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There is also going to be an open "Irish Ostara" event hosted by Covenant of Divine Light at Clear Springs Campground, Lake Wright Patman, North Shores (site location to be announced) Texarkana Texas. This will be on Saturday, March 22, 2014
Facebook Event Page:
Here is the website for the South Western Group if anyone would like to have it. The Beltane celebration they have is always tons of fun and worth the drive for those f you coming from further away.
Also, I am sorry I have not been on in a while, I had to go in the broom closet for a while due to my wife's ex-husband. I will be on here more now an will try to answer any questions I can about Arkansas pagans.
Hey Kimberly, I don't know of any pagan groups in Pocahontas at the moment. There are a few in Central Arkansas, Little Rock and Conway area and there is a group that is in South Western Arkansas, Texarkana, but I don't know of any in the North Easter part of the state. If you do find someone please let us know on here.
Is there anyone who lives close to Pocahontas,AR.
i live in russellville. with a few more like me, we actually plan on having a festival soon.
Hey guys!
© 2015 Created by Steve Paine.
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