Calming The Storm
By: Solomon Kato/Morgan Johnstone
Date: 01/07/2014
This ritual is here to help you when you feel like your life is out of control and there is nothing you can do to get it back under control. This ritual has been created to reinforce the fact that you can be in control. You will need some accessories to perform this ritual. You will need five candles. If you like these candles can all be white, or you can get color coordinated ones which I will list below. You will also need incense. Use your favorite scent.
Air - Yellow - East
Fire - Red - South
Water - Blue - West
Earth - Green - North
Spirit - Purple - Center
1. Creating Sacred Space
Go around the circle and say something like this:
“With pure thoughts and a pure heart I cleanse this space of all negativity and claim it as sacred.”
2. Calling The Elements
Starting at the East call in the elements to be in the circle saying something like the following. It is really important to have candles at all four quarters. It may help even more to have them appropriately color coordinated. See above for details.
East - Air:
“Guardians of the East, Elementals of Air, I call upon you to come into my circle. Wipe away all negativity and make this space clean.”
South - Fire:
“Guardians of the South, Elementals of Fire, I call upon you to come into my circle. I ask that you heat and light tonight.”
West - Water:
“Guardians of the West, Elementals of Water, I call upon you to come into my circle. I ask that you wash away anything that may threaten this sacred space.”
North - Earth:
“Guardians of the North, Elementals of Earth, I call upon you to come into my circle. I ask that you strengthen and fortify this circle.”
Center - Spirit:
“Spirit of life, the one that binds all creation together, I call upon you and ask that you join me in this circle. Let your essence empower the magick worked here tonight.”
3. Statement of Intent
This is the part of the ritual where you will state your intent. For this ritual, you are trying to calm the storm that is going on in your life and gain some balance and control. You may say something like this:
“Tonight I come before all of creation to calm the storm and reclaim my life. I have called all you here to help and guide me through this rite. Tonight, I will regain my balance and start on the journey to reclaim the life that is rightfully mine.”
4. Grounding and Balancing
In this portion of the ritual you will ground and center yourself and bring balance back to you. Because you do this now, does not mean that you will never need to do it again. In fact, it is recommended that you ground and center on a daily basis if not multiple times a day. I will write this out in steps.
1. Start by taking your shoes off and stand with your legs shoulder width apart with your feet firmly planted on the floor. Keep your arms hanging at your sides.
2. Close your eyes and start taking some deep breaths. Imagine the air you breath in bringing in light and love, the breath going out shooting out darkness and negativity.
3. When your body has filled with the light and love visualize roots growing from your feet into the floor and earth. See these roots taking firm hold to where nothing can shake or move you. See yourself pulling strength from the earth into your body.
4. Let this strength move through you and fill you. When you feel calm, slowly start withdrawing the roots back into your feet. Keep breathing deeply as you do this.
5. When you are ready, open your eyes and become fully aware.
This is only my personal way of grounding. I have seen it done many different ways. If this doesn’t feel right to you, do what does.
5. Thanking & Dismissing The Elements
To do this, you will start in the center of the circle with spirit and then go counter clockwise starting at Earth and ending at Air.
Center - Spirit:
“Spirit, essence of life, thank you for joining in this ritual tonight. Farewell and blessed be.”
North - Earth:
“Earth, bringer of strength and fortitude, thank you for joining in this ritual tonight. Farewell and blessed be.”
West - Water:
“Water, you who are both creative and destructive, thank you for joining in this ritual tonight. Farewell and blessed be.”
South - Fire:
“Fire, bringer of light and warmth, thank you for joining in this ritual tonight. Farewell and blessed be.”
East - Air:
“Air, bringing of breath and knowledge, thank you for joining in this ritual tonight. Farewell and blessed be.”
6. Closing Sacred Space
At this point, you can walk counter clockwise around the circle thanking the earth for providing this space.
“Great Earth, my home and refuge. Thank you for allowing me the use of this space tonight. It is sacred and forever will be. I leave you now, and bid you farewell.”
Thanks for writing this, I will have to put it into practice one day. Well written with easy instructions! :)
Blessed Be )O(
Thanks! Did you have any luck?
Holly Dittfurth said:
Thanks for writing this, I will have to put it into practice one day. Well written with easy instructions! :)
Blessed Be )O(
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