im going @ it alone,I'm dropping the guy I feel I can't go on with out But I see clearly that he's dragging me down. my cofidence & self-esteem is gone entirely.I dont want to be alone.No car!! But atleast I have a starting point and alot of a reasoms not to go back to this way of life again. I loved the man that was 5 yrs ago.Whoever is beside me now is a monster and I can't go on.....So all the comments that I received telling me I should get out..well I am. I imagined another year of my life and him,the abuse and misery.him on his 6 th year of not working or looking. Im Kinda scared becuase I kicked him out of our bedroom which has no door and he's been throwing this at me kicking things.To all reading this ...PLEASE SEND YOUR PROTECTIVE ENRGY OR SPELLS MY WAY,TO SHEILD ME FROM A POTENTIAL PERMANENT PROBLEM. Imm doing the right thing I hope.Please ....Am I doing the right thing?????
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Without a doubt you are doing the right thing, do not let negativity enter your mind in case you decide to stay and suffer even more.
Will think of you, keep us updated xxx
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