Troubling Times - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World 2011-01-20T23:21:52Z Totally true Crystal lol  Cr…,2011-01-15:6330711:Comment:41210 2011-01-15T00:21:36.210Z Incantis L'huayk <p>Totally true Crystal lol </p> <p><br/> <cite>Crystal said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div>Those of us that aren't that great with shooting paintballs need target practice anyway :P</div> </blockquote> <p>Totally true Crystal lol </p> <p><br/> <cite>Crystal said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div>Those of us that aren't that great with shooting paintballs need target practice anyway :P</div> </blockquote> Those of us that aren't that…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:41175 2011-01-14T20:13:01.175Z Crystal Those of us that aren't that great with shooting paintballs need target practice anyway :P Those of us that aren't that great with shooting paintballs need target practice anyway :P Lol Beorc, This might have so…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:41054 2011-01-14T14:58:27.054Z Incantis L'huayk Lol Beorc, This might have some success buddy! I am in...<br/> <br/> <cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite><br /> <blockquote cite=""><div><p>They desire to be martyrs, I desire to see them scatter under a hailstorm of paintballs, unable to muster the the faith to withstand what thousands of teenagers can do every day, without batting an eye!</p> <p> </p> <p>We BOTH get what we want! It's a win/win…</p> </div> </blockquote> Lol Beorc, This might have some success buddy! I am in...<br/> <br/> <cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite><br /> <blockquote cite=""><div><p>They desire to be martyrs, I desire to see them scatter under a hailstorm of paintballs, unable to muster the the faith to withstand what thousands of teenagers can do every day, without batting an eye!</p> <p> </p> <p>We BOTH get what we want! It's a win/win situation! :D What's not to like?</p> <p><br/> <cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div>While I ADORE this idea... unfortunately, this particular group looks for opposition, especially violent opposition, as "proof" that they are doing God's .  They choose such hatespeak as a way to incite aggressive reactions.  If they are being opposed in such as way, it must be the devil at work, no??  And the devil opposes God's work.  This is the mentality.  They desire to be martyrs....<br/><br/><cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite><blockquote><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank you for sharing this, because you are so full of wisdom. I could not agree more.</p> <p><cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><br/><p>And the action YOU take?  Be the example and raise your children to appreciate the differences in people.  Except for very rare cases you are not going to change one of these people, so make a change where you can.  Be an example and make sure that your family makes a positive impact on the world, based on tolerance and understanding. </p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think it is my responsibility as a "pagan" to make a difference for future generations.  I think it's just the right thing to do...</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> They desire to be martyrs, I…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40990 2011-01-14T06:59:15.990Z Beorc Kano <p>They desire to be martyrs, I desire to see them scatter under a hailstorm of paintballs, unable to muster the the faith to withstand what thousands of teenagers can do every day, without batting an eye!</p> <p> </p> <p>We BOTH get what we want! It's a win/win situation! :D What's not to like?</p> <p><br/> <cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div>While I…</div> </blockquote> <p>They desire to be martyrs, I desire to see them scatter under a hailstorm of paintballs, unable to muster the the faith to withstand what thousands of teenagers can do every day, without batting an eye!</p> <p> </p> <p>We BOTH get what we want! It's a win/win situation! :D What's not to like?</p> <p><br/> <cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div>While I ADORE this idea... unfortunately, this particular group looks for opposition, especially violent opposition, as "proof" that they are doing God's .  They choose such hatespeak as a way to incite aggressive reactions.  If they are being opposed in such as way, it must be the devil at work, no??  And the devil opposes God's work.  This is the mentality.  They desire to be martyrs....<br/><br/><cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite><blockquote><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank you for sharing this, because you are so full of wisdom. I could not agree more.</p> <p><cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><br/><p>And the action YOU take?  Be the example and raise your children to appreciate the differences in people.  Except for very rare cases you are not going to change one of these people, so make a change where you can.  Be an example and make sure that your family makes a positive impact on the world, based on tolerance and understanding. </p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think it is my responsibility as a "pagan" to make a difference for future generations.  I think it's just the right thing to do...</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> While I ADORE this idea... un…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40948 2011-01-14T03:33:00.948Z Strata While I ADORE this idea... unfortunately, this particular group looks for opposition, especially violent opposition, as "proof" that they are doing God's work.  They choose such hatespeak as a way to incite aggressive reactions.  If they are being opposed in such as way, it must be the devil at work, no??  And the devil opposes God's work.  This is the mentality.  They desire to be martyrs....<br/><br/><cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite> <blockquote><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full…</p> </div> </blockquote> While I ADORE this idea... unfortunately, this particular group looks for opposition, especially violent opposition, as "proof" that they are doing God's work.  They choose such hatespeak as a way to incite aggressive reactions.  If they are being opposed in such as way, it must be the devil at work, no??  And the devil opposes God's work.  This is the mentality.  They desire to be martyrs....<br/><br/><cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite> <blockquote><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank you for sharing this, because you are so full of wisdom. I could not agree more.</p> <p><cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><br/><p>And the action YOU take?  Be the example and raise your children to appreciate the differences in people.  Except for very rare cases you are not going to change one of these people, so make a change where you can.  Be an example and make sure that your family makes a positive impact on the world, based on tolerance and understanding. </p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think it is my responsibility as a "pagan" to make a difference for future generations.  I think it's just the right thing to do...</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> ROFL *LIKE* Beorc Kano said:…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40911 2011-01-14T02:24:26.911Z Elise <p>ROFL</p> <p>*LIKE*<br/> <br/> <cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do…</p> </div> </blockquote> <p>ROFL</p> <p>*LIKE*<br/> <br/> <cite>Beorc Kano said:</cite></p> <blockquote cite=""><div><p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank you for sharing this, because you are so full of wisdom. I could not agree more.</p> <p><cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><br/><p>And the action YOU take?  Be the example and raise your children to appreciate the differences in people.  Except for very rare cases you are not going to change one of these people, so make a change where you can.  Be an example and make sure that your family makes a positive impact on the world, based on tolerance and understanding. </p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think it is my responsibility as a "pagan" to make a difference for future generations.  I think it's just the right thing to do...</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> I am still of the mind that t…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40901 2011-01-14T02:12:16.901Z Beorc Kano <p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank…</p> </div> </blockquote> <p>I am still of the mind that three vans full of masked men with rapid fire paintball guns pulling up in front of them, and unloading 20+ paintball hoppers of 500 rounds each. That's 10,000 paintballs.</p> <p> </p> <p>A bit of a test of their faith, to see if they cut and run. Do that at *every* picketing event? They'll break. Eventually.<br/><br/><cite>Tambyr (Rissa) said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><p>Strata... I so admire this post. You always know exactly the right things to say. Thank you for sharing this, because you are so full of wisdom. I could not agree more.</p> <p><cite>Strata said:</cite></p> <blockquote><div><br/><p>And the action YOU take?  Be the example and raise your children to appreciate the differences in people.  Except for very rare cases you are not going to change one of these people, so make a change where you can.  Be an example and make sure that your family makes a positive impact on the world, based on tolerance and understanding. </p> <p> </p> <p>I don't think it is my responsibility as a "pagan" to make a difference for future generations.  I think it's just the right thing to do...</p> </div> </blockquote> </div> </blockquote> The worst thing is these peop…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40889 2011-01-14T01:57:19.889Z Incantis L'huayk <p>The worst thing is these people are so ignorant and extreme there chances of changing are slim to none. I am gay and it was so foreign to me when I first seen and heard of them on Youtube. I wondered how a person who is created of the same energy as I could tell me I am a disgusting piece of filth that should not only die, but pay in an underworld for the "choices" I have made.</p> <p> </p> <p>You have no idea how much I want to scream and holler at them. I want to cause them the same pain…</p> <p>The worst thing is these people are so ignorant and extreme there chances of changing are slim to none. I am gay and it was so foreign to me when I first seen and heard of them on Youtube. I wondered how a person who is created of the same energy as I could tell me I am a disgusting piece of filth that should not only die, but pay in an underworld for the "choices" I have made.</p> <p> </p> <p>You have no idea how much I want to scream and holler at them. I want to cause them the same pain they caused on all the world. All the suicides my brothers and sisters of the world had to endure because they couldn't stand to even look at themselves in the mirror one last time. All of the innocent soldiers who were desecrated by their foul and wretched tongues. Hatred spews from them in the most concentrated form I have ever seen.</p> <p> </p> <p>Then, I close YouTube and realize how lucky I am to be a simple Canadian on a small island that is very open and liberal. How I can be myself to my family (who never even flinched when they found out when I came out of the gay and broom closet! lol) and just feel a sense of peace that I know most gay people do not have.</p> <p> </p> <p>I still have fear though if I were to move away somewhere and walk down the street how can I feel safe when there are extremists out there. If they hope and pray for us to be dead in their "gods" will than I hope the law of attractions falls upon them and their "god". </p> <p> </p> <p>I know, with the new generation movements for change, gay oppression, fundamental religion, and animosity toward race, gender, culture, etc will diminish over time. As we have already advanced from thousands of years of unmorality unto this age where we have a world strongly changing and agreeing on morals as a human race. </p> <p> </p> <p> Shirley Phelps, you say I am going to Hell, well honey, I'll be pulling you down with me when I die then. All us gays down in Hell are gonna shorten your atrocious hair, dress you up in something provocative, resurrect you from the dead, and plop your new stereotypically lesbian ass inside your family's church and see what they do to you then. Only then will you realize you have lived a selfish, greedy, and heartless life! Bah humbug to you Shirley!</p> <p> </p> <p>There :) Now I feel better...Thanks Jennifer! I am so happy you posted this, it's one of those things that makes you happy realizing that we are nothing like them. It reassures me that, yeah sure there are some wackos out there, but at least the world majority restricts them and keeps them lowly fools.</p> <p> </p> <p>To all you fellow gays out there, I know I don't know you all, know that I love you! I love you as a human being and I want you to love yourself no matter what...even unto death when things become uncertain, know in you're heart that All loves you. </p> <p> </p> <p>Blessed Be,</p> <p>Incantis </p> I agree with what others have…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40848 2011-01-14T00:40:11.848Z Crystal <p>I agree with what others have said here, it's not just a pagan issue, or christian issue, it's a human issue. We as human beings should be raising our children all starts at home. If you are a hateful person, and rage on people for the color of their skin, sexuality, etc., you're just going to breed that same hate to your child, and who knows what could happen in the future because of the hate you bred when they were young.</p> <p> </p> <p>The nature of people today saddens me,…</p> <p>I agree with what others have said here, it's not just a pagan issue, or christian issue, it's a human issue. We as human beings should be raising our children all starts at home. If you are a hateful person, and rage on people for the color of their skin, sexuality, etc., you're just going to breed that same hate to your child, and who knows what could happen in the future because of the hate you bred when they were young.</p> <p> </p> <p>The nature of people today saddens me, extremists and fanatics tend to believe they have the right to use tragedies to spew their hateful BS, or biased opinions. The story of the 4 girls funeral is just sad, and I am very sorry that happened, but at the same time it makes me happy to see that there are people out there who will stand up to that hate and fight fire with fire. We may not be able to change the mind of the fanatic, but what we can do is reach out to the impressionable minds that they're targeting, and help them understand that the fanaticism is just hate in disguise.</p> <p> </p> <p>As always, great post Strata :)</p> Sangraal said: I fully sup…,2011-01-14:6330711:Comment:40837 2011-01-14T00:16:52.837Z Jennifer Renee <br/> <br/> <cite>Sangraal said:</cite><br /> <blockquote cite=""><div><br/> I fully support community outreach programs and interfaith discussion panels. I am a huge fan of the Unitaritarian Universalist Church. The UU has done a lot of work to bridge together different faiths since detaching itself from Christianity into its own spiritual entity. Even before that,…</div> </blockquote> <br/> <br/> <cite>Sangraal said:</cite><br /> <blockquote cite=""><div><br/> I fully support community outreach programs and interfaith discussion panels. I am a huge fan of the Unitaritarian Universalist Church. The UU has done a lot of work to bridge together different faiths since detaching itself from Christianity into its own spiritual entity. Even before that, they did good work and I love hearing pagans working with other folks for the sake of human solidarity, no-strings attached other than teaching what paganism is or is not, rather than an agenda of evangelistic tendency- and, likewise, of course, with the other religions represented. :)<br/> <br/><strong><em>Sang, you took the words right from my lips! This is exactly what I believe and was trying to get across, but you articulate it so much better!!</em></strong></div> </blockquote>