RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World

As many of you know, I've had some significant health issues recently. Specifically, both of my legs have had a decrease in general sensation from mid-thigh to feet, as well as a significant decrease in muscle strength. I find it difficult to walk sometimes, often stumbling and nearly falling, and certain things one takes for granted like rising from a seating position or climbing the stairs have proven somewhat difficult to do.


In one of the candle-burning books I have, it talks about an octavo, which is an eight-day candle burning ritual, intended to build up some good, strong mojo over time.


Lots of folks have offered to help, and I'd like to take you up on that offer. If you're at all inclined in this direction, please assist. If it feels a little too much like stuff you're not comfortable with, your prayer and good thoughts are still appreciated.


You don't have to be an experienced magician, witch or occultist to lend a hand in this, either. Every bit helps, and you all have my appreciation.



So, I'd like to ask folks to do a candle burning for me. Make sure you have eight candles, of white or blue color. They can be whatever sort you like best, but tapers work really well for this. We're going to burn one candle per night, over eight nights. You'll also need some kind of anointing oil - a healing oil of your preference is excellent, but olive oil will work wonderfully if you don't keep that kind of thing around.


Each Night

  • This should begin on Januray 11th, and end on January 19th.
  • Each night of this, anoint a candle. Just pour a little of the oil in your left palm, and roll the candle through the oil.
  • Place the candle in an holder, and speak a prayer or incantation over it. I'm looking for healing for my legs, strength in the muscle, freedom of movement, freedom from pain.
  • As you do so, light the candle. The goal is that everyone should light the candle at 8pm your time, and allow the candle to burn for at least two full hours.


The Goal

The idea is that we'll be creating rolling waves of healing energy, building up over eight days, and culminating on the night of the full moon, using the waxing of the moon to boost the "increase in health" sort of vibe.


If you're interested in participating, please let me know.

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Seren Haf Comment by Seren Haf 1 day ago
Forgot to say, but my candle is lit for you friend
YarrowSage (big sexy brain) Comment by YarrowSage (big sexy brain) on January 11, 2011 at 9:42pm
I got my candle going for you as well Oak. I also burned some sage for you since I had some from my herbal garden. I hope it helps!
Elise Comment by Elise on January 11, 2011 at 8:39pm

Candle going as I write... :)

Sutra Comment by Sutra on January 11, 2011 at 8:17pm
Tasha Comment by Tasha on January 11, 2011 at 6:23pm
I have no candles until I get paid tomorrow! But i want to do this! :(
Strata Comment by Strata on January 11, 2011 at 6:12pm
All ready to roll... :)
Heather Lennartz Comment by Heather Lennartz on January 11, 2011 at 3:49pm
Iam getting things ready as Iam off work tonite am going to ask my mother to help me on my nites that I work is that ok as she doesnt walk our path but supports our wau of life as her family did long story
Alorer Stef (The Gecko) Comment by Alorer Stef (The Gecko) on January 11, 2011 at 3:40pm

The first day was rather interesting! :D The candle burned thoroughly and extinguished on its own with the completion of the second hour!


I am unable to burn more candles so I'll be doing a different small working each consecutive day up to the 19th to give it a 'spherical' oomph. :)


Many healing blessings my dear.

Elise Comment by Elise on January 11, 2011 at 12:29pm
Setup ready, waiting for 8pm. :)
Sutra Comment by Sutra on January 11, 2011 at 12:23pm
After all you've done for me when I was ill, this of course is nothing. Got one (dumb) question though. I only have 7 white candles and no time to run out. Can I just break one in half?

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