I was thinking maybe images from magazines of nature,owls,full moons but I dont want it to seem to cheesy.Still keep a organic touch to the entire book......
Any Advice???????????????
It's your book and so design it to suit yourself. Advice? Review and edit your book removing the stuff that doesn't work for you. Make only small changes to the stuff that does work and reverse those changes if it doesn't work better than before. Don't have multiple rituals and spells for the same thing. Have one master ritual and spell for wealth, one for love, etc.. Clearly state in your book exactly what kind of wealth and love you want. Revise this as you change through your life. Record your paranormal stories. The more you record, the more paranormal things you'll experience. Consider sharing your book with others. You're not only a student but a teacher as well.
When I made my first Book of Shadows I decorated the pages with clip art I found on the internet so I see no reason why one couldn't go ahead and do the same thing using pictures from magazines and other sources that appeal to you. Now I am doing a new BOS on parchment and I'm decorating the pages with illuminations taken from Medieval texts.
As Ren pointed out, your BOS is a highly personal creation and it should speak to you in whatever way you find appeals to you. So if you think that pictures will make the book more personal and spiritual for your work then by all means go for it.
I work my BOS in an arch leaver folder with the pages in those punched pockets.
That allows me to keep altering it to what suits me best.
It's a mix of clip art, digital photographs, stickers, feathers, seashells, seeds and so on, whatever I find to help create the memories really.
All depends on how artistic and creative you are I guess...
I'm sure you'll soon get it together.. xx
You can do/use whatever you want. I've seen some books that people have typed and then printed, and others that were handwritten. They all were special though.
I personally handwrite my own, and then use stamps, stickers, and sketches to decorate it. I do cut out magazine images and such to put in my mundane journal though :)
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