Comments - Stones for my grieving process - RealPagan- Paganism for the Real World 2016-02-04T01:23:46Z I am so sorry to learn of you…,2012-02-29:6330711:Comment:165953 2012-02-29T09:34:40.155Z MoonCrone <p>I am so sorry to learn of your loss.  May Salem rest in peace.  I hope your healing is swift.  I find Apache Tears, and snowflake obsidian help me cope with loss and mend from grief. xx</p> <p>I am so sorry to learn of your loss.  May Salem rest in peace.  I hope your healing is swift.  I find Apache Tears, and snowflake obsidian help me cope with loss and mend from grief. xx</p> thank you, I believe the ston…,2012-02-27:6330711:Comment:165748 2012-02-27T13:12:49.024Z OWLTHENA <p>thank you, I believe the stones are really helping me.</p> <p>thank you, I believe the stones are really helping me.</p> I think its great that you ar…,2012-02-27:6330711:Comment:165746 2012-02-27T04:18:52.018Z Ms. Witch(Sara) <p>I think its great that you are using stones to help you grieve. I am very sorry about you dog. Salem I will light a purple candle for him.</p> <p>I think its great that you are using stones to help you grieve. I am very sorry about you dog. Salem I will light a purple candle for him.</p>