Right? In my opinion, no. Well not to the extent that most seem to want to take that. Paganism does not come with the requirement that you throw your brain out the window, and I'm not sure where people get the idea that it does.
First, to claim that paganism as a whole is about tolerance and acceptance is a HUGE assumption, as paganism applies to an innumerable variety of paths. Paganism is an umbrella term most commonly described as any path that is non-Abrahamic, i.e. not Christian, Islam, or Judaism. Therefore, to assume that ALL pagan paths are about any one thing is a claim which is virtually impossible to make.
Secondly, a spiritual path should include discernment, judgement, and and a healthy dose of skepticism. If not, your path will become shallow and watered-down, and will be personally unfulfilling. How can a path be personally meaningful if it accepts every idea coming and going? If you do not use discernment on your spiritual path how can you identify the "good" choices from the "bad" ?? If you do not use judgement, how can you then make the choice that is right for you? If you are not a bit skeptical how will you stay on *your* path without being lead astray by misinformaiton and misconception? How will you keep from leading others astray in the future with the misinformation you have accumulated?
This brings me to another point..... some people *have* to be wrong. They just have to be. As much as you might not like it, not everyone can be right. Not all matters are subjective. It is an impossibility that every person you encounter will be right, many will be wrong. And that is OK. It's ok that they are wrong, and it's ok for you to call them on it. A good deal of the time being wrong is how we learn. Calling someone on how and/or why they are wrong might help them to grow. They will either realize their error and correct it, growing in their path OR they will continue in their willful ignorance and there is nothing you can do. The ones that choose the first will be surprisingly grateful for your help.
In addition, it is ok for YOU to be wrong and it is ok for people to call you on it. When someone tells you that an idea or concept you have is wrong, they are not invalidating your personal path. Your path is your path, it cannot be invalidated unless YOU let someone do that for you. Even telling you the title you have assumed is incorrect does not invalidate the path, only the title. If you discover that your claim to the title is wrong, move on. Continue down your path with a different one, or none at all. When someone tells you that you have misinformation or misconceptions, these people are helping you to prune the bad branches from your tree. They are helping you to make your path more fulfilling and meaningful. Discovering "truths" is part of growing on your path. And sometimes that requires that you are wrong. If you are never wrong how do you grow?? Being wrong, admitting that, learning from it, and moving forward is part of the spiritual process.
Now am I saying that you should be closed to all new ideas or to any that differ from your own? Of course not. being *too* skeptical or judgemental will leave you no room for growth. In my path, discernment and skepticism are vital, but it is also vital that I remember that something can be learned from every person and every experience, even if it is what NOT to do. The point I am making is that being overly open-minded is not what paganism or a spiritual path is about. Balance is the key. It is important to keep both your heart AND your brain engaged. Without this type of balance, your path itself will be unbalanced.
Views: 10
Tags: acceptance, judgement, open-minded, paganism, tolerance, wicca
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Thank you, Ron. And that is, in my opinion, a much greater service to a person, than letting them continue to make the same mistakes or to labor under misconceptions or unrealistic expectations.
I am glad that you appreciated it.
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