Wow it seems an age since I posted anything on here, but with my training it has been near impossible for me even get on here and read anything much less post.....hope everyone is doing well and has had a wonderful summer.
for me it has been a whirl wind of trainging , I figured I would be bored going through the wicca101 again, figured having been a HPS and teaching all of the 101 stuff would make this a was a wrong, our Lady has done a wonderful job keeping it interesting......we have just a little over a month left and then it is on to our 1st degree intiations in to the Gardnerian tradition Ari and I are so excited.
I do hope to be around more often, but if not know I am thinking of all my friends over here and someday I will be back more that once a
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Congratulations on finishing up your training.
I know exactly how you feel. I'd been a Witch for over 20 years and HPS of my own coven for 12 years when I decided to become a Gardnerian. There were some things that I had learned in that time that made the training easier, but I it also made it harder because I had to unlearn a bunch of stuff that was thoroughly engrained in me and become used to a different way of doing stuff.
And of course once you get your initiation is when the true training will begin. As one of my teachers told me though, "Relax and let the circle train you." That's a very true statement. Simply being in circle as a Gard will teach you a tremendous amount.
And now I'm on the countdown to finishing the work to get my 3rd Degree. Who would have thought?
Best wishes to both you and Ari.
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