Clarify a little please?
Hi Abigail,
I think what might be confusing to some folks is that there are a variety of different "otherworlds", "altered states", and the like. Without knowing what your ultimate goal is, it can be difficult to advise the best methods for getting there. For instance, are you looking to achieve a trance state, astral travel, astral projection, lucid dreaming, guided meditation, qabalistic pathworking, tarot pathworking, another form of meditative state, underworld work, overworld work, etc.
In essence, what is your goal for what you are trying to do?
What path are you currently looking to follow?
Abigail Roman said:
Im trying to seek ways into helpping me move forward on my path
The Summerland? Interesting choice, but I support your right to embrace it.
Depending on what sort of spirituality you are looking at, it is more important to learn how to be alive, present, and in tune with the world you are currently in instead of looking to try and go somewhere else.
That brings it back to the original question of what are you trying to do, or where are you trying to go. There's nothing wrong with saying I don't know. However, if you don't know, I'd suggest taking some time to read through the discussions and topics all around this site. It will probably give you more questions, but they will likely be more directed questions that will allow you to get some of the answers that you're looking for. :)
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