I've been reading tarot for a while, and my card has consistently been the Queen of Cups when reading. But I recently (relative term, 6 months) started seeing this guy and it has since changed to the Queen of Wands. I find this an interesting switch, and as there are some external factors in the relationship causing me some anxiety, I'm extra interested in this change.
Also, his cards seem to vary a lot with me. They don't seem to pin down to one card in a reading. Now recently he's back from Kuwait (national guard) and has said he has wanted a serious relationship, but that the stress of coming back, and then having me come into the picture, all sort of made him super anxious. The readings about us tend to be very positive, so I'm just confused by so many things. If anyone has any input or wants to attempt a read on this muddled message, please feel free!
I would greatly appreciate it!
Tags: Divination, Romance
Hi Jake.
Welcome to Real Pagan. ^_^
When you say "your card" do you mean a "significator" or just a card that always appears in a spread that you have identified as yourself?
I assume it is the latter as usually the reader will select the significator out of the deck prior to shuffling and dealing, I personally do not use them unless I thnk there is a specific need (a ex-coven sister of mine always uses them, "Get the bugger out of the deck before he causes trouble")
If you mean it is a card that you always see and you have identified it with your self then that is simple (",). You as the reader should know how these two cards differ, they represent differing elements after all.
How do you read? By the book? intuition? clairvoyant? empathic? etc...
I read (for clients) using empathy, intuition and clairaudience and this is a bucket of crap if I want to read for my self, I have to go back to the "official" meanings of the cards. Hence the reason I only read for myself as a form of exercise (and even then I will try and exercise by reading for friends).
When it comes to my relationships I have never read for my self and I dont think I would, like a love spell, you will never know if it a true reading or if it is just you hoping/fearing things. Now, I know a lot of readers DO read for them selves and I'm not saying you can't, just that I don't like to.lol I would never read for my Guy though as he is real superstitious about the cards, no matter how much I tell him "they are just bits of paper!"
I would suggest that you pop the cards away (as for as your relationship is concerned) and help him with the stress in more practical ways, and see how that affects the relationship, look at the "now" and work with that.
Try reading for other people, outside of your imediate circle and see how that goes, if it is just your cards and his cards that feel "mixed up" and others are "just right" then I'd say that you are too wound up about the situation to read it, so relax and enjoy him today! (",)
Back to "your" cards, meditate over both cards, see what each of them really MEANS to YOU, what makes them different, and what makes them the same?
Just a few random thoughts.
G :-)
Hey Grayson,
Thanks so much for the warm welcome, always appreciated. I was referring to the card I use consistently to read as myself. Sorry for the confusion.
I tend to read intuitively, I sometimes get messages or things from people that have passed, and do some seance work as well. I have a heck of a time reading myself! I can sometimes do it and then it's pretty much always my cards giving me a lecture I already knew I needed.
It's 100% possible that I'm being too invested in the situation as it affects me and not letting it play out in a natural manner (I poke things when I get scared, it's a hard habit to break). So I think I will lay off the "mysticalness" as my friends have come to call it and see how things go.
Thanks for your input, it was very kind. :)
Grayson said:
Hi Jake.
Welcome to Real Pagan. ^_^
When you say "your card" do you mean a "significator" or just a card that always appears in a spread that you have identified as yourself?
I assume it is the latter as usually the reader will select the significator out of the deck prior to shuffling and dealing, I personally do not use them unless I thnk there is a specific need (a ex-coven sister of mine always uses them, "Get the bugger out of the deck before he causes trouble")
If you mean it is a card that you always see and you have identified it with your self then that is simple (",). You as the reader should know how these two cards differ, they represent differing elements after all.
How do you read? By the book? intuition? clairvoyant? empathic? etc...
I read (for clients) using empathy, intuition and clairaudience and this is a bucket of crap if I want to read for my self, I have to go back to the "official" meanings of the cards. Hence the reason I only read for myself as a form of exercise (and even then I will try and exercise by reading for friends).
When it comes to my relationships I have never read for my self and I dont think I would, like a love spell, you will never know if it a true reading or if it is just you hoping/fearing things. Now, I know a lot of readers DO read for them selves and I'm not saying you can't, just that I don't like to.lol I would never read for my Guy though as he is real superstitious about the cards, no matter how much I tell him "they are just bits of paper!"
I would suggest that you pop the cards away (as for as your relationship is concerned) and help him with the stress in more practical ways, and see how that affects the relationship, look at the "now" and work with that.
Try reading for other people, outside of your imediate circle and see how that goes, if it is just your cards and his cards that feel "mixed up" and others are "just right" then I'd say that you are too wound up about the situation to read it, so relax and enjoy him today! (",)
Back to "your" cards, meditate over both cards, see what each of them really MEANS to YOU, what makes them different, and what makes them the same?
Just a few random thoughts.
G :-)
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