As a large part of my practice revolves around showing my respects I've put together this list of important dates and I thought I'd share it with you.
We all remember dates like Samhain and Imbolc and Yule, etc., but these might be a little more difficult to store in mind... so here they are in handy reference form!
January 4th would have been Doreen Valiente's Birthday
January 23rd anniversary of the day William Price passed over to Summerlands
January 30th would have been Geoffrey Higgins Birthday
February 12th would have been Gerald Gardner's Birthday
February 22nd would have been Sybil Leek's Birthday
March 4th would have been William Prices' Birthday
March 10th would have been Iolo Morganwg's Birthday
March 16th Margot Adlers' Birthday
March 28th anniversary of the day Scott Cunningham passed over to Summerlands
April 5th Arthur Pendragons' Birthday (The Stonehenge Druid)
April 21st Philip Shallcrass's Birthday
April 30th anniversary of the day Alex Sanders passed over to Summerlands
May 29th would have been Gerald Masseys' Birthday
June 6th would have been Alex Sanders Birthday
June 13th would have been Gerald Dardners' Birthday
June 27th would have been Scott Cunninghams' Birthday
August 9th anniversary of the day Gerald Higgins passed over to Summerlands
August 12th anniversary of the day Isaac Bonewitz passed over to Summerlands
August 31st Raymond Bucklands Birthday
September 1st anniversary of the day Doreen Valiente passed over to Summerlands
September 18th would have been Cecil Williamsons' Birthday
October 1st would have been Isaac Bonewitz's Birthday
October 12th would have been Aliester Crowley's Birthday
October 26th anniversary of the day Sybil Leek passed over to Summerlands
October 29th anniversary of the day Gerald Massey passed over to Summerlands
November 21st Krisstopher Hughes Birthday
December 1st anniversary of the day Aleister Crowley passed over to Summerlands
December 9th anniversary of the day Cecil Williamson passed over to Summerlands
December 16th Cat Treadwells' Birthday
December 18h anniversary of the day Iolo Morganwg passed over to Summerlands
apologies for any spelling errors or other mistakes, please feel free to help point out things that might need changing...
If I've missed any out you'd like to add, perhaps you could cut and paste it to the reply box, adding the missed out ones as you go?
Just a suggestion!
Nice Thank You for posting this.
My pleasure, glad you found it helpful.
It occurs to me some of the names I have included might not be familiar with everyone but I guess they would be easy enough to search on the internet if you wanted to look them up!
I've not heard of an alternate Wiccan calendar. If you want to point us to a source hemlOck, that'd be great.
There doesn't have to be an alternate calender to simply not include that information if honoring them in specific rites. Since when does not doing something require an alternative? Since when does honoring the dead, or living, require the use of their birthdays?
Though you say you won't engage me further, I'll still ask:
What holidays are relevant to the celebration of birthdays, and what do birthdays have to do with other holidays?
Mod Hat on here - I think this argument about which calendar to use is rather pointless and contributes little to the discussion. If someone wishes to celebrate an individual by doing so on their birthday that is their prerogative. If they don't wish to do so that is fine as well. In my opinion there is no right or wrong in this issue merely personal preference. Why don't we leave it at that.
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