Anubis is the Greek name for the Egyptian god otherwise known as Anpu. He is also commonly known as Yinepu.
Anubis is a funereal deity, he presides over the process of mummification and guides the dead to the after-life. Anubis is thus known as a psychopomp, like the other deity that I am dedicated to, Hekate.
Anubis was once known as a chief deity of the dead, but Osiris took that position over later on. Anubis is much loved in modern culture through “The Mummy” and this is one of the first places I got a taste of him. Although only recently have I had the opportunity to look into Kemetic practice more in depth, I have honoured Anubis since the beginning of my path. He was always calling me, always guiding me and guarding me.
Anubis as most of us know is often depicted as a man with the head of a jackal. He is also sometimes shown as a jackal. The most obvious symbolism of the jackal comes from the fact that Jackals and dogs would prowl the tombs looking for food, this could be seen as a protective gesture symbolically.
Anubis carries a staff and is often seen with the Ankh a symbol of life and thus the “keys” to the eternal realms of the after-life.
Anubis is also well known for his presence in the judgement hall of Maat, Supervising the Scales of truth.
Anubis is the son of Nepthys (Isis’ sister) and Osiris or Set, depending on which myth you wish to acknowledge.
Anubis has gone by many other names as well, such as Am Ut as the dweller in the embalming chambers, Khent Sehet as one who presides in the place of purification.
Anubis is also known as the guardian of secrets in that he embalmed the flesh, he was also the one to perform the ritual of the opening of the mouth. Priests in ancient Egypt would wear his mask and perform these embalming ceremonies .
Anubis to those who worship him and are dedicated to him, is a god of much more than just death and embalming. To me he is the keeper of all secrets and thus of mystical and occult knowledge.
To me he grants me strength when I feel I will buckle under the pressures of life and pain. He helps me to look at problems from a different angle when he smacks me over the head with his staff, much like Rafiki in the “Lion King”. Anubis although not considered a trickster deity in his own culture has shown me his own sense of humour, which I certainly believe he has.
Anubis’ energy is balancing, cleansing, fortifying, comforting and above all loving. Anubis sets hard tasks for those who call him patron, albeit he is not as harsh as my other patron. He requires ceremony, that ceremony may be as simple as sharing a cup of tea to as complex as the kemetic rituals that I am beginning to study and incorporate.
Anubis is not only a guardian during the night as a jackal but is also a guardian during the day as dog. And like the dog and jackal he has a playful nature, I am constantly reminded of his devotion to the dead, when I see the love and devotion my black dogs have with me, I am constantly reminded of his playful nature when I see that naughty glint in my dogs’ eyes. I am always reminded of his protectiveness when I see the protection that my dogs guard me with. It is then my duty as his priestess to offer the same kind of devotion, protection, love and playfulness to him.
For those who know me on this site, you will know I worship and am dedicated to Hekate as well, Hekate is often seen with black dogs as well. Her energy however is quite different from Anpu’s . The howl of her dogs sets the skin to shivers, whereas the nudging of cold noses sets a different feeling.
{For more on Hekate refer to the group Hekate’s Keys.}
Since Anubis is both protective during the day and night, it is appropriate to honour him during the daylight as well as the deepest hours of midnight. Or any hour one wishes: )
Anubis reminds us of our own immortality and that our flesh too must be eaten by the jackals and dogs- or time. Anubis reminds us that we must be ever thoughtful of our actions and thus take responsibility for them, when he helps weigh the scales in the judgement halls. Anubis reminds us that we are never alone in our path to the other side, whatever that other side may be, he also reminds us that although life is hard and fraught with obstacles that the ankh he possesses can act as light to guide us while his staff hold us up (and smacks us when we don’t listen or pay attention).
He is the opener of ways and thus helps us overcome obstacles.
He is the secret keeper, and thus knows the mysteries of life and death.
He is the guardian of the tomb, and thus of us, the secrets of death.
He is the guide to the dead, and thus our guide in this life path.
He is the dog and jackal and thus the divine companion and friend.
He is flesh eater and devourer and thus the one to whom our flesh returns.
He is the embalmer and funeral preside and thus the loving hands of death, the dedicated hands of the ceremonialist and strong protector and guide to those who die in flesh.
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