This group is dedicated to the awareness and purpose of the Ordo Templi Orientis. All are welcome to join this group to share and inquire.
*This group is not sponsored or controlled by the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Members: 13
Latest Activity: Oct 4
The letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East. O.T.O. is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.
Started by Fr. Perseverabo Dec 16, 2010. 0 Replies 1 Like
Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.), or the Gnostic Catholic Church, is the ecclesiastical arm of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.). The E.G.C. is a Thelemic religious environment, dedicated to the…Continue
Started by Fr. Perseverabo Dec 16, 2010. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Find a local Ordo Templi Orientis near you by following the link below:
Started by Fr. Perseverabo Dec 16, 2010. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Ordo Templi Orientis is the…Continue
Started by Fr. Perseverabo Dec 16, 2010. 0 Replies 0 Likes
Mission StatementThe Mission Statement provides a summary of the purpose of O.T.O. U.S. Grand Lodge. It is intended to answer the question "Why does U.S. Grand Lodge exist?" as briefly and clearly as…Continue
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Lon Milo DuQuette will be at Sekhet Bast Ra Oasis (2714 N Penn Okc, OK 73107) in Oklahoma City on Friday, October 21 at 7pm for a book signing.
Also, Saturday, October 22 from 9am-5pm, Lon will be giving a lecture on his Tarot of Cerimonial Magick, Followed by a celebration of the Gnostic Mass. Details Below:
Temple open at 9am. Lecture begins at 10am.
Lon will conduct a workshop on his tarot deck,The Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. Cost for the Workshop is $30 and will include lunch.The cost will go up to $40 after September 30th for all non O.T.O. members.Registration deadline is October 17th.You may register and pay via the PayPal link at
Every deck of Tarot cards is a magical apartment building teaming with a neatly organized population of angels and spirits built upon foundation of Astrology and Qabalah.
Join Master Magician and Certified Tarot Grand Master, Lon Milo DuQuette, for an entertaining and day of magick and discovery as he opens the mysteries of his Tarot of Ceremonial Magick. Out of print for years, it is now again available in a beautiful limited edition.
Tarot of Ceremonial Magick is the only tarot deck ever created that accurately incorporates the key elements of Astrology and the two most popular and widely practiced varieties of Qabalah-based magick; The Enochian magick of Dr. John Dee, and Goetia. Each card is also a wealth of additional details Tattwa meditation symbols, even I ching hexagrams.
Not a novelty tarot deck this is “Real Magick in a box … the key that unlocks the magical mysteries of all Tarot decks.
93 sister,
Congratulations on your initiation. If you are looking to network, check out a site called It is a collection of OTO folks from Omaha NE and the Heru-Behutet Oasis in Kansas City.
93, 93/93
Greetings Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law
I just received my first degree initiation, this last Sunday, here in Vancouver with my Oasis. It was a beautiful ritual and I'm very happy to officially be part of the Thelemic family. I am looking forward to networking with other brethren from various bodies and hopefully I'll see some of you at future events.
Love is the Law, love under will
Also check out Initiation in the Aeon of the Child by J.D. Gunther. He is A.:.A.:. as well and the book is incredibly fantastic! It was published in 2009 just in time before the 5 year period of silence.
Arimesis, you have a local body in Minnesota called the Leaping Laughter Lodge. I might suggest you contact the secretary of the Lodge.
The broader school of thought of the OTO is within Liber AL vel Legis. As for the purpose of the OTO, I might suggest you read my thread "about the o.t.o."
I personally think of the OTO similarly to the military, you are trained in the means to recognize, honer and defend liberty. All of these means are personal to the individual but you will be instructed or guided on means to discover them in the ranks of the OTO. The first three grades of the system are open to absolutely anyone.
93. As I mentioned, I am a member of OTO through the EGC as an associate member. I want to learn of the broader school of thought and practice of the OTO and I have faith that you, Adley, have the knowledge that I seek or the resources to point me to. I am also interested in the initiatory structure of the A:.A:. and will welcome information. 93/93
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