*Edit 'Right now, as I was about to post this thread since I forgot to add the lyrics, the song 'Never surrender' from, yet again, Triumph started playing, Google the lyrics... Seriously?! '
So, I'm not sure if it's just my imagination or if it actually worked...
5 minutes ago, I lit an incense and asked for any Gods or Goddesses who cared for those who want to learn more, and know adventure, I tried to draw some blood but the knife was blunt so I let it be. But I mentioned that I was serious and about a second or two later the song Magic Power from Triumph started playing*!
*Shuffled playlist with 1028 numbers from which only one is that song.
The lyrics , for those who don't know them, they're posted at the end of my post, are describing almost to the point as to how I'm feeling and to what i want....
Could this have been something or am I hallucinating?
Triumph - Magic Power
Greetings Feo
I am very connected to the messages I get from all my senses, and music does play a huge part in my path life, and I do call on certain spirits at certain times and feel I get responses (sometimes) so I would say you were not hallucinating.
What is real, what is working, who answers you (or not) lies with you. It is your path, your truth, your beliefs and your practices and nobody has the right to tell you otherwize. If it's making you happy and feeding your soul and expanding your mind then it's valid.
If things just seem to pop into place, then it's confirmation you are on the right track, and equally, if something is proving to be a challenge then it's the cosmos' way of pointing out something isn't quite right, and you should go with the flow and don't push it.
You are young and time is on your side... don't be in too much hurry... good things come to those who show patience.
I wish you well in your journey xx
I agree with mooncrone. I have had things like this happen before with songs.
I don't think you were hallucinating but I also don't think it's necessarily meaningful either, simply a matter of synchronicity, hitting the odds of coinciding. But only you can sort out whether it was or not.
I'm a bit concerned with, "I tried to draw some blood but the knife was blunt so I let it be." Why were you even attempting that? What you were doing was petitioning the gods, not invoking them and invoking deities doesn't require blood sacrifice (which is what that is). Also, the act of doing such can be offensive to various gods, thus pretty much guaranteeing they'll not acknowledge you.
Hi Feo,
I have similar things happen to me quite often, if i'm dwelling on something or confused about personal matters it always seems that certain songs play. Some people would say that it is your sub-conscious mind causing it to happen and that may be true sometimes but I believe that it is signs from Higher Spirits trying to give me a "heads up" about what's bothering me. When it happens trust your instinct and what it causes you to feel. The Higher Spirits communicate with us through our intuition and using music is a great way because it is such an emotional medium. I think it is awesome especially since I love music and occasionally write songs so I know the importance of making a piece of music "speak" to someone.
As far as the "drawing blood" thing, that may not be necessary. I speak to the Gods/Goddesses and Spirits alot and they speak back without having to draw blood. If you want to give a gift to them then offer up something out of respect and thanks. Personally I use food and alcohol when I want to give a physical gift, other times I offer up incense and sincere grateful prayers.
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