RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World

This is my first discussion topic, so bear with me. I am new to the Pagan community, but have been practicing when I have the chance. I practice solitary and no one in my family/friends knows that I am Pagan, so I have to practice when no one's around. I'm also a very busy full time college student. This topic occurred to me earlier this week when I was praying to the Goddess and God for guidance through this rough week I've been having. Usually, when I do a ritual/spell/prayer, I make sure all phones are turned off or silenced etc., but this day, the only chance I had to do my prayer was after school and my mom always seems to want to send text messages to me when she gets off work. I'm one of those people that always answers calls and texts immediately and if I don't, people start worrying about me. I had my phone on vibrate, and got through the actual prayer I was doing, but before I closed my circle, my phone started vibrating with texts from my mom...I really do believe that interrupted the energy flow with what I was doing, and thinking back, even having my phone on at this time was disrespectful to the Goddess and God...but then at the same time, when my mom asks me what I was doing and why I didn't answer the phone, I can't very well say "Oh, I was doing a Pagan ritual/prayer/etc." Also, it seems that during every full moon or new moon or even during a Sabbat, when I want to do a ritual, I seem to be away from home doing school work and can't manage to do anything although I desperately want to. I really enjoy taking the time to appreciate nature and trying to get to really know the Goddess and God, but right now in my life, I'm really finding it hard to actively participate in my path, which is one thing that drew me to this path to begin with. So, I guess what I'm asking is for people like me with school, or even people with full time jobs and families, when do you find time to practice and participate in your religion without interruption? (Sorry this post was kinda all over the place, but I have a lot of things on my mind.)

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How many times a day do you stop and wish you could take part in ritual?

How many times have you wished for more time, to complete a circle/spell/pray without an interruption?

How often have you driven by something, and thought what a beautiful sight to behold?

What if you were to realize the amount of time you have done each of these things, you could have been utilizing the time to practice your faith in the real world? Your livestyle, whether it be solitary or coven based, will always have a multitude of events, occuring all at the same time. This, is real life...

As it was once pointed out to me (more times than I care to recall), take five and breath.
Instead of wishing for what you could have, do something about it!

Yes, with a busy schedule, it is not easy to accomplish a large or elaborate ritual, especially if you are also trying to keep this information within. Yet, there is no reason why instead of wishing, you couldn't do the ritual within yourself, With strong focus, it is possible to enact a ritual within oneself(bath /shower time is a wonder)....It is possible to do a beautiful circle all within your mind(Waking up early in the morn, before the day begins and your feet hit the floor) start your day off with a circle within.. It is possible to speak to the Lady and Lord with ease and comfort, all from within. As you drive by that beautiful sight, thank the Lady and the Lord for showing you nature's beauty.

If your life is driven by the Lady and the Lord, you will be amazed at how quickly you discover, that time becomes irrelevant.

For very special occassions, it is simplier to say, "I have plans mom, I won't be able to chat with you this coming "Saturday" eve." Never feel you have to be less than truthful. For this in the end, if discovered, would damage a relatiohship that is obviously very important to you.

Your mind is a wonderful gift.... Use it to serve the Lady and the Lord.....Blessed Be Hun MJ )O(

Thanks for all the many replies. So much has changed in the past almost 6 months since I wrote this. I've graduated college and am working full time as a nurse. And what all of you have said is right. I've learned that i have to find make time for the Goddess and God even if it's not an elaborate ritual. I've started meditating more and doing simple nightly rituals before reading and going to bed. I've even talked with a couple of my friends (who are also pagan) about my beliefs and they suggested us practicing together sometime. I'm gradually becoming more open about my beliefs even if it's only to certain people and I look forward to what's to come on my path. Thanks again for all the replies!
Wonderful news, Sara! Blessings. :)
Sara.. One does not necessarily have to go through the motions to "be Pagan".. if you feel it in your very being and have the willingness to learn you are already half way there.. if you want it bad enough the Old Ones will call you .. as life is lived one day at a time so it is with becoming a Pagan or a doctor or lawyer or whatever... everything in due time will come to you.. don't be disappointed if it doesn't happen at once and don't beat yourself up over not performing for instance a ritual.. it's not how many times we stumble but how many times we get up and keep going forward that counts... I wish you well on your journey

Blessings Sara,

I work full time, and I am a student I understand what you are going through. I work nights so When i leave for work it is still daylight and when I get home the sun is rising. I often miss the oppertunity to do an esbat ritual and some sabbat rituals due to my work schedule, so while driving to work I look for the moon and savor how beautiful it is and talk to the goddess on the way home I see the sun rise and talk to the god.

I have recently discovered using music and dance as a way to communicate with the goddess and the god.


-Ms witch


Hi Sara,

I can relate. I mean I'm currently working, but atop that, I have other priorities that are constantly unbalanced and I try to balance them out however I can. I have yet to do any rituals. So then how do I spend the time I do have to be Pagan as well as a Witch? I visit social networks such as this one, I do research online, I read any books that I can get my hands on, I read up on mythology to become more familiar, I listen to Pagan music and the vibrate sounds of nature, and I work to develop a personal relationship with the Roman gods. Needless to say, I have much more to learn along my own journey. I think we all do.

Such great advice here. I am the mom of three, run two busy businesses and help hubby with his busy construction biz. Needless to say, we are running around constantly! I find it very difficult to get in my prayer time or time with the Goddess and God. I find when I put it off too long, that the pull to 'do something' is very, very strong. Usually, that something is sitting in quiet meditation, facing North, and having a few quiet moments of reflection or thoughtless peace. This is when my energy is absolutely the strongest and I love it!

When I answer that pull--that call to action--it always fills me with gratitude and satisfaction that I've been proactive in my spirituality that day.


Best of luck :)



You have all the time in the world to be Pagan. It's not the same as going to church or reading the bible to feel "religious" or practicing to be pious like Christianity and some other religions demand. Being Pagan is, well, being yourself. When you notice how nice a sunny day looks, or how you love the colours of the leaves in fall-that is Pagan. Interruptions are part of life, especially if you're a student or have children. I'm a university student living on a shoestring budget in the city and religion DOES get interrupted. Being Pagan however, is more than just a "religion", it's a worldview, a world perception and a life journey. It is who you are, not how often you practice.
Buy some jewellry and wear it proudly, buy a potted plant, set up an altar and decorate it with the changing seasons(Mine has some tiny pumpkins from the market sitting on it and some images of loved ones).

The biggest mistake people make is thinking that Paganism is demanding in the same way Christianity is, that they have to force themselves to participate in something with routine, or active prayer. Paganism is all around you already, even in the days of the week. Buy some books on mythology and read them in your spare time and REALLY read them to see what the old Pagans thought, or better yet, take a language or folklore or history course in school.

Make it Practical Paganism first, then go for ritual when you have time.

For in depth ritual, you should turn your phone and laptop off. Do it before bed when no one is expecting you around, or light some candles and incense after dinner before opening a good book and say a little prayer before your altar. Try learning about herbalism and kitchen witchery and use those practical paths for ritual-cooking, making tea, etc... Get into the practice of meditation as well to focus your energy better-buy a ritual drumming CD or look some up on youtube(Keep Music Pagan is a really good channel) and just play a playlist and listen and breathe steadily.

It is possible, and I know ritual is a particularly fun part that makes you FEEL Pagan but it isn't the only or even the most important part of being Pagan. The ancient Pagans probably didn't make time too often for ritual and when they did it was a whole community event that was born out of survival necessity-these people had busy lives, very busy lives, but their lives and Paganism were one in the same and permanently intertwined. Learning about their perception of the world makes a big difference in how one lives Paganism in the modern age.

A better question is, when am I NOT pagan?


Being pagan is far more an outlook on life and a way of interacting withe h world then it is waving wands or reading tarot.  Ritual can be as simple as closing your eyes and hailing your gods silently.  You don't need to be anywhere special, you don't need any tools.  The only thing you really need is to rid yourself of all your preconceived notions about that is "proper."


As for the texting issue *shugs* set your boundaries.  If people freak because they have to wait 20 minutes to hear back fro you, it's time to sit them down for a chat about you having other things in your life besides texting with them or simply cut them loose.

Well said Vigdisdotter.. I can not believe there are so many people out there that do not use common sense any more.. I wonder if they are just posting nonsense to hear themselves talk or if they really have no clue.. I hope it is the former even though that in itself is a problem within society...


I know exactly what you are going through. I am a full time student as well, with a wife who does not approve of my religious leanings, 2 kids, and a very religious mother-in-law who we live with. Since then, I have had to move back into the broom closet. My theory is that simple things can be ritual. I am often the one to close everything up before bed, so while waiting for the dogs to do their thing, I gaze up at the moon and say a silent prayer,, and drink in Her energies. If I am up for sunrise, I take a moment to reflect and greet the Gods. If I feel the need for a more "traditional" ritual, I have put together a mini altar that I can set up in seconds and dismantle just as quick. I wait until the wife is in bed, and do a small ritual as needed, but to be honest, I believe that a formal ritual, while nice, is not a necessity. The Lord and Lady are everywhere, and they know your needs. Your altar is everywhere. 

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