Basic Ogham Divination: Celtic Tree Divination - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World 2012-10-27T04:17:37Z This is Mike from the Haunted…,2011-07-23:6330711:Comment:117686 2011-07-23T16:56:03.788Z Michael Dolan <p>This is Mike from the Haunted Wood- Thanks for the link! (although the page got moved during the site redesign- the new page is here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)  Spirit of Old is a great site as well- I love some of their carvings.</p> <p>I've used your Coelbreni method quite a few times with runes.  I find that you can discern a lot of information from which ones fall near or facing one another, crossing others,…</p> <p>This is Mike from the Haunted Wood- Thanks for the link! (although the page got moved during the site redesign- the new page is here: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>)  Spirit of Old is a great site as well- I love some of their carvings.</p> <p>I've used your Coelbreni method quite a few times with runes.  I find that you can discern a lot of information from which ones fall near or facing one another, crossing others, etc.</p> Great post Strata! I think th…,2010-11-27:6330711:Comment:13920 2010-11-27T17:38:23.920Z Jen {Teh Pixie} Great post Strata! I think this tool is something I may pick up, I mean I got enough oak sticks laying around, but I can also make cards, which is a bit more convenient as you said lol! Other than that, wonderful tool and amazing post! Great post Strata! I think this tool is something I may pick up, I mean I got enough oak sticks laying around, but I can also make cards, which is a bit more convenient as you said lol! Other than that, wonderful tool and amazing post!