I am looking for teachers, friends with knowledge or guidance. Or just friends.. Chat for a while on here get to know you better and then maybe share emails to chat.
There isn't many Pagan folk in my area so it's difficult to get to know someone.
Good call there, Edan.
It depends what you want to learn really, Christopher - which part of Paganism appeals to you?
Wicca? Druidry? Hindu? Kemet? (Egyptian) Helenic (Greek) Celtic Recon? Shamanism? Something else?
I usually point learners at the Sacred Texts website for a start because if you are undecided, it might help shed some light on where to start... http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/index.htm
And please feel free to add me as a friend, if you so choose.
I am looking to learn more about Witchcraft, I am interested in spell casting and candle magic. I am a beginner so everything from the beginning honestly.
Not the TV witchcraft of course.
thank you Edan for the advice.
Edan said:
I'm no witch so I don't think I'd be if much help, but Scott Cunningham's books on magic are far superior to what he wrote on Wicca. You can check out Scott Cunningham's "Earth Power" and "Earth, Air, Fire, Water".
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