Hello. I wandered here after reading somewhere else it was reported that this site was a "cult". I LOLed, had a look and found this site to my liking and very un-cult-like.
I am 33, the mother of a 6 month old and a 7 year old. I am lost--so to speak--in the wilderness of New Mexico and miss the woods of East Texas where I am from. Bloom where you're planted, right?
I'm looking forward to stimulating discussions that I see going on here.
I'm glad your here. Now sit down, put on your official RP sneakers, and drink your cool-aid.
Anyone on site can tell you how bad I am on computers but when I read this, I naturally went to google to try and find the site you read that on. Here's what I found funny. The first page results all led to a member discussion here regarding warning signs for cults.
Stop by chat sometime. I'd love to meet you.
Hi, Sutra... It's a competing community, probably not searchable on google, as it was a semi-recent forum post. It doesn't seem proper to post links. Suffice it to say, the person complaining was called on poor scholarship. Thank you for the warm welcome.
Sutra..again. said:
I naturally went to google to try and find the site you read that on. Here's what I found funny. The first page results all led to a member discussion here regarding warning signs for cults.