Can anyone give me any feed back on my recant egg cleansing? I see figures sitting around a table. I thought they might be symbolic of my angel and spirit guides but someone told me egg cleansing are about the residual energy's left behind from past experiences and people around you. Anybody read Limpia's and have any idea's or comments to share?
I'm afraid this is not a technique with which I am familiar. Perhaps one of our Hoodoo practitioners will jump in here and help you out. But I did find a couple of websites that might be of some use to you.
I too think it looks like a group of individuals gathered around the yolk. As to what it means, remember that much of our magical meanings in symbols and signs is what is generated by our own subconscious so if you perceive those figures as your guardian angels or spirit guides then that is what the figures least to you and in this case.
Usually, 'guardians' or having spirits around/attached to you, either good are bad are represented by small bubbles or 'pearls' floating in the water. Faces/figures of people are a sign that other's are working against you.
Egg cleansings are about removing negative energy such as the evil eye, ill wishers, curses, additions, spirit attachments, or malevolent magic sent towards you. This would be your condition.
Divining an egg after the cleansing is to determine what kind of bad stuff that has been removed, and quite possibly can give an idea about who/what has been working against you, in order know how to proceed with the next course of action. Such as reversal, protection, more cleansing work or if the reading is clear, nothing else needs to be done, and the cleansing was successful.
My first instincts, when I seen this.....I wouldn't exactly interpret the figures being your guardian angels. As the point of a egg cleansing (eggs absorb bad energy) is to remove the things that are not in your best interest. So to speak.
I also see the figures there too. But what's more interesting is the more distinctive/clearer figure on the right of this photo, that appears to be a woman, almost as she is reading something. Seems to sitting at the 'head' of the table (yolk) with the other figures are sitting across her. It almost looks as if the three figures are presenting a case to the woman reading.
So I have to ask, is there a group of people that are presently causing some turmoil in you life? Work? Legal issues? Relationship?
Stay Blessed
Egg cleansings are about removing negative energy such as the evil eye, ill wishers, curses, additions, spirit attachments, or malevolent magic sent towards you. This would be your condition.
* I meant 'addictions' (The time to edit post has passed. Apologies for the back to back post)
- Flammeous
Thank you for your reply Flammeous. I understand that what you are saying that the egg cleansing is a technique used to remove and pull from you any negative situations and a way to cleanse yourself so that the figures would not have to do with spirits or angels around me, and yes the woman to the right is clearly holding a book in her hands. I am not really certain about any group of people that were around me in the past that would be doing group work to do negative things to me because I am a pretty reclusive and solo type person and tend to keep to myself and work from my home. I do allot of burning sage and light candles and do prayers for my deceased loved one's and angels and really try to keep my energies and surrounding free from obstacles and bad energies. I would like to know if you could suggest or tell me in your opinion anything I might need or want to do currently to protect myself or clear away any ill intentions placed upon me from outside people, a bath or a a particular ritual? Im not sure if you were saying it has know been removed or if there is anything I might need to do ? Ashe
Flammeous {De Empress} said:
Usually, 'guardians' or having spirits around/attached to you, either good are bad are represented by small bubbles or 'pearls' floating in the water. Faces/figures of people are a sign that other's are working against you.
Egg cleansings are about removing negative energy such as the evil eye, ill wishers, curses, additions, spirit attachments, or malevolent magic sent towards you. This would be your condition.
Divining an egg after the cleansing is to determine what kind of bad stuff that has been removed, and quite possibly can give an idea about who/what has been working against you, in order know how to proceed with the next course of action. Such as reversal, protection, more cleansing work or if the reading is clear, nothing else needs to be done, and the cleansing was successful.
My first instincts, when I seen this.....I wouldn't exactly interpret the figures being your guardian angels. As the point of a egg cleansing (eggs absorb bad energy) is to remove the things that are not in your best interest. So to speak.
I also see the figures there too. But what's more interesting is the more distinctive/clearer figure on the right of this photo, that appears to be a woman, almost as she is reading something. Seems to sitting at the 'head' of the table (yolk) with the other figures are sitting across her. It almost looks as if the three figures are presenting a case to the woman reading.
So I have to ask, is there a group of people that are presently causing some turmoil in you life? Work? Legal issues? Relationship?
Stay Blessed
Thank you Lark. I appreciate your reply to my post and I am going to read the articles you took the time to post for me. I did research and read a little a bit before my post about reading your egg limpia but my results were so unusual and so clearly visual I didn't know what general meaning to put to it,but I was told its up to the individuals perception and feelings about the shapes and images in the glass following your egg cleansing. I have been told several times that egg readings have to do with cleansing and removing energies and obstacles,health issue's and any thing in your path that might be a detriment to you or standing in your way so I am pretty certain that these images were the things or situation removed from my path at the time I did my cleansing.
Lark said:
I'm afraid this is not a technique with which I am familiar. Perhaps one of our Hoodoo practitioners will jump in here and help you out. But I did find a couple of websites that might be of some use to you.
I too think it looks like a group of individuals gathered around the yolk. As to what it means, remember that much of our magical meanings in symbols and signs is what is generated by our own subconscious so if you perceive those figures as your guardian angels or spirit guides then that is what the figures least to you and in this case.
HeavenlyGoddess said:
Thank you for your reply Flammeous. I understand that what you are saying that the egg cleansing is a technique used to remove and pull from you any negative situations and a way to cleanse yourself so that the figures would not have to do with spirits or angels around me, and yes the woman to the right is clearly holding a book in her hands. I am not really certain about any group of people that were around me in the past that would be doing group work to do negative things to me because I am a pretty reclusive and solo type person and tend to keep to myself and work from my home. I do allot of burning sage and light candles and do prayers for my deceased loved one's and angels and really try to keep my energies and surrounding free from obstacles and bad energies. I would like to know if you could suggest or tell me in your opinion anything I might need or want to do currently to protect myself or clear away any ill intentions placed upon me from outside people, a bath or a a particular ritual? Im not sure if you were saying it has know been removed or if there is anything I might need to do ? Ashe
If it's not something currently, then it maybe a few people, or a woman; as she is the most distinctive figure of them all, from your past.
The ultimate advice I can give to determine who/what these figures represent in your egg cleansing, and what the proper course of action is, is to get a tarot reading. Any other suggestions that are offered here-after, is more 'in-general', without really knowing specifics.
Start off by asking yourself: 'Are the directions of my life; luck, love, health and prosperity all open and flowing?' A self-evaluation, could possibly lead to pin pointing blocks (things aren't moving; stuck, in a rut), jinxes or being crossed (same unfavorable conditions keeps reoccurring; like bad luck) in a particular area of your life. Depending on your own personal observations and intuition, you might want to do some jinx/uncrossing work, which can be just a general jinx removal/uncrossing or it can be tailored to a specific area, such as love or money. If you feel an area is blocked and not moving. Then a ritual/work to open the roads, to get things moving, such as; Road Opening would be suitable. Despite if you notice anything unusual or not, IMO it wouldn't hurt.
But, overall, I think you seem to have a handle on things, and you appear to know a lot of the answers to your questions already. Yes, protection. This should always go hand in hand after a cleansing anyway.
Now, I was taught, when burning sage, is to burn sweetgrass with the sage, or afterwards. Sage removes unwanted energy. Sweetgrass attracts positive spirits/energy. Any time that we remove a condition, we need to fill that void with something that we want to attract (likes attracts likes; law of attraction,etc.), if not, then it's a toss up to what you get. Although, it doesn't have to be just sweetgrass. Any of the following will do, depending on what you want to attract. Lavender - Peaceful Home. Frankincense - Higher Spiritual Vibrations. Dragons Blood - Protection. Bayberry - Money. I would recommend Fiery Wall of Protection Incense - which consist of salt, dragon’s blood, frankincense and myrrh powdered, mixed and burned, and can even be sprinkled around your home when added to some talc or cornstarch, if it's protection you are seeking. This also comes in a condition oil, and it's good to use after a cleansing, or uncrossing. Same rules apply; when you remove something, replace it with what you want.
Other suggestions:
Burning a novena candle to Saint Micheal, is good for protection against all evil. The Fiery Wall of Protection Incense is a good accompaniment to his candle. As well as the oil to anoint the candle. Donate any offerings to St. Micheal to charity or church in his name.
Use blessed sea salt around your home as a protection barrier. If it's an apartment the threshold and windows will suffice.
Cleanse and anoint small mirrors with protection or reversal oil/powder. Place/charge them infront/under St. Micheal candle with your petition; allow it to burn completely. All the while praying for his protection. Hang the mirrors around your home. Windows are ideal. This reflects anything negative sent your way.
Wear protective jewelry or an amulet. Making sure these are frequently cleansed.
For more clarity. Egg cleansing are a good tool for spiritual maintenance in keeping unwanted stuff off you. However, it shouldn't be viewed as the end all, be all to an issue. Some conditions are deeply rooted, and may take a few more cleansing to remove. Other times, haters are just going to hate, and want to keep throwing bad energy your way, even after you removed it. It really depends, case by case (again a tarot reading, would be more in-depth). View egg cleansing as a part of your spiritual housecleaning tool bag. Just like a mop or broom is a tool used to physically clean your home. Of course sweeping your home doesn't mean the dust is gone forever. The same applies. As spiritual/magical people tend to draw more attention, from the physical and spirit world. Keeping oneself free from negative/unwanted energy with cleansing and protection, should be as just routine as housekeeping.
Stay Blessed
- Flammeous
This lifts my spirits and makes me feel comforted. I had interpreted it like that as well when I first looked at it and felt that in my heart and mind. I had been doing allot of praying and talking to my spirit guides and loved one's that have passed and might be around me to help and guide me in the weeks prior and during the cleansing was praying to them. Its nice to know that you also see it as symbolic of the spirits and guardian angels that assemble around me to protect and guide me. I felt really happy and uplifted after reading your reply. In regards to what this looked like a week after I broke the egg into the glass, I only left the egg to sit and settle in the glass about a hour before I then removed it from my house and dumped it out under a tree along the sidewalk.
Tataoriate said:
As you can see thats your spiritual frame ... There is a fulido espritual where your egguns are rounding up protecting you and picking up negativity from your path thru this cup am more then sure by seeing this you are meant to work the spiritual realm its a good thing how did this cup look a week after ? Cause i can see them there as clear as day..
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