April 29, 2011 to May 1, 2011 – N.E Texas, Texarkana area, Lake Wright PatmanThe Ark-La-Tex Pagan communities are pleased to announce Beltane 2011. April 29th - May 1st. Our theme this year is:
"Reclaiming Our Roots"
Please vist the link to our New web site for more informat…Organized by Antares Scorpious and Arl-La-Tex Pagan Communities | Type: beltane, festival
May 3, 2012 at 10am to May 6, 2012 at 5pm – Lake Wright Patman - Oak Park PavillionMerry Meet! Please join us for one of the largest festivals in the south! vendors,entertainers,music,food,contests and much more. $5.00 per day - $15.00 weekend (includes camping) must RSVP to attend…Organized by Ark-La-Tex Pagan Communities | Type: major, festival
May 2, 2013 at 1pm to May 5, 2013 at 1pm – Sportsmans Cove Lake Wright Patman, Texarkana Texashttp://ark-la-tex-pagan-communities.webs.com/Beltane 2013 plans are under way now! Rain or Sine! ------------------------------UPDATE:------------------------------- Along with the many Workshops,…Organized by C.O.D.L. AND The Arl-La-Tex Pagan Communities | Type: major, beltane, festival