RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World

I see a horrid, self validating thing happening amongst the pagan cultures. It's been happening as long as i can remember, and it will likely keep happening for as long as I live. We validate ourselves by giving others the ability to validate themselves. See this screencap from a year or two ago;


Look at this. Just look at it. It's horrible. Channeling energy into a chatroom? Seriously? And yet, three people leapt out of their seat and said they felt it. For the record, I didn't do squat. In doing something *like* this, people can say, "lol they felt me do it so I obviously can do it lol" and they can say "lol he said he did it and I felt him do it so I obviously can do it lol."


This is folly. Utter folly. This is how teenagers scare themselves with Ouija boards and think that they bind their friends with just a picture and a ribbon, because they saw it in The Craft. If they get a tummyache, they think they are cursed. They lose their job, it's not because they came in tired for a month straight, and ended up losing a large check, no there was black magic against them, or they ended up getting that new iPhone because they did a spell for it, not because mommy and daddy are loaded, and you dropped hints like Germany dropped bombs on London.


When testing those about you, do not lead them to the answers. Let them cast about, and actually use the senses you are seeing if they have! An example;


"Dude! Do you feel the energy coming off of these protective wards I carved into the top of this chest? I totally charged them with my own blood and energy on the night of the full moon!"

"Yeah, dude! It's practically GLOWING with the Goddess's power! :D"




"You see this chest?"


"What do you sense?"


You'd be surprised how many people are way, way off. That's what happens when you make a wild guess under pressure. This is also a good way to test your own skills and abilities. So you think you can send emotional energy? Try it. Be objective. Recognize that you can, and likely will, fail many, many times, before you succeed. Focus on someone, and pour as much positivity into them as you can. Watch for a reaction, a marked change in how they act.


So you think that you can do this, that, or the other?Try it. You want to know if someone can sense something you did? Do it, then ask what they sensed, or better yet, wait for them to come to you. Don't be the scientist that reveals everything to it's test subject.


All things are tested. All things need to be proven. Sometimes it is only to the observer, but that doesn't change the fact that there was a test, that there is proof. Not all proof is able to be put into a book. But, make sure that what you accept as proof isn't just a clever person who is able to give you what you want. Just because someone is clever, doesn't mean they have any true ability.


Anyways, it's late, and I'm an asshole. Goodnight.

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YarrowSage (big sexy brain) Comment by YarrowSage (big sexy brain) on January 9, 2011 at 8:20pm

"Dude! Do you feel the energy coming off of these protective wards I carved into the top of this chest? I totally charged them with my own blood and energy on the night of the full moon!"

"Yeah, dude! It's practically GLOWING with the Goddess's power! :D"


I seriously laughed for like three minutes over that line...I love this post Beorc! And you aren't an asshole, you're just skeptical when it comes to complete dolts who think they can prove their witch-ness with blindly agreeing to your statements in a chatroom. :D


Thom Comment by Thom on January 9, 2011 at 2:03pm
Having an open mind is dangerous. It can lead to mental manipulation of the social kind. Preadators look for this and use it to manipulate others, and give creedance to their, and others, bull****. An objective mind weighs and measures things, to find the truth of the situation. Good post, you are not an asshole.
Shawn Comment by Shawn on January 8, 2011 at 2:51pm

There is no harm in doubt and skepticism, for it is through these that new discoveries are made. ~Richard Feynman


One of my favorite quotes :) 

Ron(Fortuna Reclaimed) Comment by Ron(Fortuna Reclaimed) on January 8, 2011 at 12:47am
Well done,and for the record,i dont think your an a hole beorc,your just pointting out a much needed necessity among everyone,lmao.
Aradia's Light Comment by Aradia's Light on January 7, 2011 at 8:02pm

Nicely done : )..I dont think you are an asshole at all.  You are simply just stating the obvious.

; ) Kudos to you.

Miranda Markowski Comment by Miranda Markowski on January 7, 2011 at 7:42pm
I worship at this post's feet:D
Tasha Comment by Tasha on January 7, 2011 at 4:51pm
  Like! Like! Like!
Lea Comment by Lea on January 7, 2011 at 1:40pm
Your not an asshole! Your a sensible smart skeptic. Something we all should be, and thats what makes us REAL. (but on the downside...can you send me some spelling energy...?)  BB Lea
Elise Comment by Elise on January 7, 2011 at 12:20pm

WONDERFUL! *applauds*

Jennifer Renee Comment by Jennifer Renee on January 7, 2011 at 11:07am
I hope this post gets read by all who need to come back down to earth!!

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