I do believe that the blood moon is coming on October 4th for my area this year. How would one observe this majestic and powerful moon. My extremist brother suggested that I go out and hunt and kill something "evil" as he would in his tradition. To me that is silly. Just because the blood moon is a hunters moon does not mean that I have to go out and become a hunter to “celebrate”. Also, what evil thing would I kill? the most menacing creature in my neck of the woods is that pesky skunk that seems to only come around when I've bought new candles. :/ So could someone shed some light on to what exactly I could to to recognize the blood Moon. something that is more unique then my simple week to week rituals please. That just seems so ordinary.
You misunderstand my post.. I also have killed animals for meat and I also have killed animals in personal defense of myself.. these are good reasons yes... so I do agree with you .. I personally don't kill for scarifice either or just because I get the urge to kill something...
We share the planet with animals and they do hunt humans and no there should and will be repercussions.. so instead of wondering you now know my views on the subject... Beorc Kano said:
My first guess would be that because many, if not most, ancient cultures that we attempt to emulate practiced animal sacrifice at one point or another. Saying that there is no good reason for these animals to die is much the same as saying that there was no good reason for the spiritualities that practiced that sort of thing.
Personally, I have killed animals before, for meat. Vegetarians would say that is no good reason. I have killed animals before for entering my home and eating my food. Naturalists would say they were just trying to survive, and that was no good reason. I have killed animals for attacking me or mine before, and many animal lovers say that they were feeling threatened, and it was no good reason.
Sometimes, there IS a reason, whether you personally agree with it or not. To kill something to be disrespectful to it, yes, that is, by definition, disrespectful. To kill something with a purpose, that is not a disrespect. Many times, it was considered a place of honor to be on the sacrificial altar.
I personally don't kill for sacrifice, but, that is a counterpoint to the whole "killing is disrespectful, animals have the same rights as we do" argument. Which makes me wonder real quick... if animals have the same rights as we do, then do animals have the right to hunt and kill humans for food without repercussion?
Just wondering.
Aletria said:
I see by your profile you are a learned man and have many accomplishments under your belt at such an age where many are just getting started in life...kudos to you..
so tell me why do you find my answer interesting? My view on this subject is shared by many, in particular Native Americans who pray to or for the spirit of a brother animal before its life is taken... )
It is I that thanks you Beorc .. I should have made my post clear.. someimtes I think faster than I write.
Beorc Kano said:
Perfectly well stated. Thank you. :)
Aletria said:You misunderstand my post.. I also have killed animals for meat and I also have killed animals in personal defense of myself.. these are good reasons yes... so I do agree with you .. I personally don't kill for scarifice either or just because I get the urge to kill something...
We share the planet with animals and they do hunt humans and no there should and will be repercussions.. so instead of wondering you now know my views on the subject... Beorc Kano said:
My first guess would be that because many, if not most, ancient cultures that we attempt to emulate practiced animal sacrifice at one point or another. Saying that there is no good reason for these animals to die is much the same as saying that there was no good reason for the spiritualities that practiced that sort of thing.
Personally, I have killed animals before, for meat. Vegetarians would say that is no good reason. I have killed animals before for entering my home and eating my food. Naturalists would say they were just trying to survive, and that was no good reason. I have killed animals for attacking me or mine before, and many animal lovers say that they were feeling threatened, and it was no good reason.
Sometimes, there IS a reason, whether you personally agree with it or not. To kill something to be disrespectful to it, yes, that is, by definition, disrespectful. To kill something with a purpose, that is not a disrespect. Many times, it was considered a place of honor to be on the sacrificial altar.
I personally don't kill for sacrifice, but, that is a counterpoint to the whole "killing is disrespectful, animals have the same rights as we do" argument. Which makes me wonder real quick... if animals have the same rights as we do, then do animals have the right to hunt and kill humans for food without repercussion?
Just wondering.
Aletria said:
I see by your profile you are a learned man and have many accomplishments under your belt at such an age where many are just getting started in life...kudos to you..
so tell me why do you find my answer interesting? My view on this subject is shared by many, in particular Native Americans who pray to or for the spirit of a brother animal before its life is taken... )
I think if you are going to honor the idea that this moon is special in some way and that you can see that it being a hunter's is significant, then why not think about a hunt of some idea, like say hunting your fear of doubt or a fear that has been bothering you? Take the idea of the hunt and use symbolism to act it out. Perhaps if you are worked about finding a job, you could use this moon to perform a small ritual to finding a job, use herbs or other symbols and construct a hunt for them and thank your respective deities or beings. Just an idea I had.
There is actually more to this full moon that what is posted.. killing an animal for the sake of killing is disrespectful.. the blood moon actually ties in with the harvest.. it is at this time of year that not only poeple of the past but people of today slaughter their farm animals (blood letting) to put up their supply of meat for the winter...and this applies to hunting of animals for the same purpose as well.. canning fruits and vegetables are not the only foods that are being harvested... perhaps this moon is singled out because it is and was so vital to people for their survival... Just a suggestion for ritual however .. why not dedicate this esbat to the Sacred Stag who sheds his blood that others may live.. we are also very close to Mabon as well dedicated to Baccus and the second of the harvest festivals.. so perhaps a sybolic or literal glass of red wine in your chalice will help remind you of why we celebrate the Blood Moon... Blessings IHS Aletria
Slaughtering farm animals for food for the Winter is one of the few forms of animal sacrifice that I respect.
Abby, have you thought about, or have you the bravery to witness the slaughter of a chicken on a farm?
Aletria said:at this time of year that not only poeple of the past but people of today slaughter their farm animals (blood letting) to put up their supply of meat for the winter
I dunno what tradition your brother is in, but in Theodish Heathenry(Where the Blood Moon comes from) the closest thing to a sacrifice of a living animal is probably a pig roast some people in America do. Usually, we just do a libation of some type of drink, mead or apple juice. I also have a pouch of mulch(tea, leaves, seeds to plant, etc...) and I will go and leave it somewhere in the forest as a "sacrifice".