Helpful Links and Books - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World 2014-09-05T10:40:36Z I just finished reading Ancie…,2011-01-06:6330711:Comment:36423 2011-01-06T21:13:52.423Z Thymele I just finished reading <em>Ancient Greek Divination</em> by Sarah Iles Johnston -- a student of Walter Burkett and Fritz Graf -- and found it very intriguing.  She looks at a wide range of divination practices from the famous oracles to the <em>mantis</em> in the marketplace. I just finished reading <em>Ancient Greek Divination</em> by Sarah Iles Johnston -- a student of Walter Burkett and Fritz Graf -- and found it very intriguing.  She looks at a wide range of divination practices from the famous oracles to the <em>mantis</em> in the marketplace.