Often the first thing newcomers post to a forum is that they're looking to find others in their area or to lament that "no one" in their area is a pagan or witch (it's far more common that there are others in their area but, like the seekers, haven't, can't or won't publicize their presence). More often than not, seekers could find information for themselves in less time by doing some basic research. So here are some tips to use - on this site and most others - for finding others in any area (at least within the US, in some other countries YMMV).
This might seem obvious to many however often it's clear someone hasn't done so because someone else will respond with, "I just searched and there are ____ in your area". It took them less than a minute to find the answer. So, if you haven't done so yet:
Search the web.
Use Google or your favorite search engine to search what you're looking for plus your location. E.g., "Wicca [your city or state]". If it's not Wicca but some other pagan path, use that path instead.
BONUS TIP: Other good searches to do are:
• "Pagan Pride [your state]". This is a good event and local chapter to look to for networking.
• "CUUPS [your city or state]". CUUPS is the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans. Each chapter differs on what it offers but is another place to seek community and to network.
Search this site.
There is a search field directly above the discussions. Type in your city or state, see what pops up. There's a good chance you'll find posts by others in your region. You can also go to the Groups section and search there to see if a group exists for people in your area.
Other Websites.
Other places that are commonly recommended are Witchvox and Meetups. Each has listings for groups in various states.
BONUS TIP: If you don't see any meetups in your area then CREATE ONE, take initiative. Chances are there are others in your area who searched, didn't find anything and did nothing about it either. Groups exist because someone decided to step up and get the ball rolling. Be that person if someone else hasn't done so.
See if there are any metaphysical shops in your area (or within driving distance). Typically, the staff knows about the local pagan community. Sometimes these shops will either have a bulletin board or might even host workshops and open circles.
BONUS TIP: Just because you don't easily find others doesn't mean they aren't around. Not every group publicizes their existence online or IRL but can be found by local networking (word of mouth).
Also, don't expect to find your answers or the ideal group two doors down from your home. If the closest metaphysical shop is an hour or more away, visit anyway. Chances are they're a hub and will have some awareness of and/or contact with the community in other areas.
Be willing to expand the extent to which you're willing to travel. There might be a pagan group nearby but that doesn't mean they practice what you're interested in or that you and they will be compatible. It might be the right group for you is an hour away. Each person has to assess their level of commitment and balance that with what they're truly capable of physically and travel wise. Sometimes you have to compromise on convenience to some extent.
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They never did do anything. I trolled the heck out of them every single year about it and they defended themselves and talked crap then cancelled the meetings lol. All of the content is still on their page :)
That's often the reason groups never get off the ground or last very long - they try to be all things to all people and ultimately achieve nothing for anyone. The reality is, a group has to have a clear purpose and that ultimately means it can't cover everything or accommodate everyone. Some never seem to figure out, that often to do one thing means *not* being able to do something else. Compromises and limitations are unavoidable, both for the group *and* for individuals, not just the organization.
So yeah, idiotic things are debated like Subway vs. Pizza Hut and nothing gets done. But then you have to figure, if they can't get past such a minor hurdle then it's very unlikely they'd ever accomplish anything significant anyway. :\
Pagan Pride couldn't get going in my area :) Since 2012, a small group of people as argued about mundane details of how the first meeting should go to the point that the first meeting has never even taken place. I directly asked a bunch of questions as to why people were spending so much time on talking about whether they should eat at Subway or Pizza Hut, how certain people can't eat at places because they aren't vegan establisments, and how certain members had to be outside because they chain smoked constant; my question caused some of the members to basically quit the committee :)
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