RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World2016-05-14T13:17:13ZRalakk Majere*mlXcQ2lPSvt7ADGd26YHfxsUZ6pk4BNenuD4DCKESeWk_/600pxPentagram_Levi.jpg?width=48&height=48&crop=1%3A1 to Pagan Crossroads!,2015-10-13:6330711:Topic:2508302015-10-13T20:45:07.952ZRalakk Majere
<p>Greetings Folks </p>
<p>After several false starts and all sorts of technical gremlins we are pleased to finally be able to say Real Pagan is moving to our new home at Pagan Crossroads located at <a href=""></a> where we have a wonderful platform and scope to provide better and greater facilities. So if you feel like joining us or wish to recover any materials from the site now is your moment. Real Pagan will remain open until the end of…</p>
<p>Greetings Folks </p>
<p>After several false starts and all sorts of technical gremlins we are pleased to finally be able to say Real Pagan is moving to our new home at Pagan Crossroads located at <a href=""></a> where we have a wonderful platform and scope to provide better and greater facilities. So if you feel like joining us or wish to recover any materials from the site now is your moment. Real Pagan will remain open until the end of November but from then on we will all be at <a href=""></a> so please come on over and join us! </p>
<p>The Cabal </p> The great who may use the word Wicca,2015-09-27:6330711:Topic:2508722015-09-27T22:45:41.086ZRalakk Majere
<p>This is a interview of one author who has been researching and bringing together much of what has be write about the history.</p>
<p>What fascinated me is what he learned about the use of the word Wicca, as it does not seem to follow what most BTW people tend to believe.</p>
<p>Wicca: History, Belief, and Community<br></br>September 1, 2015 by Yvonne Aburrow 1 Comment<br></br><br></br>Ethan Doyle White has recently published an important new book: Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern…</p>
<p>This is a interview of one author who has been researching and bringing together much of what has be write about the history.</p>
<p>What fascinated me is what he learned about the use of the word Wicca, as it does not seem to follow what most BTW people tend to believe.</p>
<p>Wicca: History, Belief, and Community<br/>September 1, 2015 by Yvonne Aburrow 1 Comment<br/><br/>Ethan Doyle White has recently published an important new book: Wicca: History, Belief, and Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft, available on and, and due for release on 1 November 2015. So I approached him for an interview. <br/><br/>———————Snip———————————<br/><br/><br/>Simply put, a methodical examination of the early texts of the movement showed that that wasn’t the case. Gardner never used the term “Wicca”. What he did use was the term “the Wica”, which contains only one c, not two. However, “the Wica” was not a name for this religion, or even his tradition specifically. Instead it referred to the community of Pagan Witches – a community that he of course believed (or at least, publicly appeared to believe) – represented isolated survivals of a pre-Christian Murrayite witch-cult with its origins in prehistory. Thus, in Gardner’s understanding of the term, “the Wica” comprised not only his own Gardnerians, but also members of the traditions propagated by other Witches like Charles Cardell and Victor Anderson, both of whom he was in contact with.<br/><br/>The historical data shows that the term “Wicca” – as a name for the religion itself – appears in Britain in the early 1960s, where it is use among the early Alexandrians. They don’t use it in an exclusive manner to refer solely to the Gardnerians and Alexandrians, but rather in a far wider, inclusive manner, to refer to all Pagan Witchcraft groups claiming to be the survivals of Murray’s witch-cult. If you read Stewart Farrar’s What Witches Do, an early Alexandrian work, you’ll see him talking of Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Traditional, and Hereditary “Wiccans”, not “Witches”.<br/><br/><a href=""></a></p> Just to,2015-09-17:6330711:Topic:2506192015-09-17T18:23:11.027ZRalakk Majere
<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>For the most part I am pretty busy so catching everyone in chat is rather difficult for me. So I was hoping maybe it was okay to start a Discussion on the forum to talk to people in. I really want to participate I'm just pulled away by the kids, pets, or my partner every 10 minutes. Farm life :)</p>
<p>Sutra you mentioned a homeschooling guide or something or nother on the up coming site? :D I am very intrigued, and interested! It might be about a year or two…</p>
<p>Hi everyone!</p>
<p>For the most part I am pretty busy so catching everyone in chat is rather difficult for me. So I was hoping maybe it was okay to start a Discussion on the forum to talk to people in. I really want to participate I'm just pulled away by the kids, pets, or my partner every 10 minutes. Farm life :)</p>
<p>Sutra you mentioned a homeschooling guide or something or nother on the up coming site? :D I am very intrigued, and interested! It might be about a year or two before I start with my kids, but I could warm up over summers with them! </p>
<p>To everyone I haven't met, I just wanted to say hello and I can't wait to meet everyone! </p>
<p>Wonderful day, Blessed be!</p>
<p></p> Real Pagan 2.0 is nearly here!,2015-08-25:6330711:Topic:2502412015-08-25T04:18:50.700ZRalakk Majere
<p>Well folks it has taken much longer than we expected, but we think it has been worth it... I am pleased at last to announce the new site will be coming online in approximately 14 days. This is only a preliminary announcement, more details will be forthcoming very soon.</p>
<p>The new site is called Pagan Crossroads and has been custom designed to suit our needs and will expand to add new facilities and features as we desire them.</p>
<p>There is also a far more powerful and we hope reliable…</p>
<p>Well folks it has taken much longer than we expected, but we think it has been worth it... I am pleased at last to announce the new site will be coming online in approximately 14 days. This is only a preliminary announcement, more details will be forthcoming very soon.</p>
<p>The new site is called Pagan Crossroads and has been custom designed to suit our needs and will expand to add new facilities and features as we desire them.</p>
<p>There is also a far more powerful and we hope reliable chat engine, which means that it will be possible to stage a variety of different chat events.</p>
<p>As a result of all this it means that Real Pagan on Ning (the present site) will close at the end of October. So folks will need to recover any materials they wish to keep from Real Pagan before that date. Obviously members of the Cabal will be around to help answer any questions.</p>
<p>More soon...</p>
<p>The Cabal</p> Grey School of,2015-08-15:6330711:Topic:2498972015-08-15T23:52:51.786ZRalakk Majere
<p>What do you think of that school on <a href=""></a></p>
<p>personally i like it, just love the Harry potter hogwart school concept with the 4 houses ;-)</p>
<p>im currently studding the wizard of History, i have read about imothep of Egypt, i like that school very much. so much thing to learn !</p>
<p>message from the headmaster Oberon Zell Ravenheart on YouTube :…</p>
<p>What do you think of that school on <a href=""></a></p>
<p>personally i like it, just love the Harry potter hogwart school concept with the 4 houses ;-)</p>
<p>im currently studding the wizard of History, i have read about imothep of Egypt, i like that school very much. so much thing to learn !</p>
<p>message from the headmaster Oberon Zell Ravenheart on YouTube :</p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p><a href="*LogJpZI022ojLa-euXtzK9Pz0vF4l-4qrppxl-c8cIk8hcHD3eiolZTO2kVHmrimcMO/6392481719_be1ec90875_b.jpg" target="_self"><img width="685" class="align-full" src="*LogJpZI022ojLa-euXtzK9Pz0vF4l-4qrppxl-c8cIk8hcHD3eiolZTO2kVHmrimcMO/6392481719_be1ec90875_b.jpg"/></a></p> Elemental,2015-07-23:6330711:Topic:2491072015-07-23T16:11:34.312ZRalakk Majere
<p><a href="" target="_self"><img class="align-center" src="" width="750"></img></a> Hi Folks please forgive the brazen plug for my latest album... Music for Rituals / Meditations...</p>
<p>For more information go to:…</p>
<p><a target="_self" href=""><img class="align-center" src="" width="750"/></a>Hi Folks please forgive the brazen plug for my latest album... Music for Rituals / Meditations...</p>
<p>For more information go to: <a href=""></a></p>
<p></p> MJ's Soapbox-Look before you,2015-07-21:6330711:Topic:2491942015-07-21T14:12:36.695ZRalakk Majere
<p>Blessings,<br></br> It has been awhile since I last sat down to write....I happened to have come across something that I thought I would share... A year or two ago, a young individual,(I say young as they were about 25 years younger than I), happened to join a Wiccan Site. During their first time within the chat, they mentioned they were a fourth generation Traditional Wiccan. What happened quickly after making that statement, was a little difficult for me to stomach, and I quickly private…</p>
<p>Blessings,<br/> It has been awhile since I last sat down to write....I happened to have come across something that I thought I would share... A year or two ago, a young individual,(I say young as they were about 25 years younger than I), happened to join a Wiccan Site. During their first time within the chat, they mentioned they were a fourth generation Traditional Wiccan. What happened quickly after making that statement, was a little difficult for me to stomach, and I quickly private messaged them, asking if we might talk for a bit. During that private conversation, I quickly learned that he had been taught he was part of the forth generation, his family had once been coven based within the Alexandrian Tradition. Over years, the teaching of the generations, had lead them all to believe they were to identify themselves as Alexandrian. No, he had not gone through Initiation, nor to his knowledge, had his parents or grandparents even belonged to a coven. So thus, is where the root of the problem began. Immediately upon stating his path was Traditional Wicca, he was asked if he minded being vetted(the processes for tracing one's lineage within the craft). He, based upon the teachings of his family, had quickly become defensive of those he loved and trusted, when their teachings were questioned and called into doubt.</p>
<p>I would love to state things like this do not happen on RP, in my heart, that is what I would love to believe, but I also know there are those that do not always stop and consider, from whence a new member has joined us. There is a saying, that goes something like,” You need to be cruel to be kind”, I am just offering a gentle reminder to all, that there is no reason to ever take anything to the extreme. All come here for fellowship, friendship, knowledge, and insight. Whether they are new to the craft, or have traveled along their path for decades, their beliefs are as valuable to them, as yours are to you. Take time to get to know members. If you have uncertainties about things that they lay claim to, respect them as individuals and ask to Privately Message them to discuss your questions. Remember, you too were once new to the site, and what you brought with you...</p>
<p>Ok, jumping off the soapbox.... HUGS to ALL!!!! <br/> Blessed Be,<br/> MJ )O(</p> Congratulations! Ms.Witch (Sara) It's A Boy!,2015-07-20:6330711:Topic:2492502015-07-20T17:02:58.004ZRalakk Majere
<p style="text-align: center;">Good Day All</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">What a glorious day it is for sure! </p>
<p style="text-align: center;">On July 19th, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Ms. Witch and hubby's bundle of joy has finally arrived!</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Family is doing well. Mother and baby are resting. More details will follow as they come in.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">So let's all Congratulate and send Our Blessings to Ms. Witch and Family!…</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Good Day All</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">What a glorious day it is for sure! </p>
<p style="text-align: center;">On July 19th, 2015 at 11:13 PM, Ms. Witch and hubby's bundle of joy has finally arrived!</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Family is doing well. Mother and baby are resting. More details will follow as they come in.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">So let's all Congratulate and send Our Blessings to Ms. Witch and Family!</p>
<p><a href="*3o5WjHk*aDIEGCvEFbn/MsWitch.jpg" target="_self"><img src="*3o5WjHk*aDIEGCvEFbn/MsWitch.jpg?width=550" width="550" class="align-center"/></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Ms. Witch will be out for some time as her and baby get themselves situated.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;">In the meantime, feel free check out some of her groups.</p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""></a><br/><a href=""></a></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size: 16pt;">Blessed Be!</span></p>
<p style="text-align: center;">Flammeous</p>
<p></p> Why can't I stay grounded?,2015-07-18:6330711:Topic:2488332015-07-18T03:34:02.784ZRalakk Majere
Normally staying grounded is never my problem, what my problem is usually is making the shift to my higher self/spirit. Last night I was taking a hot shower and trying to sit back and relax, I mean who doesn't do that? I started to feel comfortable and then I didn't.. I was staring down at my hands, still physically moving, but I was looking down at myself. I'm sure plenty of you know what I'm talking about so I won't go into great detail. Usually I come back down fast, but this time I didn't,…
Normally staying grounded is never my problem, what my problem is usually is making the shift to my higher self/spirit. Last night I was taking a hot shower and trying to sit back and relax, I mean who doesn't do that? I started to feel comfortable and then I didn't.. I was staring down at my hands, still physically moving, but I was looking down at myself. I'm sure plenty of you know what I'm talking about so I won't go into great detail. Usually I come back down fast, but this time I didn't, I floated for a good thirty minutes before I was able to ground myself again. I was actually kind of scared, that's never happened before.<br />
<br />
Throughout today I have floated off here and there and again tonight in my shower I floated again. This never happens to me and I'm searching for an answer to what it might mean. Along with this floating I feel very at peace and relaxed like nothing can hurt me, which leads me to a theory that it is possibly my patron soothing me. I did do a cleansing and prayer the a few nights ago (3 or 4) asking for relief of some stuff I've been going through.<br />
<br />
Is that what it could be? I have reached out for my patron but could not find my answers. Is it something else? Am I possibly channeling too much energy?<br />
<br />
Please, lend me your thoughts.<br />
<br />
Love and blessings as always<br />
-Charity Online Pagan Courses - Good, Bad, or indifferent? - Wednesday Night's Themed Chat!,2015-07-13:6330711:Topic:2489002015-07-13T19:30:03.645ZRalakk Majere
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">This weeks Wednesday Night Chat is on the subject of Online Courses and Learning</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">What experiences have you had, are you considering taking that approach, any and all stories. questions, answers and opinions welcome!…</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">This weeks Wednesday Night Chat is on the subject of Online Courses and Learning</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">What experiences have you had, are you considering taking that approach, any and all stories. questions, answers and opinions welcome!</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">As usual it is in main chat from 9pm EST on Wednesday 15th July 2015</p>
<p style="margin-top: 0cm; margin-right: 0cm; margin-bottom: 9.0pt; margin-left: 0cm;">We hope to see you there!</p>