HI everyone , I am in the Louisville , Kentucky area and I am looking to learn more and join a coven if anyone knows of one that is open to new members I would greatly appreciate it . My wife might be interested too ,but I would really like to talk to someone about it , I know you need to be a good fit with the group . I am 45 and wife is 41 . I was in a pre gardenarian group for a while years ago but really was not comfortable with the whole skyclad thing ,so I was never fully initiated , after that I went to some samhain groups with some eclectic groups . I have been following the path now for about 10 years or better . thanks for any help
I was going to ask whether you were considering a Gardnerian coven since Louisville is fair crawling with them, but I see that you've already considered that and decided that BTW is not what you are looking for. Have you checked the Kentucky group listings on Witchvox? There are quite a few groups advertised there in Louisville and the Louisville area.
thanks I will check there , you just never know what you will find on some sites , lol
Lark said:
I was going to ask whether you were considering a Gardnerian coven since Louisville is fair crawling with them, but I see that you've already considered that and decided that BTW is not what you are looking for. Have you checked the Kentucky group listings on Witchvox? There are quite a few groups advertised there in Louisville and the Louisville area.
My suggestion would be to check on FaceBook.
Many of my Pagan friends connect that way these days.
There might be a moot page for some of your local groups.
You might also reach out to Covenant of the Goddess, in particular the Midwest Local Council. They have connections to groups and other solitaries who may be in your area that are willing to take on new students or that hold open events.
Check out http://www.cog.org/ and https://sites.google.com/site/mrlccog/Home for more details.
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