Featured Groups - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World2017-09-09T02:50:42Zhttp://realpagan.net/groups/group/feed?xn_auth=no&featured=1Traditional Wiccatag:realpagan.net,2010-11-08:6330711:Group:19202010-11-08T05:04:53.920ZShiori E Hatagawahttp://realpagan.net/profile/ShioriEHatagawa
68 members
68 members<br> <p>This is a group for initiated members and friends of Traditional Wiccan lineages such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, and CVW trads.</p>2017-08-25T00:34:50ZSpice Goddesstag:realpagan.net,2011-12-12:6330711:Group:1555522011-12-12T04:02:29.361ZMs. Witch(Sara)http://realpagan.net/profile/MsWitchSara
52 members
52 members<br> <p>A place for spices, herbs, cooking, healing and much more!</p>
<p> </p>
<p>This group is a place that spices can be talked about in cooking, spells, mojo bags, candles, growing, healing properties and much more.</p>2017-08-27T03:05:01ZOur Book of Shadowstag:realpagan.net,2010-11-17:6330711:Group:79722010-11-17T09:08:53.972ZDuirhttp://realpagan.net/profile/SherryLynnSmith
187 members
187 members<br> A place for beginners that have questions about witchcraft. If you wonder about where to start, what to do and what goes into a Book of Shadow this is the group to help you answer those questions and more.2017-08-27T02:29:14ZDedicatory Religious Witchestag:realpagan.net,2010-11-07:6330711:Group:9862010-11-07T02:01:30.986ZAislynnhttp://realpagan.net/profile/Aislynn
141 members
141 members<br> A group for any who follow the DRW path or are interested in it.2017-08-25T02:29:09Z