Hello! May I make a few recommendations?
Our Troth, Vol. 1 & 2. The first book goes into the lore behind the various deities and other beings found in the lore, as well as history of the germanic culture. The second book explains the holidays and rituals. Very good stuff!
Taking up the Runes by Diana Paxson. This deals mostly with runes, obviously, but she also throws in some interesting theories about certain Heathen traditions.
Exploring the Northern Tradition by Galina Krasskova. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but this book does a pretty good job of giving an overview of Heathenry, as well as explaining the different paths found in it, such as Folkish, Theodish, Asatru, Vanatru, etc.
Also, check out www.asatru-u.org. It hasn't been updated in years, but the beginner section is still available, and I believe they also have a pretty comprehensive reading list.
Hope that helps!!
Thanks for the recommendations, this post was a bit old, but I do appreciate you and everyone else for taking the time to chime in.
I've read "Our Troth" vol. 1 and 2 and I found them to be good, I am currently working through Kveldulf Gundarsson's "Teutonic Religion" and I find that to be a good read so far, and I am also reading through Diana Paxon's "Taking up the runes". I found her book, "Essential Asatru" to be a very good read that I went over it twice.
With Aswynn, I get the feeling that she's combined her path with many other elements and it's changed it over the years. I'm going to read her book, but I will take your comment under advisement. I think that with her, from what I have read about her, her time with a coven has skewed her working into something that isn't quite heathen centric if that makes any sense. I shall have read Robin Artisson's book, since it sounds really good.
Thanks again!
Liofrun Ealubora said:
I would not recommend Aswynn personally, she seems much too flighty and fluffy for any serious practitioner to take.
I would recommend ALL of the epics, from Beowulf to the Iliad and any book written by Ronald Hutton, an archaeologist who has done immense studies on old Heathenism and modern Neopaganism in a straightforward, factual and objective manner. Anything by Brendan Myers as well. Diana Paxson I also found to be very informative during my formative years as a Heathenling many years ago.
Also, though I don't agree with everything he says, the book Reclaiming the Pagan Worldview by Robin Artisson is essential for anyone thinking about becoming Heathen.