Good Day Everyone,
We are trying a new discussion about the Wheel of the Year..... We are looking for everyone to share how, and why, they may choose to incorporate the Wheel of the Year..... Please jump in and let us know your own personal views.... We look forward to your sharing....
Blessed Be Always,
MJ )O(
I am actually horrid at keeping up with all portions of the wheel. Most of the time I am a few days short or early for a given holiday. But I do incorporate the system readily. I am very much into finding my roots and in my particular case that goes back to the Celts. As they used the wheel of the year it gives me a sense of wholeness that I generally missed out on before establishing my belief system. It provides a connection to the earth in all her seasons if that makes any sense.
Certainly it provides us with a link to the seasonal changes/cycles of the world. It is a pity though, in a way, that modern technology makes more things accessible, all the time. It makes many things in our lives lose their specialness.
I think one of the major pluses of working within the Wheel of the Year, is it does allow for some workable time table. It is more from the heart, versus a calendar.....Taking the time to recognize the joys found within the various Seasons, is one of the bonuses......It allows for connections to be made, and those connections are personal..... Thank You for Sharing .... Blessed Be, MJ )O(
Linking to the seasons, are indeed one of the major influences that build the creations of our world. Your point of modern technology influencing where we currently find ourselves is a truth that is very valid....It is indeed, on of the major factors that influences what we recognize, as special and unique to the journeys each of us must take ... Thank You for Sharing , Blessed Be MJ )O(
As a Traditional Wiccan initiate it does have personal significance to me, however I must say not always by the same face as what appears often in general Neopagan communities. For instanes the names 'Mabon' 'Litha' and 'Ostara' have no relevance to me. On that note even many common names used to reference our four Greater Sabbats aren't originally Wiccan either.
Now Wicca isn't Celtic, but since I'm in an Irish coven some of the Gaelic terms do have significance in our line specifically. Saying that though, outside of Wicca I'm also a Gaelic Polytheist, where the four fire festivals coinciding with the greater Sabbats are celebrated as well in a different way. The Wheel of the Year as it is commonly known isn't really followed on that path.
The Wheel of the year is definitely a choice to follow....and how one incorporates it, is something that is most definitely one of those things that as one makes their way along their path, they must decide how it fits into their journey... The relevance , is personal....regardless of the chosen path , it is individually a choice. One of the most important things that all members of the site are asked to do, is to let each have a voice that is not disrespectful of differences... This does not mean agreement is expected, but respect is insisted upon... it is only fair that all should be given the same courtesy one would expect....
I hope I didn't come across as disrespecting any differences as I only meant to elaborate on the topic by adding views from my personal experience and paths. Of course I wouldn't expect another to share the same as mine, especially if coming from another path or tradition.
Thank you for your clarification...... :) If I could I would hit a like Button for your response....<3
My interpretation is that it's traditionally pagan and is part of the structure of paganism in general..without the Wheel there would be nothing to guide the Xians following the North Star @ Christmastime to the birth of Jesus....we rely on The Wheel to show us the way. Blessed Be.
You can do "with them now"? What does that even mean? Do with what now?
It's clear you're not nearly as familiar with paganism as you might think if you're in this much of a snit over objective information that conflicts with your "personal truths".
Since the purpose of this forum is real paganism, which implies the sharing of real information, I suggest you stop railing against absolutely nothing and try being civil and have an informed discussion, since that's a main part of having such a forum. If you think that somehow the information I provided is wrong, that's fine. But that also means it should be fairly easy for you to prove so, correct? You know, like a few examples of primary and secondary sources showing how ancient religions of the Egyptians or Greeks or Slavic and so on all celebrated the Wheel of the Year.
Because, hey, I must be wrong because you don't agree, right?
Sincerely, do share your knowledge on the matter. Thanks.
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