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Started this discussion. Last reply by Thymele Nov 26, 2012. 2 Replies 3 Likes
On December 5th I will be giving a talk on end-of-life issues from a Wiccan perspective at the annual theology panel hosted by one of our local hospices. I am excited about this opportunity to help…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Harobed Aug 4, 2012. 5 Replies 4 Likes
Our local paper runs a column in the Faith & Values section of the paper every Friday. The columnist, Kay Campbell, has won several awards for her work covering many different religions fairly…Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by StrangerinTown Jul 27, 2012. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Isn't it refreshing to hear this from a Christian minister?Continue
Started this discussion. Last reply by Daniel O'Neill (Cat wrangler) Jun 6, 2012. 1 Reply 0 Likes
Ray Bradbury, noted science fiction author, crossed the veil on 6/5/2012. Perhaps best known for his book "Fahrenheit 451" he was also one of the science fiction greats and an author whose works I…Continue
Bring back the discipline to Wicca
Bring back the honor of the Priesthood
Bring back the "seeking" to the Seeker
Bring back the weight of the oath
Bring back the Mysteries
Added by Lark 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on March 31, 2012 at 8:58 2 Comments 6 Likes
Carol Kirk, a nurse in Vietnam from 1969-1970 comforts Paul Stanger, an Air Force veteran who served in '68, '70, and '72 and was overwhelmed with emotions during the first annual Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day event at the Huntsville Veterans Memorial Thursday, March 29, 2012 in Huntsville, Ala. (Eric…
Posted on March 4, 2012 at 8:36 8 Comments 9 Likes
For several years now I've been working on a Master of Divinity Degree with a focus on Pagan Pastoral Counseling through Cherry Hill Seminary. One of the things that I needed to do to complete the academics was to have an internship semester where I was actually doing hands-on work. After a bit of searching around for a place to do it, I ended up working through the Chaplain's office at my local hospital. I'm having a fascinating time doing it. Love the work, love the people on the staff…
ContinuePosted on December 6, 2011 at 10:16 3 Comments 3 Likes
This semester at Cherry Hill I was enrolled in a class discussing the role of the interfaith chaplain. Our instructor had once worked as a chaplain to prisoners and then to the homeless. It opened my eyes to all of those groups in our society that are considered outcasts. As Pagans we know how this can feel. But I suspect that we often fail to see these "others" out there. We don't hear their stories. We don't see them as human beings with hopes and dreams just like us. So this was my…
ContinuePosted on November 11, 2011 at 8:00 4 Comments 5 Likes
From Basic Training I had gone to El Paso where I was sent to the specialized training for operating room nurses from December 1968 to May 1969. There were seven of us in my class, and we became quite close during training. Shortly before our graduation our orders came down and all but one of us were on the same set of orders to report to Vietnam on the same date. The one who didn't come down on that set of orders we heard arrived in Nam about six months after the rest of us.
Thanks so much for the greeting.
Thanks for the lovely card
Lark, thank you so much for the warm welcome. I am really looking forward to further exploring and interacting with people who truly take this religious path seriously.
Thanks for the birthday wishes! :)
Thank you
Thanks so much for your friendly welcome. It is a pleasure to meet you too!
Thanks Madam Lark. I have been a member of this site before but due to busy personal life I had to leave. I am practicing Wicca since 2009 as a Solitary Wiccan. Thanks for adding me. Have a Blessed Day! )0(
Hey lady! Thank you for the warm welcome back. I would be honored to be a staff member again, I honestly didn't expect to be asked! Thanks :)
Thank you for the Birthday Blessing Lark. :)
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