How did they cast the circle?? In this ritual they called on deity?? (btw. in no way is this the God and Goddess of the Wica) What do you mean that "the ritual got going and we all went into a trance?" What did the ritual consist of? This has captured my interest...
and HUGE btw.. Witchcraft and Wicca are NOT the same. The words cannot be used interchangeably. This is a new age mistake.
Hi Stonewolf,
I'll try to keep this short since I don't want to hijack the thread with a discussion about Deities. But I thought I might be able to provide some information that might help you understand the way in which Trad Wiccans view their Deities.
There are two schools of thought about the nature of the Divine and these are soft polytheism and hard polytheism.
Soft polytheists view all Gods as one God and all Goddesses as one Goddess. And they may go even further and state that all the Gods and Goddesses are simply aspects of a greater and unknowable Divine presence.
Hard polytheists view each of their Gods and each of their Goddesses as being separate one from the other and individuals in their own right. So many of us would disagree that calling upon one Goddess or on one God would be like calling upon all of them.
Since we come to our understanding of the nature of the Divine only through spiritual experience it is quite possible for a coven to have a mix of both hard and soft polytheists within it. But I would dare say that even the soft polytheist does not believe that a rite to call upon a specific Deity results in all similar Deities being present.
If you go back far enough into history you would find that specific tribes would have their own sets of Deities that were known only to that tribe and which that tribe called upon in need. The neighboring tribe in the next valley over would likewise have their own Gods and would have no knowledge of their neighbor's Gods nor would they expect those Gods to answer if they called on them. It might help to understand how the BTW view their Gods if you think of them as being like the ancient tribal Gods. The Gods of the BTW are not known outside of BTW practice and they answer only to the BTW. So when the BTW are saying that you can't know the Gods of the BTW they are correct because you not only don't know the names (which are oathbound) by which to call on them. nor do you have the spiritual connection to them which would cause them to respond to you. In fact, even if you were to call upon a God or Goddess whose name were the same as those of the BTW it would still not be the same Deity nor would the spiritual connection to the Gods of the BTW be present. It's not a way of putting anyone down. It's simply acknowledging who is or is not part of the particular tribe.
If you'd like to discuss theological questions further you might want to start a thread on the topic so we can go more into depth on the question.
It should also be noted that it is the names of the Gods of the Wica that are Oathbound. The Gods themselves are free to do as they please.
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