Still stuck on The Magus by Francis Barrett...and just wanna know if there are some cliff notes on this? A group study or something? This is my self-inflicted homework but the Old English squashes any and all motivation to want to continue. ~ugh~
But on the brighter side, enjoying the *Caribbean A Novel*, by James A. Michener. Like historical novels..So far so good. :)
Fiction: Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
History: The Triumph of the Moon by Ronald Hutton
Anthology: Hekate: Her Sacred Fires, multiple contributors, edited by Sorita D'Este
I am reading the first and second, and re-starting the third.
Oh I'm also following about 7 or 8 manga. At once. :D
I made myself some sort of shcedule for reading about certain topics on certain days only, for sanity's sake (!), so here is what I'm reading nowadays (depending on the day)
The Magick of Aleister Crowley by Lon Milo Duquette; How to Make and Use Talismans and The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie; A Forest of Souls by Rachel Pollack; Hekate Her Sacred Fires by Sorita D'Este; The Kybalion... And Intrigues by Mercedes Lackey, for relaxation. :)
I *love* Duquette. Crowley's writing style is known for being difficult for English native speakers... Imagine when English is not your mother tongue. O_o So Duquette is a must for me. "Magick" is my main reference for learning LBRP and LRH (although there's a mistake in his LRH!)
The others are either for study (Talismans), or sheer curiosity (like Golden Dawn, for example).
Lackey... She's my favorite fantasy author, fantasy is my favorite genre, and hell, a girl needs relaxation time, too. LOL
At any given time, I've got a half dozen books that I'm reading through. Right now, the ones I'm working on include:
CovenCraft by Amber K. It's a fairly good read... I think I like RitualCraft better, but I'm only a couple hundred pages into this one, so we'll see if it picks up. At a quick glance, the appendices are worth the price of the book alone.
Creating Magic by Lee Cockerell. It's not what you think... this book is actually about leadership skills as taught by the Disney Institute. On the other hand, this is by far the best book on coven leadership I've seen thus far.
Coming to the Edge of the Circle: A Wiccan Initiation Ritual by Nikki Bado-Fralick. This is an academic study about the implications of initiation, both in terms of being initiator and initiate candidate. Very interesting to see this covered in so many different layers.
The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho. His works are profound...this one is no exception.
The Disney Way by Bill Capodagli. Another leadership-based book, this one focusing on the four principles: Dream, Believe, Dare, Do.
I'm also reading through our whole cookbook collection to pick out recipes to keep so that we can get rid of 90% of our cookbooks. :)
I'm Also reading "The triumph of the moon" by Prof Ron.
Its quite an easy read and not as heavy as I was expecting. I know the author quite well and "hearing" him read it makes it flow better.lol.
Fiction-wise I've just finished "Murder on the Leviathan" by Boris Akunin, its the 2nd in a running set and a real good read, the "Erast Fandorin" series are well worth getting.
Next fiction on my list will be the next of "the flashman papers" again, a great historical fiction series. True-ish history and a great "hero", Harry Flashman is fantastic!
How to become a witch by Amber K and Azrael K (with an eye to "Do I want to use this as a core text when teaching", rather than "let me learn stuff".) I like their work a lot in general, and like this too, though I haven't finished a detailed read.)
Inside A Magical Lodge by John Michael Greer - I read it when I got it, but I'm rereading it, as he's our Guest of Honor for the upcoming brand-new Paganicon event I'm helping run in Minneapolis in late March. I really appreciate the clarity of his writing style, and I'm thinking about a bunch of applications of what he says in terms of coven work.
And a bunch of ocean-life type books right now: sharks and whales and much more.
Currently I'm reading like 5 things thanks to my wonderful Kindle, but focusing mostly on 3.
The Druidry Handbook by John Michael Greer
Witch & Wizard: The Gift by James Patterson
Irish Faerie Tales by James Stephens
In all honesty, I personally don't like James Patterson due to his annoying habit of 2 page chapters, but the Witch & Wizard series so far is rather good and a great read. I've been elbow deep in Mythology, read Welsh, Scottish, Scandinavian, and Norse Fairy Tales (working on the Irish) and the Mabinogion (Which is an excellent read :) )
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