Well, with your addition of the K, you are using Aleister Crowleys definition which is "The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with will."
In that case I believe Love is not magick, but the product of it. Love, being so powerful and emotional can ruin magick by getting in the way of the Science and Art of it. Where does Love end? Even Hate is like love. Love can bring madness, insanity, rage and more. One must "Love under will" to ensure the purity that is Magick.
So no, I do not think love is magick.
Well, "there is love and there is love. There is the serpent and the dove, choose ye well." (I'll take both.)
Philio, eros or agape?
All three forms of love can be magic. However, love can be an illusion and since the work of the Magician is to dispell illusion (as opposed to creating it, as with stage magicians), introspection would serve one well in determing whether it's a help or a hindrance, if it is illusion or Truth.
Therefore, it can be magic. Or, it can be anti-magic, depending upon the nature of attachment. Other than agape, love is as often a disguise of lust (which is self-serving), in which case it can be everything but magic.
~When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God."
And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.~ Kahlil Gabran
I do believe that love is a thing unto itself and can create the most intense untamed kind of magic... and as Frater said Love can produce so many emotions and can quickly consume one... My personal feeling is that love between two or more people can create a magical energy that is unmatched. Love is a deep feeling or emotion and when we work magic are we not driven by our feelings and emotions in doing so...With that I must say that I do believe love can be magical.
Y'all know I look at things a wee bit funny.
It's that tickle that make you giggle, its that longing that hurts all the way to your very Core. Its the thing that would make a die hard beach bum such as me'self live way up here in snowy(now that magic) yankee land with my dear Witchy Wifey.
You can pile a bunch of fancy words in long pretty row you twist you noodle till it hurt coming up with ways up on high to try an explain it.(love)
Hair curlers. snoring ,in laws ,cloths on the floor always late for the door, ice tea an cold home made pie .the quite of the night that look that smile the sweat an toil
Its Love the grand muse of life.
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