Thanks for joining Kitchen witch <3. I am so busy and "jumbled" at the moment, and hopefully it will get jumping soon. But i am hoping you will be a major contributor, you probably know a lot more then I do on being a Kitchen Witch, would love to learn more from you
Merry meet, Duir, of endurance and faith. I'm very happy to recieve your friendship. I'm sorta new to networking and I'm a chatroom virgin, but I'm trying to jump right in and make new friends that are like-minded. I'm a solitary druid/bard and crave the social interactions with "my kinda people" and I'm glad you made contact, Thanx and Blessed be.
Merry Meet Lady Duir. Yes sure I'm in search of familiar faces. I was feeling lonely here. Now I have you. How u doing? It's great to see you, the ever-active wiccan I know.
Bendithion Duir! It went down to about 18(f) in parts of Wales last night - alledgedly the coldest night ever recorded in Wales - well since records began at least LOL it hasn't got above freezing all day! >>>
Much love to you, too, hon. Good luck with the family affairs and have a happy holiday. *hugs*
At 2:46pm on November 22, 2010, Maggie Cross said…
Thanks for getting back to me......I feel like a dork need to ask if you can send me the copy of A Witch Alone,so I can save it to my files.....I thought I had it from quite a while back,but couldn't find it,so Bellia Loqui(sp?) sent me an email with the attachment,twice,but both times when it finished downloading,it came up as all numbers and symbols.......I have the first chapter that you had posted,copied properly,but not the rest.....thanks in advance,and I promise I will try to catch up ASAP(health permitting).
I noticed a couple of other things myself after you made that comment about the pic. Ive had it in my photobucket for around 5 years and looked at it many times. It came from an old friends personal Rosicrician webpage. I had heard a couple of stories about it. One is that it is based on a very old tarot. Two was that it was an H. Spencer Lewis painting in his pre AMORC period perhaps when he was still a student of Aleister Crowley. It would fit the period as over her right shoulder in the background the door appears to have an electric doorbell of that time in the early 20th Century. The thing that stood out to me earlier today is that her hair is styled both with the Horns of the God and the Crescent Moon of the Goddess. She does appear to be either retrieving souls from the well (the mans head she has in her left hand by his beard) or casting them down the well. I would guess if it were to be a R+C Tarot intrepretation it would valuate loosely as the Queen of Cups or something very similar. The other thing that has always stood out to me is the fact that she has removed one mask yet still conceals a large portion of her face with slightly more of the left showing than the right.Then theres the whole right hand door being open and the left hand door being closed which could take up paragraphs....
Okay, great. I will be looking forward to them. How are you doing since the move to this site and all the new stuff with you and your son? I hope all is well. Just hang in there and keep up hope. Currently I am struggling to get my home health care back because it got canceled and its been so frustrating. So I know how difficult it can all be.
I used Nicole J at the other site for awhile, then changed it to Moon Beam. You may have all but my fire element one saved because that is the last one I completed. Please let me know. I will gladly repost them if you do not still have them.
Hey, the way that I see it is that those are your groups and, thus, it is your right to tell folks you are changing networks. It is their right, in addition, to know the same. I hope you have a great day!
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Thanks for joining Kitchen witch <3. I am so busy and "jumbled" at the moment, and hopefully it will get jumping soon. But i am hoping you will be a major contributor, you probably know a lot more then I do on being a Kitchen Witch, would love to learn more from you
Blessings :)
Hope things go well for you.
Blessed Be:)
I used Nicole J at the other site for awhile, then changed it to Moon Beam. You may have all but my fire element one saved because that is the last one I completed. Please let me know. I will gladly repost them if you do not still have them.
Blessed Be:)
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