RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World


A place to share knowledge of survival, the greatest instinct of Human evolution.  Passed down from many generations, some things come natural, some are learned.  Share what you know here.

Location: Deep in the woods.
Members: 19
Latest Activity: Oct 16, 2011

Discussion Forum

Roger The Chat Crasher

Knowledge and Education, when to start?

Started by Roger The Chat Crasher. Last reply by SullenGirl Oct 16, 2011. 5 Replies

We all seek knowledge from time to time.  Perhaps we don't seek it enough.  We do have to find a balance of knowledge seeking and applying that knowledge.  So, where do we start?  When do we…Continue

Tags: skills, techniques, instinct, evolution, human

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Comment by Nicole on August 21, 2011 at 2:02am
Awesome group!!!!
braden hunt sr. Comment by braden hunt sr. on July 8, 2011 at 9:28am
other fire starting techniques. the magnifying glass by concentrating the suns beam.another way of doing this is with a clear plastic bag and water or pee if its clear.put fluid in the bag tie it tight andconcentrate your sun beam the same way as your mag glass.hope this helps.
braden hunt sr. Comment by braden hunt sr. on July 8, 2011 at 9:20am
there are different kinds of ways to start fire. if your vehicle breaks down you can use the battery of your car to start fire.two wires or some brillo etc. hook a wire to each terminal and lay tinder ie paper, leaves, as you touch wires together. if your battery has any life it will strike enough spark for an ember on your tinder.if it isnt a flame youll have to blow on it to get a flame. battery does not have to have enough juice to start car to make that can do the same thing with 2 double a batteries.
braden hunt sr. Comment by braden hunt sr. on July 8, 2011 at 9:14am
i myself, keep a survival kit packed to store in the never knows when a disaster can strike.on a road trip in the middle of nowhere and you suddenly break down. without the essentials , you could be doesnt take a whole lot in your survival kit to survive.not alot of money either.a few things that are a must? a good sharp knife. magnesium or ferral rod for fire starting. a bottle of purification tablets for water. dissenteria is a bitch in the woods if ya dont have you can get them in walmart in camping supplies.if not boil your water or paturize depending on the container you have.i like keeping parachute cord or wire cable for snares.o hook and line for fishing.also a small general purpose first aid kit.i also keep 2 quarts of water.if ya run out you have the containers to carry water.most of this wont be needed , but its better to be safe than sorry.parachute cord is also good when making shelter.i will add criteria later for fire starting when you dont have a light or ferral rod.hope this helps some.
Sutra..again. Comment by Sutra..again. on May 26, 2011 at 9:50pm

I'll bite Muse. One of the first books I went for when becoming interested in the topic was called, An herbalist's guide to medicinal plants by Crellin. It was nothing like I expected but I still remember it as the one that got the ball rolling. There aren't any recipes, and it has vague drawings of a few plants but what it did have was highly descriptive information about each species and variety, historical uses for food and medicine, and accounts and stories from practitioners of origin. Up until loosing my copy during the shuffle of moving into the house, I would find myself plopping into the nearest chair and opening a page at random even after having read it through three times. It's not local, it has very little in the way of applicable information, but it's still the first I recommend when someone expresses interest. Glowing review, I know.

Muse (Deja Vodou) Comment by Muse (Deja Vodou) on May 26, 2011 at 4:07pm

well since the group is quiet, Ill throw out something and see if that gets the ball rolling.


I dont consider myself a "survivalist" per sae.  Although I believe that everyone should be able to utilize whats around them in order to surivive in a situtation that may be life or death.


Part of surviving in the wild is knowing the local plantlife and being able to identify those that are safe for consumption and those that are deadly and being able to use the local fauna for medicinal uses.  There are several great herbal books out there that focus on medicinal and edible plants.  I think everyone should have at least one of those in their library.,

Abby Noel Smith Comment by Abby Noel Smith on March 15, 2011 at 1:56am

I am very interested in this group and all I might learn while being in it, however it does not look like there is much activity for this group.... So, I am wondering… Is anyone is still keeping up with it?


Members (19)

SullenGirl JaemyGem Talia Abby Noel Smith Storm Raven Roger The Chat Crasher Michael Dolan braden hunt sr. MsGF Stareyesgreen Muse (Deja Vodou) raincrow Sutra..again. jane S.C Elyria Niteowl ( Seeker of one's Truth) Rachel Ann (EisHexe) Lady Morgen/Allergic to FLUFF!

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