The caduceus-Energy Body - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World 2013-02-22T05:21:42Z S The governing channels run…,2011-05-17:6330711:Comment:86787 2011-05-17T02:16:49.688Z Mystic Moonwolf <p>S</p> <p>The governing channels run down the front and up the back.o the CADCEUS is the Ida "left" and Pingala "right" and the Sushumna runs through the core of the spine and chakras.</p> <p>S</p> <p>The governing channels run down the front and up the back.o the CADCEUS is the Ida "left" and Pingala "right" and the Sushumna runs through the core of the spine and chakras.</p>