saturday, February 9th - RSVP if you're up for it!

Comment by Auntie M on December 15, 2012 at 10:01
Since the regular meetings are no longer happening, does anyone have a problem with me removing that part of the announcement at the top of the page? It could create some confusion for newcomers. :)
Comment by Auntie M on December 14, 2012 at 13:09

Just a quick note - I posted a listing for Redwood Spirit Workers on craigslist and got several responses. If anyone would like to be a part of the foundation of RSW, please let me know! I'm hoping to set up a meet and greet thingy in the near future.

Comment by Auntie M on December 8, 2012 at 11:03
Well, that was unexpected. I'll try not to break anything (but can't make any promises LOL)
Comment by Kimberly Reyes on December 2, 2012 at 23:56

Thrilled to see you re focalising your redwood group!

Will support and add in any chance I get and look forward to doing the same, in person, when I get to Humboldt Co.

Thanks for the motivation Auntie M!

Comment by Leigh (Kira Avani) on December 2, 2012 at 23:45

Hey, Auntie M, I made you an admin. :-)

Comment by Auntie M on December 2, 2012 at 16:32

Well, I think the forum has been as "reclaimed" as it's going to get. I'm thinking about posting it on CL, and sending out emails to the lists still available on SPA's old boards.

Comment by Auntie M on December 1, 2012 at 18:54

Just FYI, I'm in the process of restoring an old forum that I had a couple of years ago.  Everyone's input is welcome in the reconstruction process. 

Comment by Kimberly Reyes on November 5, 2012 at 10:39

Well, I've always found that finding a central gathering spot for sabbats and esbats and having potlucks on those holy days has always worked well for me.

To focalize a general ritual for that time isn't too terribly hard. If were to just stick to the general energetics of the season, that usually satisfies the collective.

So, ritual and cakes and wine afterwards...easy and enjoyable.

Then, as people get to know each other, their personalities and their levels of desire for more or less cohesion, coven or grove spin offs will occur and those groups will decide their own existances.

Public parks work well for the collective rituals. preferrably ones with a covered picnicing area for weather provisions.

To keep contact with the collective, a facebook page is optimum. That way, times and places are quickly deciminated as well as reminders of the the focus of the currant ritual. Decisions made about the next ritual optimally should be decided at a circle convened at the previous get together through council process and consensus agreement (that way, there are no leaders or people complaining about leaders...if you want to help decide the next ritual, you need to be at circle for it).

I think that equality and egalitarianism is crucial to a healthy pagan community. If the collective decides they want a certain person to lead a ritual, its consensed to in the previous circle.

Everyone has wisdom that would benefit the collective. Everyone has traditions that are valid and would appeal. Everyone has spiritual needs that should be acknowledged and incorporated into the group.

And this is an optimum way to achieve these things.

Blessed be!

Everyone has   

Comment by Auntie M on September 30, 2012 at 12:52

I think that, if we are going to maintain a presence as a community, we need to recognize and accommodate the lifestyles of the people that make up that community.  I also think that Beorc's post about demographics, independence and diversity makes great points about some of the challenges of establishing a permanent group in this area.  If we're going to be successful, we're going to have to think about all of those challenges and more - and, rethink the models that have worked in the past and ways to make them work even better in the future.  Just my .02.  :)


Members (13)


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