The other day I went to Half Price Book store and low and behold I find this little lovely sitting in the clearance book section for only a dollar! Ya me! And giving thanks to Beorc for my recent interest in Runes. ;)
The Gods must either really love me or know that I am very thrifty *that's a cushion word for cheap*. For I am forever running into some awesome deals on whatever my interest is in at the time. Note: I am realistic and know that I am not going to learn runes in 10 minutes!
About a week ago a friend of mine was cleaning out their apartment, getting ready to move and brought me this.
Don't know how good any these books are, for I am reading something else at the moment. I hope it's not one of those cases, you get what you paid for scenario's.
So when you are in the clearance section or at a thrift store browsing books. Keep your eyes peeled because I have sited many Occult books resting on the shelves at both places. Understand it is a hit or miss kinda of thing, but you may never know unless you take the time to really look.
© 2012 Created by Sangraal.
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