Merry met everyone new and old! Here is a list of 20 questions that if you'd like to, answer and give everyone a glimpse into who you are as a practitioner of your faith, and just what that faith is! As some of you know, the paths and practices of the people in our pagan community contains such vast diversity that I just can't wait to see what you all have to bring to the table in this wonderful website.
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
2: How long have you been practicing?
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
The word 'spiritual' is really throwing me off here. Not every person is seeking a spiritual path or seeking an enlightened spiritual experience. As far as my practice, it's Hoodoo.
2: How long have you been practicing?
A few years.
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
Claudience and clairsentience. Self taught herbalist.
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
Not what but who. RP member Oakthorne.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
No and most do not know.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
Summer solstice, probably because it's my birthday. It's all about me anyway. :P
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
The man at the crossroads. High John.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
Other than managing a flaming candle gone wild. Not really.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
Drink coffee first thing when I get up.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Requires too much thinking. I'll pass.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
Outside the realm of paganism, not so much. Inside paganism, yes.
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
Pfft! I wish!
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
Photography, graphic design, gardening, baking, grilling, crocheting, crafting... being a pain in the ars. The last one I'm really good at.
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
See # 3.
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
Nope and maybe.
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
I take the stance of; if you want to know, come get it.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect."- Chief Seattle
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!”--Bob Marley
"Every man and every woman is a star." - Liber AL vel Legis
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
To be one bad mama jamma, conjurer worker.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
I'll take the 5th.
1: How would you best describe you spiritual path?
A mix of this and that, I'm currently searching and learning about all religions and spiritual cultures and studying to see how they connect. So far to me it seems like a learning and discovery path with a base in traditional witchcraft.
2: How long have you been practicing?
I've been studying and practicing for about 10 years.
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
This can be complicated for me as it depends what I do, tho overall it's Hectate and the Horned God. Along with them, I also acknowledge a few other gods or head figures like Buddha or Anima Mundi.
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
Tarot, energy (reiki/chakra) work/healing/vampirism, dreams, animal magnetism, ummm, to be discovered?
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
A long chain of learning myths and such and eventually coming across the history of the Salem witch trials, and I dug from there.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
No, but I'm sure they wouldn't care, or at least just not talk about it.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
Pandora's box.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
No? I can't think of anything particular.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
When I take a shower, after I'm done ahowering, I'll sit in the tub and do a spiritual shower, if you could call it that. I have bundles of dried herbs I keep hung around the shower head so the steam releases the natural oils and fragrance.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
How what I know connects with other paths and religion.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
Nope. Tho I don't advertise "Oh hey I'm a witch!!" If my beliefs aren't brought up. People usually pick up hints and I'll explain but nothing hateful, mostly questions. :)
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
I stock infants at target... so no.
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
Painting, dancing, knitting, singing, gardening, cooking, video games, thrift shopping, decorating, and party hosting.
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
Gardening and meditating
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
No, but I would love to be a life coach or spiritual healer, or even a holistic healer.
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
I'd rather teach the basics, but if someone really wanted to, I'd be happy to, though I'm still learning too. Always am.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new." -Dalai Lama
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
Learning how all religion interconnects and if there is something to it. Also, reaching the Astral plane and finishing my tulpas. I also would live to go on different kinds of vision quests, like peyote, sweat lodge, etc.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
Hi, I'm Kevin. 25, gay, happily taken by the prince of my life Chris. Started learning when I was 14 (note above), ironically when I was in catholic school. It started mostly because I was curious about why the church did what I lt did and never really got answers (of course). Still working on collecting things together to finish my collection of herbs and such. I've moved a lot and had to part with things throughout my life. I write my own spells so if anyone would ever need help with wording and doing something specific, I can help there if anyone would like help. I love to help people, from things on here to random acts of kindness. Ummmm, yea! Anything else you want to know? Ask! I'm an open book and have no shame.
I thought I'd have a go at this as a general way of greetings to all of you, and as an introduction :-)
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
My spiritual path is best described as a relationship with Nature, whom I regard as the supreme being, or as being itself; as well as a relationship with various gods, whom I regard as higher beings who are more versed in the ways of Nature than we are ... this is the point where my spiritual path becomes more of a religious one.
2: How long have you been practicing?
Practicing? Or following? My path has been unfolding since I was born - arguably well before then - that is what I have and will continue to follow. Practicing is what I have been doing with runes, scrying, journey work, etcetera - that I have been working with for over 20 years.
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
Odin, Njord, and the Cailleach, primarily. Heimdall I have a native understanding for, and I have recently felt drawn to Cernunnos.
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
Trade skills ... none that would be of benefit here, in that 'trade' to me implies something I do for financial survival. Divination, 'seeing' in general, I would guess these are things I've developed over the years that might be of interest.
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
The beginning and the end of a path, along with all other positions on it, are all intimately connected, as is the one upon the path. So, with that in mind, I never actually discovered my path ... but am continuously discovering it with every step I take along it. That's the philosophical explanation. The more practical one is that I once had a conversation with the pastor who led me through the Lutheran catechism, in which he told me that animals had no souls, because his god removed them after the biblical flood. Although it didn't sit well with me, I accepted it at the time. Years later, as I sat at work, allowing my thoughts to drift, a voice I'd never heard before, but that was familiar and that I recognized instantly as my family's cat. The voice was brief, she said she simply wanted to say good-bye. I thought it was weird, but shrugged it off as simple daydreaming. Two days later, while speaking with my family - who lived a couple states away at the time - I was informed that our cat had died two days prior. At that moment, a few mental fetters snapped, and I knew I could never adhere to the teachings of the Bible again. At that point, I started to wonder what else might not have been as I was always taught.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
No, my family doesn't follow a similar path. My parents never were big on discussing religion at all ... one's Catholic, the other Baptist, and they agreed before I was born that they would prefer to let me find my own way. It's not one of the 'ways' they originally thought, but they got what they wanted.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
Santa Claus ... a spirit of joy and generosity, it's just sad that so many people confine this legend to just a few overly-commercialized weeks out of the year.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
To me, it's all interesting; so too much to tell here. Funny ... ah, once I was at a Pagan festival. I wasn't there as a celebrant, I was just invited there to camp out. At one point, everyone else gathered around a bonfire to begin a ritual. Standing off to the side, at a distance, I watched the clear night sky for a while; then poured myself a horn of mead. I poured some of the mead out for Odin and five minutes later, out of what had been a clear night, came a storm. The celebrants all abandoned the bonfire they'd been gathered around, and ran for their tents. I remained where I was, continued with my mead, and found the situation quite funny.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
I'm not much the one for rituals. I do, however, make it a point to exercise my sense of connection on a daily basis.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Anything I'm meant to learn.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
Experienced? Yes. Accepted? No.
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
Yes, it does.
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
Photography, tinkering with computers, tinkering with graphics, reading anything and everything, walking, re-purposing things, oh, and the list just sort of goes on from there ....
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
By actually living my life, and learning as I go along.
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
No, and no.
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
No; but I'd happily do what I could to help someone illuminate their own path.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
It's actually my own quote; but it's the one I've found myself repeating the most to myself and others: "Close your eyes, and see past the illusion."
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
I'm on it. Wherever I go, no matter how bizarre it might seem, I'll remain on my path. There is no need for goals, I find them actually somewhat distracting.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
My blog (linked to from my bio - I think) would cover more ground with this question than I could cover here: thank you for reading this far :-)
Hmm. I'll play.
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
Pantheist with a touch of skeptic.
2: How long have you been practicing?
On and off ever since I took my first science class in elementary school. I don't really practice so much as learn, reason, and indulge philosophy.
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
Not really.
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
All of my skills are athletic or scientific, but I keep a few interesting phenomenon between my close friends.
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
My mother is a believer in witch craft and I've seen a few things that make me believe in something, but I don't trust humans to get the truth about reality. The Allegory of the Cave might be applicable here in the sense that we each tell a story of reality based on our limited perception... but the difference is that we are all chained. I like to hear the perception of others, so I as I said: I don't practice persay, but I spend time talking to those that do.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
My family only follows a similar path in that they don't follow a single path and they are constantly changing. When my brother was in prison he became christian and that the about the only real "path" that any of us has followed. We prefer our freedom.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday? Christmas. I love spending time with friends with no pressure just goofing around. Ideally, we celebrate this anywhere but home.
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
I like being told first hand stories from Native Americans, but I'm more familiar with Greek mythology because it is a bit more jazzed up than the rest I've read.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
I've put them in blogs already.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
I try to do parkour at least once a day... maybe just sit and meditate a bit prior to sleeping. It is a good way to organize a chaotic mind. I learned that from Star Trek though.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Anything that I can both believe and actually experience. I've had so many failed spiritual experiments that I'm convinced that my abilities are entirely limited to thinking and physical activity.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
I don't know that negative is the best way to describe it. I had a rude awakening when I started doing research into Wicca and found out from Coven members that a lot of the literature out there is bogus. Some people were just trying to correct misinformation, about half were just being douche-bags. Regardless, they are not significant enough to dwell on and such experiences made me a much more intelligent and practical person.
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
Computer science, network management, and security analysis? Kinda. Meditation helps me focus when trouble shooting or sifting through log files. I can focus a bit and the work becomes more intuitive to me... more instinctual. I am not ready to label it an act of spirituality though.
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
Parkour, video games, trolling my IT friends, bike-riding, automotive repair, moto-riding, drinking, camping, rock-climbing, rappelling, sparring... whatever is interesting at the time. I get restless easily. Currently I'm writing a story.
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
Making the most of my life... maybe doing something significant before I die... but I'm not sure if I yet think that it would be worth it.
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path? That would be more encouraging people to think for themselves and focus on what they actually experience rather than what you trick yourself into believing because it is popular.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
Either "Only the dead have seen the end of war."-Plato
or "Some gotta start, some gotta be a part of started things."-EpicLloyd
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
It is impossible, but I simply want to know everything. An un-tainted view of the Universe.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
I think I'm good for now.
There's actually an amazing spot here in arizona that people come to for such a spiritual exp. Some call it 'the spirit vortex' but its a few mountians up in sedona that fall right on major intersections of large ley lines. a friend of mine went thats completely atheiest and she came back from her tip a spiritual believer, saying she could feel something flowing through her body and making all her stress, negativiy and all that stuff melt away. im planning a trip up there myself once fall comes. I'll let you know if it's anything to bother about!
Arcane Cricket said:
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Anything that I can both believe and actually experience. I've had so many failed spiritual experiments that I'm convinced that my abilities are entirely limited to thinking and physical activity.
Are you talking about the Spires? I was there - it's not just the Boynton Spires, but the whole trail leading to them makes for an inwardly powerful journey (which would explain why there are a number of circles that people have made off to the sides of the trail). I can only second Kevin Dunn's suggestion for Sedona - it's a great place, with some real substance to it, despite all the new agey tourist traps that have sprung up in the area.
Kevin dunn said:
There's actually an amazing spot here in arizona that people come to for such a spiritual exp. Some call it 'the spirit vortex' but its a few mountians up in sedona that fall right on major intersections of large ley lines. a friend of mine went thats completely atheiest and she came back from her tip a spiritual believer, saying she could feel something flowing through her body and making all her stress, negativiy and all that stuff melt away. im planning a trip up there myself once fall comes. I'll let you know if it's anything to bother about!
Arcane Cricket said:11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Anything that I can both believe and actually experience. I've had so many failed spiritual experiments that I'm convinced that my abilities are entirely limited to thinking and physical activity.
Are you talking about the Spires? I was there - it's not just the Boynton Spires, but the whole trail leading to them makes for an inwardly powerful journey (which would explain why there are a number of circles that people have made off to the sides of the trail). I can only second Kevin Dunn's suggestion for Sedona - it's a great place, with some real substance to it, despite all the new agey tourist traps that have sprung up in the area.
Kevin dunn said:
There's actually an amazing spot here in arizona that people come to for such a spiritual exp. Some call it 'the spirit vortex' but its a few mountians up in sedona that fall right on major intersections of large ley lines. a friend of mine went thats completely atheiest and she came back from her tip a spiritual believer, saying she could feel something flowing through her body and making all her stress, negativiy and all that stuff melt away. im planning a trip up there myself once fall comes. I'll let you know if it's anything to bother about!
Arcane Cricket said:11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
Anything that I can both believe and actually experience. I've had so many failed spiritual experiments that I'm convinced that my abilities are entirely limited to thinking and physical activity.
I haven't heard that term but yes, it's a trail. Are you in Arizona or did you just visit storm?
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path? Urban Pagan.
2: How long have you been practicing? 17 Years
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? Diana, Proserpina and Eros are main deities.
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us? I make things I collect, like wands, masks and amulets. I can read tarot, i am little out of practice right now though.
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path? I read Drawing Down the Moon when I was 13.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice? No and it's largely ignored.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday? Halloween
8: What is your favorite myth or legend? The creation of humanity by Persephone.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share? Um nothing really come to mind.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.) i have a ritual I do to ready my self every morning.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path? Not sure.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen? Not really.
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.) I make donuts and art on the side so it certainly doesn't interfere.
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice? I paint and craft things.
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity? With dance.
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one? I want to sell some of my creations at this years Pagan Pride celebration.
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path? Yes.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path? "When all your dreams are shattered, everything is beautiful."
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path? I'm not sure i am sort stuck at a crossroads and unsure of whats my next move.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :) My path now is sort of an experiment. I like the idea of Urban Witchcraft, incorporating the energy and cycles of the city into my spiritual life.
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
I would describe my path as eclectic earth-based spirituality with Wiccan-like tendencies. I have dedicated myself to the Goddess & God. However, I am uncertain of the validity of the three fold law although I do believe in karma. I also struggle with the rule of "harm none." I think there are rare & serious situations in which harm might be justified.
2: How long have you been practicing?
I started studying witchcraft & Wicca in 2006. I didn't commit to a solitary practice until New Year's Day 2014 when I dedicated myself to the Goddess & God. Between 2006 - 2014 I attended & participated in a few group sabbat rituals with a local "teaching coven" & now I regularly participate in group sabbats & esbats along with practicing as a solitary. So basically I consider myself to have practiced for a year & a half; I'm a baby witch.
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
I believe the Divine is both male & female & is personified by the God & Goddess archetypes. I am still learning & seeking & have not yet committed myself to a specific pantheon.
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
I have started studying tarot but I am not at a level to offer readings yet. I enjoy creating things & making my own magical tools. I am also very interested in herbology & crystals.
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
I have always been drawn to the occult & I was also seeking a spirituality that was empowering instead of oppressive & fear based. I was in a discount bookstore in 2006 & found witchcraft & Wiccan books. I started reading books & seeking information online. There were times when I was a bit obsessed in my search for knowledge.
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
My family of origin is Catholic and one of my siblings is a born again Christian minister. So no, they do not support my beliefs. I don't really identify myself as a witch to them, I tell them that I am pagan & still believe in the Divine, it's just that I see god as both male & female. There was a time in my life when I was a devout Christian (long time ago) & they see my denial of Jesus as my savior as a betrayal.
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
The legend of the phoenix.
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
I need to think about this. There have been moments of synchronicity, but nothing funny or very interesting. And there are some things I like to keep secret.
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
Lately I have been spending at least of few moments in my little herb garden sanctuary on my balcony and reflecting on what I am thankful for & just connecting with the energy of things green & growing. I usually reflect & talk to the Goddess daily. I have been thinking a lot about incorporating a structured daily ritual into my daily routine.
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
I have journeyed to the upper & lower worlds (via trance by listening to shamanic drumming) and want to do that more frequently & journey to the underworld and the middle world eventually. I want to learn from my teacher whom I met in the upper world and live out my life's purpose. I want to learn multiple forms of divination, learn more about crystals & herbs to use to help others and myself. I want to learn how to better direct energy. I just want to learn all that I am supposed to learn in this life and help others along the way.
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
Yes, however, I am only partially out of the broom closet.
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
I am currently seeking employment. But I feel that my spirituality will help me with any job by me tuning into the divine that dwells within me & receiving guidance and empowerment.
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
Art, abstract painting, crafts, reading, container gardening, playing with my cats, nature walking.
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
Observing new & full moons in group ritual, observing the 8 sabbats with others. By myself, simply giving thanks while connecting outside, walking amount the trees and talking silently to the Goddess & God. Inside my home, I enjoy chanting along to pagan music/chants.
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
I have a tiny etsy shop, but I would like to be able to serve others in a direct & personal way, in the future when the time is right.
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
Yes definitely, when l have matured enough spiritually & in my practical skills. I would be honored to pass along my knowledge.
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
“As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…” Hermes Trismegistus
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
To go deeper.
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else.
I am 41 y/o, mother of three (only one kid still at home). I have an amazing pagan boyfriend that resides with me. I love creating things with my hands. My sun sign is Capricorn, my moon sign is Aquarius. I like seeing things grow, especially the joy of planting seeds & watching them birth from darkness into seedlings then plants. I am a night person and enjoy the darkness of night, the tranquility, beauty & mystery.
1: How would you best describe your spiritual path?
Eclectic Wicca
2: How long have you been practicing?
Not long enough
3: Do you follow a particular deity or set of deities? If so, who?
Not yet
4: Some of the people on here have trade skills or abilities, like reading tarot cards, empathy, aura reading. Do you have anything like these you'd like to share with us?
Reading tarot cards, working on reading auras
5: What inspired you initially to discover your path?
I had always felt like I was just wandering through life, lost, pointless. Like I never belonged anywhere. Until I found Pagan, and everything is just flowing :-)
6: Does your family follow a similar path? If not, are they accepting of your choice?
No, and I still haven't come out of the broom closet to anyone but my husband
7: If you celebrate, what is your favorite holiday?
8: What is your favorite myth or legend?
Not quite sure yet, am still learning
9: Is there a funny or interesting story regarding your path you'd like to share?
Not really
10: Do you have a ritual you do everyday? (Even something simple, like thanking your spiritual guide/deity for the lesson you have learned that day.)
Thanking my Lady and Lord, drawing a daily tarot card
11: What are some things you want to learn about in regards to your faith/path?
I want to learn about the different Goddesses and Gods, and the legends that go along with them
12: Have you experienced negativity from others for the path you've chosen?
Nobody really knows but my husband, and he's super supportive
13: Does your path work well with your career? (Massage therapy, life coach, ect.)
Stay at home mom, helps me stay focused and not stress out too much
14: What are some of your hobbies outside of your practice?
spinning poi, reading, gardening, swimming, camping, bonfires, offroading
15: What is your favorite way to honor your deity?
Saying thanks every night, and helping those in need
16: Do you have a business based off your beliefs? Would you like to have one?
I would like to publicly read tarot cards for everyone :-)
17: Would you be willing to teach someone your path?
Not for awhile
18: What is a favorite quote that relates to your path?
"An harm none, do as ye will"
19: What are some goals you wish to accomplish in your path?
To be very knowledgeable, and to be confident enough to come out to the world about my beliefs
20: If you'd like to go into detail about your beliefs, about you, or about anything else not included in the first 19, throw it in here! :)
Blessings to everyone :-)
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