OWLTHENA's Posts - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World
There is a New MoJo in my life
<p>It has been a while since I posted last, I have had a rough go at it since my beloved Salem my Shih Poo and constant companion died. My husband got tired of me moping around feeling sorry for myself and brought home a new baby to care for. So I would love to introduce you to my new charming little man, he is a Morkie which is a Yorkie /Maltese hybrid. He was born in November. His name is MoJo. He is a little cutie. He is so opposite from Salem which I am glad I did not want another dog…</p>
<p>It has been a while since I posted last, I have had a rough go at it since my beloved Salem my Shih Poo and constant companion died. My husband got tired of me moping around feeling sorry for myself and brought home a new baby to care for. So I would love to introduce you to my new charming little man, he is a Morkie which is a Yorkie /Maltese hybrid. He was born in November. His name is MoJo. He is a little cutie. He is so opposite from Salem which I am glad I did not want another dog remotely close to looks or personality . Salem was my little gentleman and my very first house dog, and first full time companion and so no other dog will ever take his place,the hole in my heart can never be filled by another. I really was not ready for another dog, in fact I did not want another one, but my hubby thought otherwise, I still think it is too soon, but here he is. So MoJo is a little fiery rascal, a lot smaller and loves to sit with me , Salem never like to sit too long on my lap. MoJo's favorite spot is my foot stool, he makes a good foot warmer. He barks more, and seems to be more food oriented. He really is a little Charmer which is the reason for his name MoJo. So now I embark on a new relationship and learning all about this little guy. Looking forwards to this. <br/>for what it is worth,<br/>blessed be<br/>Owlthena</p>
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Stones for my grieving process
<p>As you may or may not know I lost my beloved dog Salem ,the first of this week, he got out and was run over. I knew that I was going to need help in this grieving process. So I looked up what stones that I have in my possession that would help me and this is what I have been using.I placed them in a medicine bag I picked up from an Apache store in the mountains of New Mex.<br></br>1. <img alt="" class="rg_hi" height="219" id="rg_hi" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSg_j4zQgMpZQp0bR3RvboAsWpCkqheHYUciDi8DZ85U4SJ0SV5rQ" style="height: 219px; width: 230px;" width="230"></img> Rose Quartz. first off I feel terrible guilty and responsible for Salem's death. I needed a stone to…</p>
<p>As you may or may not know I lost my beloved dog Salem ,the first of this week, he got out and was run over. I knew that I was going to need help in this grieving process. So I looked up what stones that I have in my possession that would help me and this is what I have been using.I placed them in a medicine bag I picked up from an Apache store in the mountains of New Mex.<br/>1. <img style="height: 219px; width: 230px;" id="rg_hi" class="rg_hi" alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSg_j4zQgMpZQp0bR3RvboAsWpCkqheHYUciDi8DZ85U4SJ0SV5rQ" width="230" height="219"/>Rose Quartz. first off I feel terrible guilty and responsible for Salem's death. I needed a stone to help me love myself even though I don't want to right now, I know that I don't want to get so down on myself , more so than I am already.<br/>Rose quartz brings deep inner healing and self love. It is calming,reassuring and excellent for use in trauma and crisis. It gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes.This stones comforts you in grief. Rosie is a help for a Taurus providing me the underpinning to love and care for myself in this terrible time.</p>
<p>2<img style="height: 216px; width: 234px;" id="rg_hi" class="rg_hi" alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYv4beO4k_YLAvCzQltA5REWKE2qkrWlTffF6kggiejjgKXuOxvw" width="234" height="216"/>.Smokey Quartz. Ancient Romans used smokies as a mourning stone and to help overcome grief. Yes I need some help here in that area. It is a grounding stone but also at the same time raises your vibration.It is protective and assist one in trying times. It gently neutralizes negative energies and vibrations, and brings in positive energy into your space.Smokies relieves fears, lift depression and bring emotional calmness, yes I need that now. It mentally promotes more positive thoughts.</p>
<p>3<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px;" id="il_fi" src="http://crystal-cure.com/pics/point-citrine-dbl.jpg" width="300" height="300"/>.Citrine. Is a powerful cleanser and re generator.This stone never needs cleansing and I am using it to assist my other stones in their work on my behalf.Citrine grounds negative energies.It will cleanse and balance my energies during this time. It will assist me to regain a positive energy and attitude as I begin to move forwards. Emotionally it will help promote joy in my life as it releases negativity, fears and feelings at the deepest levels. This stone will help me move into the flow of feelings and become emotionally balanced.Depression makes me very sluggish and citrine will help to energizes me and recharging me with the sun's energies. As a Taurus, citrine will give me a sense of safety and security.</p>
<p>4<img style="height: 222px; width: 227px;" id="rg_hi" class="rg_hi" alt="" src="http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRG2TYDc182wW5f9VEv44yBEPAis9hbAF1VJHv8TN0HWbmEcyS_" width="227" height="222"/>.Herkimer diamond . I am using a very small one to enhance all the other stones, which is what this stone does best.</p>
<p>5.<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px;" id="il_fi" src="http://theunicornshoppe.com/store/images/apatea.gif" width="143" height="194"/>Apache Tear Obsidian.A gentle stones that allows for you to bring up the negativity slowly so it can be transmuted. It is excellent for absorbing negative energy and protective. It comforts you in grief and promotes forgiveness, and I need that, because I find it hard to forgive myself for Salem's death.</p>
<p>6. <img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px;" id="il_fi" src="http://www.theofficialwitchshoppe.net/images/jewel/JGTSQ.jpg" width="300" height="400"/>Quartz crystal, the one Salem wore around his neck for a while before it was knocked off. I keep it by just to feel his energies around me.</p>
<p>The first 3 days was terribly hard, and I cried non stop all day and cried myself to sleep at night. Each day I am getting better and I believe these stones are speeding up the healing process, and for that I am so grateful. Thank you Mother Father Great Spirit for gifting us these wonderful helpers on Mother Earth, life is tuff, and hard and full of hardships, and you knew we would need help along the way and so you provided us with helpers such as pets, herbs, rocks and crystals and gems, to assist us. For that I am very thankful.<br/>blessed be<br/>Owlthena</p>
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<tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" colspan="4" height="18"><p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3">Needing to understand the meaning of Crow entering into my life at this time I am trying to find out just what Crow is trying to say to me from as many sources as possible. Crow is a wonderful spirit and from what I am learning I have much I can learn from this wonderful teacher. Being of the earth element as a double…</font></b></p>
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<tbody><tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="18" colspan="4"><p><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Needing to understand the meaning of Crow entering into my life at this time I am trying to find out just what Crow is trying to say to me from as many sources as possible. Crow is a wonderful spirit and from what I am learning I have much I can learn from this wonderful teacher. Being of the earth element as a double taurus, I find that most of my helpers seem to be feathered which possibly is my rising sign coming forwards, Aquarius. I find that I can become a stick in the mud if I am not careful, and it is at these times I need to fly up and soar into the winds of change.</font></b></p>
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<p><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Keywords CROW <font size="2"><font color="#FDE7B9">witchcraft,witches crow,crow <span id="IL_AD1" class="IL_AD">medicine</span>,crow spell</font></font></font></b></p>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="2" colspan="4"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Shadow self <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Shapeshifter <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Messenger <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Romantic <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Intelligent <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Tricky <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Magic</font> <font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font color="#FFFFFF">,Totem Pole Animal,Totems Animal Crow Totem</font></font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="13" colspan="4"><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Element </b></font></td>
<tr><td colspan="4"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Air</font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="16" colspan="4"><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Lesson </font> <font color="#FDE7B9" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Animal Totem Crow,</font></b></td>
<tr><td colspan="4"><p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Crow is the keeper of sacred law and knows the mystery. She teaches us that there are not one two or three worlds but many. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> The laws of Sacredness <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> To balance our need for partnership with other areas of our life <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> To be at peace with our own company as well as within a group <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/><span id="IL_AD6" class="IL_AD">Psychic protection</span></font> <font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> To value ourselves giving ourselves the best <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> The joy in <span id="IL_AD3" class="IL_AD">exploration</span> <font color="#FFFFFF">crow,crows,black crow,crows,see crows in dream,crow totem,goddess</font></font></p>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="16" colspan="4"><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">How to Apply Crows <span id="IL_AD5" class="IL_AD">Teachings</span> to Your Life</font></b></td>
<tr><td height="381" colspan="4"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> How do you see the laws of sacredness in relation to the laws of humanity? Are they divided? Crow sees with one eye. Perhaps it is time for your to acknowledge the divine purpose of all things. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Your ancestors may be bringing a message to you of impending change. Be mindful at this stage of your life. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> It may also be time for you to help others step out from the darkness of denial and into the light <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> With sharp vision crow is aware of all around her. Are you to well aware of all around you including the injustices? Do you struggle to find meaning in your life because of the awareness you have? Know that awareness is a gift. Perhaps you need to be supported by like-minded people who see what you see. Realise also that your vision is a great benefit to others. You have the ability to help others out of their own darkness as crow warns other animals of approaching danger. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> In partnership crow teaches us not to discount our partners efforts or belittle their interests. Make an effort to verbally acknowledge and thank your partner for their efforts. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Crow may also warn of gossip. Spending time gossiping about others or worrying about the gossip of others is wasted energy. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Are you holding onto the past? Crow knows no time. She experiences past present and future simultaneously. Learn from your past and move on. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Do you wear many faces? Be careful of becoming manipulative and preying on those who are easily lead or gullible.</font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="7" colspan="4"><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">How to Harness Crow Energy</font></b></td>
<tr><td height="83" colspan="4"><p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Find a feather of crows and place it in an important place <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Read about crow <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/><span id="IL_AD2" class="IL_AD">Listen to the</span> shrieking of crow <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Be still and listen to mystery <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Draw Crow</font></p>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="16" colspan="4"><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Communication</font></b></td>
<tr><td colspan="4"><p><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Crow may communicate to you through leaving feathers for you to find. These serve as a reminder of your connection to spirit or that it is time for you to be still to enable a message from spirit to come through. <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> When a crow is shrieking check that there is not something dangerous in the area as this is their way of warning you and other animals <img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> They may also shriek while you are thinking about a certain area of your life so as to draw attention to it</font></p>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="16" colspan="4"><b><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Prayer </font></b> <font size="2"><font color="#FDE7B9" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">power totem animal,native american totem animal,animal totem meaning</font></font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="24" colspan="4"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Keeper of sacred law I open to the Mystery The knowledge of many world that my ancestors now know In balance of past present future I walk with awareness and speak my truth Using my sharp sight for the benefit of all</font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FDE7B9" height="2" colspan="4"><font size="3" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Myt<font color="#000000">hs and <span id="IL_AD7" class="IL_AD">Legends</span></font></b></font></td>
<tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF" height="45" colspan="4"><font size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><img src="http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guide.com/images/extrasensory-perceptions-mini-esp-icon-red-ball.jpg" width="16" height="15"/> Native American <span id="IL_AD8" class="IL_AD">legend</span> tells of a crow who was fascinated with her own shadow so much so that she kept pecking at it until it came alive. Her shadow then ate her. This tells of crow knowing both worlds. She became part of the mystery.</font></td>
<p><img alt="A New Day" src="http://www.iphonebackgrounds.us/backgrounds/a-new-day-wallpaper-free-ipod-iphone.jpg" style="height: 480px; width: 320px;" title="A New Day"></img> Sitting here early on the last morning of 2011, drinking my coffee and just thinking about what pops in my head , I started thinking about how we tend to compare everything , we compare this day with yesterday or the same day a year ago or 23 years ago on this date. I tend to compare my pain level today with yesterday, or last week or last year and I do the day and myself an injustice. The weatherman compares today's weather with yesterdays, with a year ago, with the record…</p>
<p><img style="height: 480px; width: 320px;" title="A New Day" alt="A New Day" src="http://www.iphonebackgrounds.us/backgrounds/a-new-day-wallpaper-free-ipod-iphone.jpg"/> Sitting here early on the last morning of 2011, drinking my coffee and just thinking about what pops in my head , I started thinking about how we tend to compare everything , we compare this day with yesterday or the same day a year ago or 23 years ago on this date. I tend to compare my pain level today with yesterday, or last week or last year and I do the day and myself an injustice. The weatherman compares today's weather with yesterdays, with a year ago, with the record weather on today's date. We compare our lives with others and we compare our lives today with what it was in the past. I believe we do ourselves a disservice when we do this. Today is what it is, it is not the past or the future, it is today. It is brand new, literally. It should not be compared with yesterday. What happens today is what the day is , it is unique and frankly it is what it is. Each day is truly a gift of now, it is unique and one of a kind, what we do today, what happens good or bad, successes or our failures today will belong to that day only. We can keep that day as a memory to think about but we must not compare it with any other day because in truth there is nothing to compare the day to , it is what it is. We compare everything to gauge whether or not it is 'normal', and I am thinking , normal to what? Just like the weatherman averages the temperatures to tell us whether or not today's temperature is normal, again normal to what?<br/>Today is a gift, if I am trying to lose weight, or if I am trying to quit drinking or smoking or what ever it is, I should not compare how I did or am doing with my past actions, today is what it is, a new beginning and so we can ,today decide whether or not we will eat that piece of cake or smoke that cigarette or drink that drink, a choice we should make moment by moment when the temptation rares it's head. I view a temptation as a gift too, because we get the gift of a little time to choose whether or not we want to take the temptation or not, we don't always get a chance to choose like that and temptations give of that gift of a little time to decide whether or not we want to do what we are being tempted to do, time to weigh the options and consequences of our actions if we do what we are being tempted to do. Many people do not take that gift of time the temptation gives us ,to look at our actions and at the consequences that arise because of them.</p>
<p>So on this last unique day of 2011 , I will look over the past year, at the gifts and challenges it gave me and give thanks that I was given yet another year to live my life and savor all that it was and I will try not to think about 2012 because it has not happened yet, I will savor this day on it's own merit. My only New Year's resolution is to take each day as it is, a new beginning and a chance to be who I choose to be each moment of that day and I hope that this will allow me to see the gift I am being given every new day.<br/>blessed be,<br/>Owlthena</p>
Christmas Hangover
<p>I don't know about you all, but I will be glad when the 'Holiday season' is over. I have a dinner to prepare today and then we get to eat left overs all week and then it is over!! I don't think I can stomach another Christmas show on the Halmark channel anymore. My Hubby has watched them all month and well last month too. He is a sucker for a happy ending. But all the Santa shows, enough already, there is just so many ways to re invent santa, how many ways can we make up how santa gets his…</p>
<p>I don't know about you all, but I will be glad when the 'Holiday season' is over. I have a dinner to prepare today and then we get to eat left overs all week and then it is over!! I don't think I can stomach another Christmas show on the Halmark channel anymore. My Hubby has watched them all month and well last month too. He is a sucker for a happy ending. But all the Santa shows, enough already, there is just so many ways to re invent santa, how many ways can we make up how santa gets his groove on is beyond me but Halmark wins hands down on this!!</p>
<p><img alt="" src="http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ-K5zMd-vejZp6A9GlsNlccZgyjq-c6OeWjNLz8K-JP01mVvcc" width="187" height="269"/><br/>No I am not a Scrooge but that movie has been re invented about as many times as Santa has and I am frankly DONE with it. I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE! Hey don't get me wrong I love Scrooge, it is my favorite Christmas story, but just how many of these shows are there? When I say there have been 20 Scrooge Stories on film, though, I’m talking about animated films for Children, silent movie shorts, modern adaptations and films loosely based on A Christmas Carol. If you want faithful, feature length live-action films that played on the big screen, there have been 7 such movies based on A Christmas Carol.Since the publication of A Christmas Carol, the story has never been out of print and has been adapted both for 22 stage productions, 2 operas, 4 recordings, at least 10 radio broadcasts, 49 loosely based tv show adaptations and 20 film versions. I am guessing here but I bet most of them have been on this past month!!!!!</p>
<p>I must have been a good girl this year because I got a new Lap top! my other one was about 7+ years old, I dropped it I don't know how many times and it banged around in the Truck when we were trucking and had many of the keys missing and the metal was wearing off on many of the vital areas. So that part of Christmas/Yule I liked, but now I have to figure out how to pay for the damn thing. LOL.</p>
<p>After New Years we go into the deep winter time and the big let down from coming out of Dec and the 2 months of Christmas cheer we were dragged into with all the TV shows out there showing how it all turns out good, at least if you are in the TV story, we all know that it seems not to work out all that good for the rest of us, but hey its nice to dream that it could. This is not meant to be a downer, hey I am Up, just tired of repeats. Hankering for something new .<br/>I hope y'all are having a most spendid time this Holiday season and May your New Years be blessed.<br/>Holiday blessings</p>
<p>The past few months there have been 8 crows that come and visit me every day. Around 7 or 8 in the morning I usually go outside with my dog and buddy Salem to walk around my yard and letting Salem do his business and get some exercise. Well most mornings the crows will be in my big Oak trees right outside my house and welcome me with their calls and then fly around. What is strange is that in previous years ,if they even saw me in the door they would fly off before I could get the door…</p>
<p>The past few months there have been 8 crows that come and visit me every day. Around 7 or 8 in the morning I usually go outside with my dog and buddy Salem to walk around my yard and letting Salem do his business and get some exercise. Well most mornings the crows will be in my big Oak trees right outside my house and welcome me with their calls and then fly around. What is strange is that in previous years ,if they even saw me in the door they would fly off before I could get the door open, but now they are in the trees above me talking to me every morning. Or they would let me watch them hunting on the ground for food while standing on my back step or they would stay around as me and Salem would walk about my yard. They seem to be a permanent feature in my home area now when that has not been the case, they have been around but not as often as I see them now.This closeness started when I was trying on another name 'Rhaevyn' . I would use crow for a name but it just didn't sound as good as raven does so that is the only reason I was thinking about using raven but using my own spelling of the word raven/Rhaevyn as my name and not crow. I wonder whether crow is saying I need to reconsider not using Rhaevyn for my other name? I will ponder that one. I wonder if it is sign of a God or Goddess making themselves known to me,I have been asking for such, if so they better give me more information on who they are because many Gods have crow or raven as their symbol. So here is some more wonderful information on the <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">totem</span> Crow.</p>
<p><span style="color: #bf614c;"><span style="font-size: 18pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt;">Crow Totem Spirit and Medicine:</span> <span style="font-size: 18pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt;"><span style="color: black; font-size: small;"><a href="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.htm">http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.htm</a></span></span></span> <span style="color: #bf614c;"><span style="mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Contributed by - Patricia Jean Martin</span></span></span></p>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> The crow is a major member of the Corvids family (genus, Corvus) along with raven, magpie, blue jay and others, so some of the major teachings of Crow have already been posted within the texts on Raven. As this is the case, I will need to mention some of the similarities between the two, but will concentrate mainly on the differences. For more in-depth knowledge, a study of Raven would be beneficial to anyone with Crow as their Totem or Spirit Guide, and vice-versa.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"></div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> <span style="mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN" xml:lang="EN"><img src="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.h11.gif" width="313" height="213"/> <img src="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.h12.gif" width="326" height="214"/></span><span class="inlinetitle"> </span></div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> If Crow has called on you, you may soon find the following show up in your life: A call to magick, a better understanding of the creative forces within and without, a greater nudging to speak your truth, and the courage and cunning to fly into the Void in order to retrieve the necessary knowledge and wisdom to manifest all of the above and more.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> When Crow comes into your life, you can also expect to gain a better self-understanding, greater intuitive reflexes, guidance while shapeshifting through the shadows, and the opportunity to learn about the advantages of determination and watchfulness. Extremely intelligent (along with ravens, crows are noted as being the most intelligent of all birds), the crow will work diligently at manipulating an object or their surroundings until they have accomplished what they've set out to do. Like the raven, they are known to use physical tools along with ingenious methods of action that are noted as being well thought out and even planned. For those with Crow Totem, all these mental capacities and skilful manoeuvres reflect a need to use one's inner senses and outer resources to their fullest.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> A crow will build its nest up higher than most other birds do, and they do this for several reasons. The most important are for safety and to secure a wider visual range. A ship's highest lookout point (a small circular balcony surrounding a tall mast) is called a "Crow's Nest" for obvious good reason. Those working with Crow medicine will find it advantageous to work on broadening their horizons, along with anticipating and being on the lookout for new opportunities that are sure to come when under Crow's tutelage. The crow has often been nicknamed "The Sentinel," as one will often sit and watch and remain aware of all that is going on around them in order to protect other crows in the flock (technically called a "murder") and to make sure no harm comes to their family. One can learn a lot in this respect, and Crow will teach you how better to do the same. From this higher perspective and this watchful awareness, your perception increases and you are able to foresee what is in the offing, thus giving you greater opportunity to be prepared for and/or embrace what is coming your way.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> Crow, unlike the raven, does not mind living in populated areas. They are apt to cohabitate with humans and often live near or around them, as opposed to the raven's deep forest preference. In fact, it is very easy to befriend a crow. Some people have even been known to keep them as pets. A crow very easily bonds and is imprinted with the image and mannerisms of its keeper and will remain faithful and trusting throughout their relationship if well cared for. This shows the bird's willingness to work with humans, and also gives insight into their teachings of being strongly connected to kin...of recognizing family, even if through past lives shared... and of honouring the spirit of their kin and never forgetting them. Past life regression becomes easier when working with Crow Spirit. And through their prompting, acknowledgment and veneration of one's ancestors is brought to the forefront of your memory.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> <span style="mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN" xml:lang="EN"><img src="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.h13.jpg" width="322" height="206"/></span>Crow's character is one of protector, scholar, messenger, and a bit of trickster. They can be very playful, quite amorous, and very wilful...almost downright cocky, actually. And akin to ravens, crows like to talk. Most people find their vocals brassy and annoying, but one with Crow Totem will find them quite soothing, peaceful to the soul, and even joyful and interesting to listen to. Learning to listen to the various tones, inflections and repetitive but varied patterns of the crow's voice can teach you such things as how to work cooperatively, how to discern the truth behind another's words, how to read between the lines, and even how to predict the weather, be alerted to the sudden appearance of a predator, or how to navigate life successfully. But even through all of Crow's love of talk, they will also teach you the very opposite...how to stay advantageously silent when necessary. The Four Cornerstones of Magick (the Witch's Pyramid) is in no way foreign to Crow.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> Omnivorous and apt to eat most anything available, Crow shows you how to maintain a keen sense of personal survival and how to have an "appetite" for a wide and diverse store of knowledge that you will "eat"...take inside, digest, and either be nourished by or spit out. How to use that nourishing knowledge can often be learned by watching the movements and antics of the crow - how they interact, why they interact, and when and with whom they interact. When you learn how to use wisely the vast array of knowledge they offer you, it then becomes wisdom. Raven medicine is more apt to delve more deeply into this conversion of knowledge to wisdom, but Crow will always, at the very least, open the door and offer you the way.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> Aside from merely observing crows in the wild, you can work with the quintessence of Crow in the Spirit world. Here, Crow's own wisdom, offered to you very often in a knowledgeable message form but also in connective experience, is invaluable. They possess the ability to peer into all realms, to coexist in the world of timelessness, and they are very likely to delve into the depths of hidden and obscure knowledge and emerge with a message. It's a bit of a wild ride when working with Crow medicine, as they can take you high aloft to towering realms where the essence of magick may manifest but has yet to fully form, and in the next minute take you perilously deep down into the depths of your psyche, where they almost impatiently will expect you to simultaneously pull forth and examine the message they've delivered from both. In working with Crow, I've found it best to mimic them by staying open and courageous and willing to receive. I've also found they will scoff at you if you do not heed their messages.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> <img src="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.h15.jpg" width="315" height="224"/></div>
<p><span class="inlinetitle"><br/></span></p>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> <span style="mso-ansi-language: EN;" lang="EN" xml:lang="EN"><img src="http://www.controverscial.com/Crow.h16.jpg" width="325" height="225"/></span></div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> Yes, Crow is the epitome of all messengers. Some older superstitions carry the belief that the visit and call of the crow is an omen of impending death, but this was probably adopted in thought as a result of a series of ancient myths - one being where Crow delivered unwelcome news to Apollo, who in turn smote the then pure white messenger by turning him and all his brethren to the colour black. In going from white to black, Crow was actually given the gift of now knowing both of these realms very well - wherein the past, present and future are frequently visited by this most magickal and mystical bird. Being well-known for their methodical and meticulous explorations and their curious and brazen dispositions, Crow Spirit delves deeply into the Void in order to bring word of what may be in need of a better balance in your life. Like their kindred, the Raven, Crow's colour even reminds us that things are never just black and white. Within their present black colour lie all the other colours of the spectrum pulled within - as within one's self lie all the secrets of magick. Black is the colour associated with creation. It is the Void in which all new things are birthed. It is pure potential awaiting the spark of thought. Those with Crow Totem will find themselves pushed to seek out and bring back harmony, balance and justice to their world, and will be urged to unleash their unlimited creativity. In the act of creation, though, some outdated habits and things that are no longer useful are apt to demand change and transformation. Crow medicine very often heralds change through the aspects of death and rebirth. Crow is the Totem of Destiny.</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" class="MsoNormal"><br/> As leaders and messengers in the world of Totems, you can expect Crow to lead you to magick at every step. With Crow being my own Life Totem, I've had them literally physically lead me to things of importance in terms of my enlightenment, and other times merely to a place or thing just for the sheer pleasure of viewing it. In fact, I use them as guides quite frequently. When travelling, I am very apt to see Crows along the way. In fact, I worry if I don't. Whenever I do see a Crow while walking or driving, I can usually expect something exciting to appear just around the bend. Just as they are known for being attracted to bright and shiny objects (which they will often steal and stash away for their own enjoyment), they tend to lead you to them too, both literally and metaphorically. It's not unlikely that you'll find something awe-inspiring - something that brings bright spiritual light and shining resonance to your life - immediately after spotting a Crow. They also very noticeably show up at particular times where I've been able to relate it to my own action and whereabouts, in the sense that they let me know I am in the right place at the right time. Crow's attraction to the bright and shiny can help you learn to value the light in yourself and in others.</div>
<p><br/> In all these things and much more, Crow is an extraordinarily gifted teacher and guide.</p>
<h2 style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" align="center"><br/> <span style="color: #bf614c;"><span class="inlinetitle"><b><span style="font-size: 14pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt;">Sources</span></b></span></span></h2>
<div class="MsoBodyText2" align="center"><br/> Animal-Speak (The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small) - By Ted Andrews</div>
<div class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> European Myth & Legend - By Mike Dixon-Kennedy</div>
<div class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> Oxford Dictionary of World Mythology - By Arthur Cotterall</div>
<div class="MsoBodyText2" align="center"><br/> Microsoft Encarta CD 2006 © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation.</div>
<div class="MsoBodyText2" align="center"></div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm;" align="center"><br/> <span class="inlinetitle"><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrion_Crow">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrion_Crow</a></span></div>
<div style="mso-layout-grid-align: none;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> <a href="http://www.ravenfamily.org/sam/index.html">http://www.ravenfamily.org/sam/index.html</a></div>
<div style="mso-layout-grid-align: none;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"></div>
<div style="mso-layout-grid-align: none; text-align: center;" class="MsoNormal" align="center"><br/> Written and compiled 19<sup>th</sup> July 2007 © George Knowles</div>
<div style="margin: 6pt 0cm; text-align: center;" align="center"></div>
<h2 align="center"><br/> <span style="color: #bf614c;"><img border="0" src="http://www.controverscial.com/top-pent.gif" width="80" height="80"/></span></h2>
<p>Greetings on Christmas Eve, I was given the strangest gift/ sign very early in the morning at 3 AM. I was turning on our gas fire place and in the front corner of the fireplace was a black feather,I believe it to be a crow feather. I know it was not there last night when I turned the fireplace off because I would have noticed it, where it was placed was very obvious. So where did it come from? Who gave me a feather ? And in the fireplace of all places.There is no way from the chimney…</p>
<p>Greetings on Christmas Eve, I was given the strangest gift/ sign very early in the morning at 3 AM. I was turning on our gas fire place and in the front corner of the fireplace was a black feather,I believe it to be a crow feather. I know it was not there last night when I turned the fireplace off because I would have noticed it, where it was placed was very obvious. So where did it come from? Who gave me a feather ? And in the fireplace of all places.There is no way from the chimney that it could have fallen since it is screened at the top and blocked off from below. No one has been in my house for a while, and I have never found a crow or raven feather before, they seem to be rather scarce for me to find, I have never had problems with finding owls or hawk feathers but never had the joy of finding a crow or raven feather. I love being gifted feathers. So what is crow trying to tell me, and who and what source put it there to begin with? I love freeky things like this, it is truly a mystery. Another thing , yesterday afternoon I get a call that I won the raffle for the Sheriff's department of 150$ I bought 15 , 1$ raffles a few days earlier. So wow, is this great or what!! Are they both messages for me? I will accept them as such. So this is what I could find about a feather.</p>
<h1>Sacred Feathers <span class="author">by StarStuffs</span></h1>
<h1><span class="author"><a href="http://www.starstuffs.com/animal_totems/feathers.htm"><span style="font-size: x-small;">http://www.starstuffs.com/animal_totems/feathers.htm</span></a></span></h1>
<p>Birds hold knowledge of speaking with all animals. All feathers relate to human spirit and its innate connection with the Divine. They are the "initiators of air" in opening to realms beyond physical time and space. Psychic perceptions are thus transformed into spiritual intuitions. Air separates Heaven and Earth, thus the birds are the epitome of the flight between spiritual and the physical being. With bird medicine, we learn to use our innate intuitions to ride the currents of life. There are several kinds of feathers that help propel flight. I will only relay the most common ones without the breakdown of the specific type of feather and its function.</p>
<li>The flight /wing feathers are strong and vaned. These lift and reduce drag. If these feathers are found they can heighten meditation and movements in life.</li>
<li>Tail feathers are sturdy and strong. They are used for steering and braking. They align us with forces to help stop and steer our own lives.</li>
<li>Down feathers are soft and dainty. These grow continuously under the main feathers for insulation and to condition the bird's coat.</li>
<p>When a feather comes to you, it is sometimes difficult to tell what part of the bird the feather is from. After inquiring of the feathers and learning about the bird, eventually you'll recognize and identify feathers more easily. But nonetheless, it is a message from nature to contemplate on. When you find a feather it can lift, insulate, and protect you against life's elements. When a feather catches your attention and is discovered in an unexpected place, it is a gift for your path. Feathers bring us inspiring messages to remind of us our world and our connection to it. Their symbolic meanings inspire us to soar to new heights. There are times when a feather becomes a reassurance symbol by appearing to you when you are going through the different phases in your life. Letting you know that you are loved and watched over. They remind you that you are still a part of the Whole. Different feathers also may correspond to your own awareness cycles as the ebb and flow of energy changes. The feather creates the opportunity to awaken your insights. Spend time with your feather and the symbolic meaning will appear. You can honor your feather by: meditating with it, breathing on it which activates the life force of air and wearing them. Make prayer sticks/wands, staffs, aura dusters and feather/fetish pots. To help you determine how birds reflect your present life you may ask these questions.</p>
<li>What is the size, shape and color of the bird?</li>
<li>What is the feather function?</li>
<li>What are the wing structures? (Soaring, fast, slow)</li>
<li>What are the actions in the air and on land?</li>
<li>What are the sounds it makes?</li>
<p>If you look, listen and watch carefully you will see birds and other animals around you that accurately reflect what you are feeling and going through. They can also lead you to understanding of where you are going and how to change directions in your life. All of the actions you do reinforce your connection with the bird spirits. In nature all is one. Honor what you have, it will always honor you, therefore you honor yourself and your oneness with the Great Spirit, The Highest and Most Holy One. Animals have never failed to talk to us, we have never listened. Only by enhancing our awareness of intuition and consciously listening to our natural surroundings can we learn from all the animals. <img src="http://zam.zamimg.com/ffxiv/icons/1C5F010A.png"/></p>
<blockquote class="tr_bq"><strong>Crow:</strong></blockquote>
<blockquote class="tr_bq">Crow is a harbinger of change; spiritual, mental and emotional. Life, death, rebirth, transition magic, watchfulness, look for opportunities coming up, aids in ability to move spiritually and physically. They teach the power and balance of light/dark and spiritual/physical. He teaches to create and manifest things in our lives, all of life is waiting. Crow announces a newness on the horizon. Are you aware of the nuances in life? Are you listening to signs around you? Crow can give strength and show you how to maneuver in intuitions and insights</blockquote>
<p><img style="height: 183px; width: 275px;" id="rg_hi" class="rg_hi" name="rg_hi" alt="" src="http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiD97-oceXo241zESgAWbFgkF5sJf6hZkKhQvNOtAylUIxgv69" width="275" height="183"/></p>
<blockquote class="tr_bq"><strong>Raven</strong>:</blockquote>
<blockquote class="tr_bq">Raven is about the magical act of creation, internal magic and transformation along with miracle of a rebirth. Raven tells us to be aware of omens that become a harbinger of the mystical and exotic. He can show how to stir life without fear and teach to balance life's playful aspects. Raven also brings in the light of awareness and knowledge with opportunities of great changes that are in store for you. Raven will teach how to usher in these new energies. He shows how to dive into the depths of the inner being to illuminate the true self. Are you ready to uncover past conflicts and long forgotten emotional issues? Raven will teach how to transform your spirit. From the deepest part of you healing begins. What has been in darkness will now emerge into the light.</blockquote>
Happy and Blessed Winter Solstice!!!!!
<p><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/yule" target="_blank"><img class="align-center" src="http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c47/nursnmom/Pagan/Christmas20243.png"></img></a> <br></br> Greetings and Hello<br></br> I hope y'all are having a wonderful and blessed Winter Solstice day!!!! Not much going on in my world, had my 3 older grandchildren over last night to open their gifts and had a wonderful time with them.<br></br> My newest granddaugther ,MaKenna Grace was able to come home yesterday! She is doing well and still healthy. I found out that if my daughter would have not listened to her inner…</p>
<p><a href="http://photobucket.com/images/yule" target="_blank"><img class="align-center" src="http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c47/nursnmom/Pagan/Christmas20243.png"/></a><br/> Greetings and Hello<br/> I hope y'all are having a wonderful and blessed Winter Solstice day!!!! Not much going on in my world, had my 3 older grandchildren over last night to open their gifts and had a wonderful time with them.<br/> My newest granddaugther ,MaKenna Grace was able to come home yesterday! She is doing well and still healthy. I found out that if my daughter would have not listened to her inner voice which was telling her that something was wrong with her wee little one, and had waited another day she would have lost her baby. Apparently she had no amniotic fluid left and so the baby would have died. The amniotic fluid is part of the baby’s life support system it protects the baby and aids in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs and digestive system.. I am so grateful and thankful to my Mother/ Father Creator that they were insistent with their voice within my daughter to warn her of the dangers that were lurking. This episode makes me insistent to all to listen to that insistent voice within and maybe alot of stuff we suffer through would not have happened in our lives. Even if you think that you are crazy to listen to it, what would it hurt to follow through with it, it is better to be safe than sorry. And believe me we would have been heart sick if my daughter did not listen to her inner voice, we was spared a terrible terrible situation during this time of Yule and Christmas, it would have forever ruined this time for us.<br/> So at this most blessed time I am a happy happy granny witch and there is much to celebrate this Yule!<img style="padding-bottom: 8px; padding-right: 8px; padding-top: 8px;" id="il_fi" name="il_fi" src="http://magickalgraphics.com/Graphics/SpecialOccasions/Christmas/Yule/yule38.jpg" width="270" height="397"/></p>
<p>I have not been on here for a while, not much going on in my life but now I have something to blog about,my newest granddaughter decided it was time to be born exactly one month early. She weighed 4 lbs. and 11 oz and all of 19 inches tall. I am so glad she is quite healthy. I have not met her yet will see her this morning around 9 am . Can't wait. Here are some pictures of my newest little angel</p>
<p> Her name is MaKenna Grace…</p>
<p><img alt="" height="480" src="http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384438_2209961580477_1590615288_31644910_1038462282_n.jpg" width="640"></img></p>
<p><img alt="" height="640" src="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396216_2209007836634_1590615288_31644161_98604317_n.jpg" width="480"></img></p>
<p><img alt="" height="478" src="http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395090_319360078087718_100000411848380_1111109_175016332_n.jpg" width="640"></img></p>
<p>I have not been on here for a while, not much going on in my life but now I have something to blog about,my newest granddaughter decided it was time to be born exactly one month early. She weighed 4 lbs. and 11 oz and all of 19 inches tall. I am so glad she is quite healthy. I have not met her yet will see her this morning around 9 am . Can't wait. Here are some pictures of my newest little angel</p>
<p> Her name is MaKenna Grace</p>
<p><img alt="" src="http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/384438_2209961580477_1590615288_31644910_1038462282_n.jpg" width="640" height="480"/></p>
<p><img alt="" src="http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396216_2209007836634_1590615288_31644161_98604317_n.jpg" width="480" height="640"/></p>
<p><img alt="" src="http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395090_319360078087718_100000411848380_1111109_175016332_n.jpg" width="640" height="478"/></p>
<p><img alt="" src="http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/388347_319360198087706_100000411848380_1111110_508983694_n.jpg" width="640" height="478"/></p>
<p>This last picture you can see her hand and its gesture, she is saying, I am the boss and I decide when I come into this world and no one else!!! We have been trying to delay her early arrival all week with shots and pills but she says f&^k you, I will be born when I say so!!!! LOL</p>