Greetings Rootworkers,
First off, I understand being a little uncomfortable with making use of bible passages in conjure work, however it's usage is common among hoodoo practitioners.
So before anyone thinks I am going to ask everyone to go hunt down a bible and crack it open to look up passages for conjure work. I'm not. Here I'm offering an alternative way of searching without all the hassle of browsing through that intimidatingly big piece of literature, that in turn I hope ones will find entertaining, enriching and it get's ones mind churning.
Now, here's what I want you to do.
Go to this site here:
And type in a common hoodoo word herb, resin and/or workings (ex. protection, enemies ect.) and read through the passages that are generated.
Then post here your findings and how you would use or adapt a particular passage in your conjure work.
Here is an example:
When I search for the word; Hyssop. I find a ritual of cleansing and purification that requires hyssop and cedar tied together with scarlet yarn dipped in blood of a bird. As a matter of fact hyssop alone was dipped in blood and painted around the door frame so the plague of death would pass over the Hebrews homes in Egypt. Again hyssop is used to serve Jesus on the cross a sponge with vinegar. But what is real interesting is a ritual of a cleansing to be performed with hyssop dipped in a jar of water that has the ashes of a burnt offering in it throughout the tent. Further more, it goes into detail about washing and bathing as well. (Numbers 19)
Not only do all the passages that reference hyssop gives a good indication to the properties of it being a cleansing herb, but it also helps to understand more in depth as to why hyssop is used as a cleansing and un-hexing herb in hoodoo.
You can use this bit of information a lot of different ways. How to do a cleansing bath, and how to cleanse ones home. I know for sure that I am making a note in my grimore about the ash water being sprinkled with the hyssop. Like burning your petition and adding it to blessed water for starters. ;)
I know I have discovered quite a few things myself using this quick search and I would like to see what everyone else can come up with. :)
Most importantly please have fun with this!
Lady Bleu, in using just the online bible search only;that is provided at the link in my original post. I was using the New International Version, which at the site, it is automatically set to this, but ones can change the version at anytime during their search and browse the various translations of the generated passages.
I have and do flip through a few translations for a wider perspective, overall.
But you did bring up a very good observation Lady Bleu! It does matter a whole lot to which version of the Bible you are using (because meanings can change in translations), especially when explaining to others (so they can find it too!) and I erred to mention that I was using the New International Version when I wrote my findings.
Thank you for calling that out!
Olive? Never thought about that. I think I shall see what it says.
Okay, here is another: Honey
Using: New International Version
Then their father Israel said to them, “If it must be, then do this: Put some of the best products of the land in your bags and take them down to the man as a gift—a little balm and a little honey, some spices and myrrh, some pistachio nuts and almonds.
Genesis 43:10-12
I know what the full story entails, but in reviewing this passage *Only* my first thought was it sounds like a mojo bag. I could also see it as the making of a honey jar as well as the use of honey and other ingredients are being used in this instance to *sweeten* up the governor of Egypt.
He I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk. FriendsEat, friends, and drink; drink your fill of love.
Song of Solomon 5:1-3
Above a passage from the Song of Solomon is a great making of a honey love jar. I have heard of one practitioner who insists on having the honeycomb in their honey, along with the usage of myrrh and spices.
Browsing through the other passages that are generated in this search using the word honey. I find that honey is a major food source to make ones feel full and nourished along with sweeten someone up and in referring to one's lover. There are lots of references to milk and honey and honey coming from the rock. I'm sure there could be some uses there if you get real creative. ;)
Lady Bleu, in using just the online bible search only;that is provided at the link in my original post. I was using the New International Version, which at the site, it is automatically set to this, but ones can change the version at anytime during their search and browse the various translations of the generated passages.
I have and do flip through a few translations for a wider perspective, overall.
But you did bring up a very good observation Lady Bleu! It does matter a whole lot to which version of the Bible you are using (because meanings can change in translations), especially when explaining to others (so they can find it too!) and I erred to mention that I was using the New International Version when I wrote my findings.
Thank you for calling that out!
Olive? Never thought about that. I think I shall see what it says.
© 2015 Created by Steve Paine.