Ok so I decided to do a Witches Bottle, but I altered it a bit to fit my purpose. Here is a website that will describe what it is so you can make your own. Witches Bottle
So this is what I did. I have a friend who has a kid and so I asked her to rinse out baby food jars so that I could use them for herb storage and such. But instead its been sitting in my room for awhile now going unused. I had an argument with my boyfriend about something and its my fault and I realized I needed cleansing. I took a cleansing shower, and since my parents are going to be gone for a long while I decided to turn the tv off and meditate cleansing every negative feelings or energies I had and let them be washed down the drain while burning myrrh incense or frankincense works good too. Then I decided to cleanse the whole house. I called upon the elements air fire water and earth, (in that order) casted a silvery circle around the house in my mind and asked them to help protect and cleanse my house during this ritual. I started smudging the whole house in sage incense. Then I had this thought to do a witches bottle.
My bottle is more to keep the house cleansed. I put in it an amathyst stone, a red banded agate, a piece or quartz crystal, a banded blue agate, and an earthly green colored stone that I have no idea what it is, but I put it in there for its earth energies. I put in it moon water from this past full moon, some of my pubic hair, and needles, then I put in black candle wax from the black candle I was burning to banish the negative/harmful energies that are in the house. I also put in a recently burned smudge piece of white sage in the bottle as well. I then asked for assistance from the elements and meshed my power into the bottle with thier's and their blessings. I said out loud,
I open my heart and my soul
To the Elements of life
earth, air, fire and water, spirit
I call upon you, to Bless this witches bottle,
infuse it with your power
so that all negativity and harmful energy
are banished and cleansed from my home
allow only positive energies to come through
and protect me from my parents negativity
In this time and in this hour
from this day forth
so shall it be!
I then imagined all the power that was raised and put it into the bottle, and imagined any negitity to be drawn to this bottle and once it enters the bottle the negativity with be cleansed and banished in a cycle. I then hid the bottle in the northern part of the house so that the earth energies from the earth can help and keep the cycle grounded and going.
I altered it to fit my needs at the time. My parents are very negative people. They are always yelling at me and making me feel bad about myself and they also make Each other feel bad as well so I hope this bottle spell helps me to protect and guard against their negativity and so that positive energy is flowing in here and negative energy is not.
Tags: Bottle, Witches, protection, spell
Hi there, thanks for sharing your technique. I'm sorry to hear that you're having dramas with the parentals. The last couple of years that I was living with my parents was pretty unbearable, and after I moved out we didn't speak for nearly a year. I know it's tough. Hang in there and remember it won't last forever. Blessed Be. :)
Thank you for the words of encouragement.
Gemma said:
Hi there, thanks for sharing your technique. I'm sorry to hear that you're having dramas with the parentals. The last couple of years that I was living with my parents was pretty unbearable, and after I moved out we didn't speak for nearly a year. I know it's tough. Hang in there and remember it won't last forever. Blessed Be. :)
I hope it's helping and I wish you peace and love
MoonCrone xx
I go completely tradition with my witch bottles. Usual choice of bottle is a mason jar (We have TONS of these at my place. My grandmother's always sending us vegetable preserves)
Nails, broken glass, ashes, salt, needles, that kind of thing.
...And then I fill the thing up with urine. Yeah, I know, it's kinda gross. This part's optional.
Then I screw on the top, maybe paint a sigil on the side, and bury the thing a foot deep in my back yard. Just like old times!
You can really fill these things up with anything. I just tend to take a more aggressive approach to negative energy. It's not harm when it's in self-defense.
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