This individual, if you please.
Christopher Blackwell from Denming, NM.
He's making several claims of worth, and seems to be throwing his weight around as if he had some. If possible, I'd like to have him verified. He's claiming 26 years of Alexandrian initiation, but no HP status. Says he ran out of Alexandrian teachers, but has been practicing since '85.
That's all the info I have. Any help would be hot. :)
I'm not Lexie so I'll defer to Morgen and OakThorne, but personally his claims ring false to me. I rather suspect that this is another person who read the Farrar's books and believed he could use those to claim he was Alexandrian. The fact that he refused to be vetted speaks volumes to me.
I'm not personally familiar with him. Is he speaking AS an Alexandian (il.e. on/regarding the Tradition) or is he speaking as an individual who also happens to claim being an Alexandian?
Lady Morgen/Cant Fix Stupid! said:
Hes one of them that has slipped through the net, and holes. i have never been able to get a solid Yes or no on him, let alone get him to respond to an email after my Initiatl contact with him a while back. Personally, let him stay on WT, they need all the help they can get. Oak may have better luck than me on this one...
Just my 25cents worth...
He is using his Alexandrian experience as a form of a club to try and drive home his points. He published, in his newsletter, an expository essay article supposedly written by a thirteen year old boy on Wicca. I noted that said article didn't lend a whole lot of credence to his newsletter, as a 13 yer old would not be able to be initiated into any Wiccan order, Lexie or otherwise, and he seriously flipped his sh*t. So I'm looking to see how many of his claims are true, and how many are lies. He claims 26 years of initiated Alexandrian experience, though he doesn't claim any HP status.
Just verifying what he refuses to verify. I'm not too proud to do so, and if you know me, then you know, once I smell blood, I don't let go of the hunt. ;)
Not to forget the odd "run out of teachers" claim in regards to his Lexie-ness (that's not a word! :P ).. I don't think he actually said he has been *initiated*. He simply mentioned that he is an Alexandrian (so one would assume he is initiated) but not taken HP status. I might be wrong but that's what I understood.
Beorc Kano said:
He is using his Alexandrian experience as a form of a club to try and drive home his points. He published, in his newsletter, an expository essay article supposedly written by a thirteen year old boy on Wicca. I noted that said article didn't lend a whole lot of credence to his newsletter, as a 13 yer old would not be able to be initiated into any Wiccan order, Lexie or otherwise, and he seriously flipped his sh*t. So I'm looking to see how many of his claims are true, and how many are lies. He claims 26 years of initiated Alexandrian experience, though he doesn't claim any HP status.
Just verifying what he refuses to verify. I'm not too proud to do so, and if you know me, then you know, once I smell blood, I don't let go of the hunt.
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