For the past few weeks aka "John" or better known as John the Conqueror has been nagging the buggers out of me! Heyl, I even think I had a dream about "John" at some point.
Ya, see I've been trying to get by the whole having John the Conqueror root in my hoodoo arsenal as I am embarking on making my own Master Candle soon. Thanks to the great instructions made by Oakthorne in his Hoodoo group here at RP.
I do understand that "John" here is the staple root of hoodoo, however I'm that kinda witch that likes to work with what I got on hand. I'm that kinda person that doesn't buy a scarf when I know I got plenty of yarn around the house to make me own. This is how I usually roll on most things anyway.
So I've been snooping around and researching if there was anything that was similar at all to "John's" properties to substitute. Ginger came up a couple of times, even morning glory roots, which I bypassed when I first seen both to began with.
I searched and I searched still, nothing matched quite exactly. Ginger after doing some further investigating does run a very close in comparison. However it's properties are not exactly like "John's"! ~sniffles~
From here I realize there really is no substitute and since then, I have had this nagging spirit to go get "John" at a local (not so local to me!) new age shop, and the only one in town.
Finally, I had enough of the nagging and ventured out in a thunderstorm at all times to go, risking the chance of being late to work to boot. All the while thinking to myself, 'watch they don't carry John the Conqueror root, or the store would be out of stock of it'. Which the latter, is the most common thing that I have ran into. To get there and see not only are they well stocked but they did have "John" after all, but looked at the price for the two balled roots and was like WAH? I don't think so!
I was really contemplating on just leaving the store empty handed, but kept wondering back to the herbal rack and picking up "John" and debating should I? Shouldn't I?
When I went to place "John" back on the rack, for about the 3rd time now. Just when I did I heard this in spirit say:
"You know, you will be kicking yourself later for having it in your hands and not getting it".
After that, I b-lined right to register, with "John" and money in hand.
Phew, I'm glad! Now I can rest in peace about this!
Morale of story: Nothing substitutes for John the Conqueror (now having it in my possession I understand this more than ever!)
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You're not the only one whose encounter with John turned out this way... This is one spirit that won't exactly be denied, and he usually comes to you at a time where you need him the most. :)
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